Official NHL Regular Season Thread... Capitals win President's trophy

Originally Posted by smoke ya later

this blackhawks game is wild
I was watching it on Versus last night like
. When theFlames scored those 3 goals in the first period in the time that they did I assumed it was going to get real ugly. I was shocked when the Blackhawks came backto pull off the win.
anyone been watching the rangers game? real good if you're a ranger fan we've been holding the puck for huge periods of time. In general it's beena pretty good gamme. lundquist has been getting run into for 2 days in a row. Looked real hurt on that last one
Originally Posted by AddictedToFreshKicks

Marian Gaborik with a snipe for goal #6 on the season...
glad i took the gamble and drafted far at least *knocks on wood*
@ the Hawks coming back the other night against the Flames.......even though I'm a Flames fan I thoroughly enjoyed that game. guys have a good young squad over there. I always use to say the Rangers are like the Knicks, big names but could never gel as a team. Well,now you guys are finally playing as a team and with the young guys playing well it's looking good.

Stalberg making me look real stupid.......I'll retract my statement of him having a legit shot at Calder. Tavares and Delz are looking real good, VERYsurprised that JT is doing as well as he is to be honest. I'm still pulling for Matty Duchene to start to rack up more points.

Leafs.........I'm not even gonna say anything

Getz/Perry/Ryan........disgusting line.

Sabres & Stars the last 2 teams to not have a loss in regulation, def didn't expect that

Blackhawks with the win

The Rangers are for real, I caught some of the Kings - Rangers game last night.
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