Official NHL Regular Season Thread... Capitals win President's trophy

Sean Avery is one of my favorite players in the NHL, but what's he trying to prove by fighting w. Mottau? On top of it all, Mottau handled the fight prettywell....
Originally Posted by AddictedToFreshKicks

Gonchar is arguably just as valuable to that team as Crosby and Malkin are... last year they were not nearly as good as they were when he came back.
I couldn't agree more, Gonchar's injury is definitely going to disrupt the rhythm they have started off with so far. Looks like the restof the league caught a break (no pun intended) with this injury.
Originally Posted by bjm5295

Oh, and dear Claude. I know you know what youre doing and all, but please, keep the Ryder-Krejci-Wheeler line together at all times no matter who is injured. I dont know if you forgot last November-December, but they were the hottest line in hockey til you broke them up.
this is exactly what me and my friends were talking about. i get the whole shake up and spreading out talent...but these guys had GREAT chemistry.with our entire first line from last year gone/out right now...gotta keep one strong line together.
Exactly, one great line is better than two OK lines. It was right around when he broke them up Wheeler spiraled downhill and ended up inactive. Especially withBergy playing like an All Star all of a sudden, we can afford to have the new guys play together and develop their own chemistry.
it would of been even better if he threw it overhand but still

nice goal by Crosby in the shootout.
Sid's shootout goal

Duchene & O'Reilly with a couple points each tonight

My dude Wilson with his 1st NHL point tonight, assisting on Stastny's goal.
Originally Posted by AddictedToFreshKicks

I'm pretty sure its legal if a goalie does it.... I think Gerber did it a few years ago.
i saw that video

that Gaborik goal in your avy, i was like
when i was watching that game.
Part of me wants to call Ruutu a bum and say he could have stopped but outside of clearing being a boarding call, the hit didnt look THAT bad. Speedy recoveryfor Darcy i hope.

Off topic, the ice level reporter said '...his two right arms.'
No that hit was definetly THAT bad. I hate Tucker but that was a cheap shot. Ruutu is a dirtbag as is but this just reaffirms it. Horrible hit and he should besuspended. Tucker was clearly turned, the puck was given up, it was just a dirty play.
hit really didn't look like much... how about the guy missing the fairly open shot right after it though
that was terrible.
It was boarding, but definitely not suspension or fine-worthy IMO...the result was unfortunate, but those types of things do happen every now and again...

*just read that Ruutu got 3 games....
^Tucker is my guy and everything, lived beside me for 8 years while he was a Leaf.........unfortunate to see that hit last night.

As far as Ruutu, the hit itself wasn't the worst thing ever, it was just the fact that Tucker wasn't ready to brace himself and probably didn'texpect Ruutu to use as much force as he did. The way Tucker went into the boards was what made it look so bad. IMO this has to be a suspension because theyneed to start sending out a message to the rest of the league. There really was NO need for that hit, playing at a high level of hockey myself, those"shoves" into the boards happen all the time, you just have to control how hard you hit the guy into the boards and be aware that he may not beexpecting you to put you face first into the glass.
i got hit that exact same way and broke my arm and had a cast on for 8 months.. they really need to get rid of those kind of hits, fine and suspend people.
no elbow, didnt leave his feet. Booth just got caught.�legal hit w/ a bad result.�I'm biased but i don't think that's supension worthy.

JvR first goal
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