Official NHL Regular Season Thread... Capitals win President's trophy

Originally Posted by Son of Troy

It's nice that Sid netted is first 40th goal season, however I would much rather take the win. This years Penguins team is lacking and they need to get it together. I know there are some similarities to last years squad, but I am nervous. Maybe the time off for the Olympics will help the team and allow them to rest and focus.

My boys and I were talking about Sid's transition to a goal scorer and how it's possibly a disadvantage for the Pens. When he was a playmaker he always was able to raise the play of his teamates. Now that he is more focused on scoring than setting up, his teamates don't appear as dangerous. I think this is good for teams that will face them in the Playoffs. I think if Sid continues the score first pass second mentality, he won't have much stanley cups when his career is over.
Originally Posted by Never Seen B4

Originally Posted by Son of Troy

It's nice that Sid netted is first 40th goal season, however I would much rather take the win. This years Penguins team is lacking and they need to get it together. I know there are some similarities to last years squad, but I am nervous. Maybe the time off for the Olympics will help the team and allow them to rest and focus.

My boys and I were talking about Sid's transition to a goal scorer and how it's possibly a disadvantage for the Pens.
I'm sorry, but
In my game today I was going up the side boards with one hand on the stick and it got stuck in the door and speared me in my ribs and the stick snapped in half...

Now I need to get a new stick but I can't decide between a One95 and a S19... what should I do?
I say Zetterberg S19.............I don't even use my One95 anymore.

I'll reply to "Never Seen B4" later.
Last nights game was awesome. Lemaire finally gave in for some reason and let Elias center Kovy and Langenbrunner. For some odd reason he was against it (prolly because Elias sucks at faceoffs) but it payed off in a big way. Solid game for the top 6 forwards. Brodeur let in another soft goal and I guarantee that because he generally faces a small amount of shots he will let 1 goal get by in the first 5 or 6 shots on goal. It happens all the time like clockwork.
Originally Posted by cquan05

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Matt Cooke needs to have his !$% kicked. That %%@% he pulled on Drury last night was despicable.

I dunno.......the only thing I disagree with is when Cooke gave him those shoves while he was down. What else do you expect from Cooke though?

nothing LOL
Originally Posted by Never Seen B4

Originally Posted by cquan05

I'll reply to "Never Seen B4" later.

It's not that serious, just something we were discussing.
Sorry, did I come off as serious? All i said was I would reply later........didn't know that was being serious!

Originally Posted by Never Seen B4

Originally Posted by Son of Troy

It's nice that Sid netted is first 40th goal season, however I would much rather take the win. This years Penguins team is lacking and they need to get it together. I know there are some similarities to last years squad, but I am nervous. Maybe the time off for the Olympics will help the team and allow them to rest and focus.

My boys and I were talking about Sid's transition to a goal scorer and how it's possibly a disadvantage for the Pens. When he was a playmaker he always was able to raise the play of his teamates. Now that he is more focused on scoring than setting up, his teamates don't appear as dangerous. I think this is good for teams that will face them in the Playoffs. I think if Sid continues the score first pass second mentality, he won't have much stanley cups when his career is over.
First off, in no way will Sid EVER be a disadvantage for the Pens, whether he concentrates on goal scoring or passing. I think deep down he is always looking to set up his teammates, but one of his goals this season was to shoot more in order to get more goals, but it's not like he completely stopped passing the puck or trying to set up teammates. Obviously when you come into the season and say you want to shoot more, that means you won't be passing as much, but it doesn't make Sid a worse player. If Ovi said he wanted to pass more instead of shoot, does that mean the Caps are at an disadvantage? The only guys that have more assists AND points than Sid are Henrik Sedin and I'd say Crosby is doing fine by concentrating on scoring and isn't losing much by doing so. In terms of his teammates not being as dangerous, well if the opposition tries to close in on Sid so he can't shoot, he'll simply dish it off to the open player. As for not having many Stanley Cups if he continues on this way.......time will tell I guess.
Weiss made Big Z look stoopiddd.
Bruins got the last laugh however.

8 losses followed by 3 shutout losses (11 total) followed by 4 wins. Crazy..
Originally Posted by cquan05

Originally Posted by Never Seen B4

Originally Posted by Son of Troy

It's nice that Sid netted is first 40th goal season, however I would much rather take the win. This years Penguins team is lacking and they need to get it together. I know there are some similarities to last years squad, but I am nervous. Maybe the time off for the Olympics will help the team and allow them to rest and focus.

My boys and I were talking about Sid's transition to a goal scorer and how it's possibly a disadvantage for the Pens. When he was a playmaker he always was able to raise the play of his teamates. Now that he is more focused on scoring than setting up, his teamates don't appear as dangerous. I think this is good for teams that will face them in the Playoffs. I think if Sid continues the score first pass second mentality, he won't have much stanley cups when his career is over.
First off, in no way will Sid EVER be a disadvantage for the Pens, whether he concentrates on goal scoring or passing. I think deep down he is always looking to set up his teammates, but one of his goals this season was to shoot more in order to get more goals, but it's not like he completely stopped passing the puck or trying to set up teammates. Obviously when you come into the season and say you want to shoot more, that means you won't be passing as much, but it doesn't make Sid a worse player. If Ovi said he wanted to pass more instead of shoot, does that mean the Caps are at an disadvantage? The only guys that have more assists AND points than Sid are Henrik Sedin and I'd say Crosby is doing fine by concentrating on scoring and isn't losing much by doing so. In terms of his teammates not being as dangerous, well if the opposition tries to close in on Sid so he can't shoot, he'll simply dish it off to the open player. As for not having many Stanley Cups if he continues on this way.......time will tell I guess.

and when you watch the Pens, how many times do you see Sid and Geno set up friggin Pascal Dupuis and nothing happens. All day long they create chances for those wingers and they do nothing.
Originally Posted by GingersAintBad

Well heres to hoping Langenbrunner, Kovalchuk, Elias, Parise, and Brodeur come back hurt from the Olympics
Fixed it for you!

Go Rangers!
Question....let's say Russia is playing Canada or Sweden.

Backstrom has the puck and Alex Ovechkin has an opportunity at a kill shot on him....what happens in that scenario?

Same can be said if Malkin has Crosby lined up....what happens?
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Question....let's say Russia is playing Canada or Sweden.

Backstrom has the puck and Alex Ovechkin has an opportunity at a kill shot on him....what happens in that scenario?

Same can be said if Malkin has Crosby lined up....what happens?
I'd say for Crosby since he's not much of a hitter nothing would really happen. As for AO lining up Backstrom.......I wouldn't be surprised if he laid the shoulder into him.
I think Ovechkin would. On russian interviews Ovechkin always says how its more important for him to get olympic gold as opposed to a stanley cup. I don't know if its still true but he said he wants to continue his moms legacy, because she was a 2 time gold medal champion. He also wears number #8 because thats what she wore.
Ovie's been pretty verbally defiant of the NHL lately... Mr. Bettman, take notice, and make that boy happy.
My boys and I were talking about Sid's transition to a goal scorer and how it's possibly a disadvantage for the Pens.

No, the crappy wing play and inconsistent goalie play is the disadvantage...and Malkin isn't playing up to his skill level.  Kid is the only reason the Pens are doing pretty well this year it seems.  This break is needed, can't hurt, Go Canada

Im prolly gonna get flamed for this but I cant justify spending $200+ for an authentic so I am asking if anyone knows where I can get some hockey jerseys on the cheap.
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