Official NHL Regular Season Thread... Capitals win President's trophy

City hopes to draw NHL, Games

QUEBEC CITY -- Quebec City has announced its intention to build a new arena in the hopes of bringing back an NHL team and one day hosting the Winter Olympics.

Mayor Regis Labeaume said on Friday that he's hired engineering firm SNC Lavalin to conduct a feasibility study. He hopes to see the arena built from 2010 to 2012.

Labeaume expects the arena to cost $400 million, with the city contributing $50 million to the project. He wants the federal and provincial governments to each pony up $175 million under infrastructure programs.

Quebec lost the Nordiques in 1995, when they left to become the Colorado Avalanche. The aging Colisee arena has been cited as the main reason for the city's inability to attract another NHL team.

I remember these jerseys, please keep 'em old school Quebec!

All I've been using is my black X60......used my S19 grip for 2 games and now it's my back up

Bauer Vapor sticks > Bauer Supreme sticks.......
i have a bauer that i just cant work with. not sure why. i been using one of those reebox sticks with the snake grip...i put a sherwood blade with the illegalas hell coffee curve on there
Originally Posted by Numberr97

i been wanting a nhl 10 league. please lets make 1 and add one another. my gt is numberr97
for 360? i'd join, whoever starts one try making a post in general you'd be surprised how many people that dont watch hockey play NHL 10.

Every Devil that was on ice for that shorthanded goal needs to get kicked in the nuts.
If you're a caps fan and threw your hat on the ice during the shoot out when ovechkin scored (he had 2 goals in regulation)...go kill yourself. thatdidn't count towards his third goal you +!@!*%@
Craig Anderson and the Avs
this team was supposed to be one of the bottomfeeders in the west and their in 1st.

after looking at their schedule i dont see them winning thismonth, well maybe against Montreal but i can see them beating Tampa on Nov 3
Lemaire showed some testicular fortiture breaking up Parise-Zajac-Langenbrunner but Im not going to lie, the line of Halischuk-Zajac-Bergfors looked likeexactly what the Devils needed. A second line with fast skilled players rather than relying on one line until Elias comes back. I liked that line a whole lotlast night. I also wish the Devils could play 82 games on the road.
Originally Posted by AddictedToFreshKicks

I'm actually starting to feel bad for Leafs fans... smh
Dont feel bad for them, they deserve it. There's absolutely no reason the fans should be selling out every single Leafs game during theircurrent state. This team has been atrocious 4 seasons prior to this one yet the fans still sellout the ACC and ticket prices increase annually. The Leafs arethe richest franchise in the NHL for a reason...their fans eat up whatever the organization feeds them. I remember prior to the lockout the Leafs made someretarded acquisitions on deadline day and it was front page news, talking about these moves would push the Leafs over the top. They got Phil Housley, LukeRichardson and Doug Gilmour

You can still be loyal to a team and not support them. If the fans made a stand and stopped buying merchandise, tickets and making Leaf games the top ratedprogram on prime time television then the team would be FORCED to build a contender. I'm not saying that the Leafs aren't trying to win now but itdefinitely isn't a priority for the organization as long as their enterprise value continues to rise.

Craig Anderson and the Avs
this team was supposed to be one of the bottom feeders in the west and their in 1st.
I cant believe someone in our league dropped him. The guy that dropped him probably thinks that the Avs wont sustain this hot start (I agree 100%)but I think it was way too early to drop the hottest goalie in the league right now. I would've waited for the wave to die out before dropping Anderson.
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