Official NHL Regular Season Thread... Capitals win President's trophy

Valiquette is an embarrassment... I'm still not sure why people think he's a good goaltender. There was no reason for Lundqvist to be on the benchtonight...
Savard extension works too... we have some work to do to keep this core group around next year when Lucic's new deal kicks in.

I'd just really like to see Kovalchuk in Black and Gold.
As would every other person in this thread for their team.
Originally Posted by bjm5295

Savard extension works too... we have some work to do to keep this core group around next year when Lucic's new deal kicks in.

I'd just really like to see Kovalchuk in Black and Gold.
As would every other person in this thread for their team.
cosign all of this
Originally Posted by cquan05

Originally Posted by AddictedToFreshKicks

I !###!@* hate NHL10... you pass across the crease to the other guy and its an automatic goal. I can't play this game anymore because thats all everybody does. It's !###!@* horse +$$%

Good ol' pass in front or across the crease from either side of the rink for the automatic goal

its a legit goal in reality. thats why it works

its just near to impossible to stop the pass using a video game controller, compared to actually using a hockey stick and seeing the pass clearly
Did yall see Rick Rypien MAUL Zack Sortini? Dude is relentless...i'm gonna make a quasi bold statement...Rypien IS the best fighter in the NHL....I dunnohow he'd fare against a guy like Boogaard due to the height/reach, but it would be interesting.
Originally Posted by Ziostilon

Originally Posted by Physicx


that was close

luck wasnt on our side this time. wellwood by half a second

pretty fun game to watch though. chances both ways
Stortini getting speed bagged was about the hilight for me.

...Rypien IS the best fighter in the NHL....

You are right... that is a bold statement. Hard to prove, but it isn't outlandish.

Stortini TRIES the hardest to be an enforcer...
Living in Alberta, allI hear is Oilers fans repeated bash him for getting into a fight a game and getting handled 75% of the time.
I hate the fact that the Devils play 19 back to back games this season. It means these long @!@ breaks in between games. We played Saturday and our next gameisn't until Thursday. Way to long. BTW, they waived Corey Murphy today and he is now in Lowell. This makes way for Andy Greene who has played extremelywell IMO to be locked into the defensive rotation.
Originally Posted by GingersAintBad

I hate the fact that the Devils play 19 back to back games this season. It means these long @!@ breaks in between games. We played Saturday and our next game isn't until Thursday.
I agree, these schedules suck... One night they'll have 8578 games scheduled and then the next night there will only be 1 or 2 games.
just scored winter classic tickets

my boy works security at fenway, he got me a code.

he said theres a chance he can get more, so bjm and phillballa, hit me up if you feel like going. IF i can get another code from him, it's only 2 ticketsper i'll let you guys figure it out.

obviously anyone else who is interested and serious, let me know and i'll try my best. i just ask that if i can get you a code, you dont try and resellcause my friend could get in trouble.
Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

just scored winter classic tickets

my boy works security at fenway, he got me a code.

he said theres a chance he can get more, so bjm and phillballa, hit me up if you feel like going. IF i can get another code from him, it's only 2 tickets per i'll let you guys figure it out.

obviously anyone else who is interested and serious, let me know and i'll try my best. i just ask that if i can get you a code, you dont try and resell cause my friend could get in trouble.

im interested
how much are tickets going for?

man if the phils go to the world series....
dont know what i woulddo
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