Official NHL Regular Season Thread... Capitals win President's trophy

nice win
is there still an NT NHL 10 league kicking around? if not, whos up for it?

I was playing a game earlier as the Nucks, up 4-1 in the third, and my foot BARELY touched my ethernet cord and i got disconected, and credited for a 3-0 loss.
going to the St Pattys day game at the rock. Saw some pics of the players trying out the shells and red helmets yesterday and got pumped. Tonights gonna be sick
Originally Posted by J1GOKU

got these in last week.

btw anyone still looking for a navy USA jersey try the nike store in minnesota. i dont know what sizes they have left but they were $89 after tax and shipping. heres their number (952)854-5042.

Nice pick ups.
Um why do the Devils keep beating up the Pens. WTH? I'm extra nervous for tonights game, be safe Pens!
Originally Posted by dmxfury

Um why do the Devils keep beating up the Pens. WTH? I'm extra nervous for tonights game, be safe Pens!

You think the game with have extra curricular activities?  Brawls? 

Kings/Hawks tonight 
So will the NHL give Wisniewski the same treatment as Ovechkin?

Dmx, the Pens & the Blackhawks are looking like first round victims right now. I see Boston putting a hurting on your team tonight.
Originally Posted by Never Seen B4

So will the NHL give Wisniewski the same treatment as Ovechkin?

Dmx, the Pens & the Blackhawks are looking like first round victims right now. I see Boston putting a hurting on your team tonight.
I was reading on Puck Daddy that Crosby might be targeted tonight.....Crosby has shown he can hold his own against some flyweights, but I'd be curious to see if any of the heavys make a run at the dude just to prove a point. 

that being said, I can't wait for the Pens/Bruins game tonight....this one actually takes precedence over the Caps game...


i cant wait to see tonights game and what goes down. while i really hope we retaliate...i hope its not against malkin or crosby.
Go after Cooke no issue there....

I don't think Pitt will be a first round out, talented, been there, and MAF seems to play better in big games
It's nice to see that we have fans with class here. I too was reading the Puck Daddy article about retaliating on Crosby.
@ some of the comments on there.
I would be 10000% shocked if the Bruins went after anyone but Cooke. I know everyone says this about their own team, but we have a lockerroom full of good character guys who wouldnt do that, especially Thorny whose likely to be the one who gets in the staged fight with Cooke.
Shawn Thornton just pounded Cooke 2 minutes into the game....Cooke was CLEARLY out of his weight class, but he knew he had to drop the gloves.....

I don't think this is the last we'll see of Bruins players going at Cooke
There was serious jawing after the refs broke them up and Thorny wanted to go again... that wont be the last of it. Lucic/Begin will probably at least try to get him to drop gloves.

Two posts on that PP. Chara might have put a hole in the post.

Wisniewski got the hammer thrown down. 8 games.
dmx, who wears the "A" on the sweater for the Pens? I thought it was Gonchar & Malkin, but it appears Orpik is wearing one too.
Wiz got 8 games???

He definitely deserved a suspension, but 8 games is a bit much IMO. Colin Campbell has been very inconsistent with how he has been regulating games to be missed due to suspension.....
Originally Posted by Never Seen B4

dmx, who wears the "A" on the sweater for the Pens? I thought it was Gonchar & Malkin, but it appears Orpik is wearing one too.
I'm pretty sure it's because Malkin is injured... he might be back though, I'm not sure.
I think you can have up to 3 A's, one for each line that doesnt have the captain, but I might wrong.

Shawn Thornton TOI: 0:31

Shawn Thornton PIM: 15:00

I think they do have 3 cause I know gonchar and geno have one. Pens lookin good need some more goals though
Fantastic game last night. It was a sell out and playoff type atmosphere, loud as hell, people chanting. It was great. The final minute of the game was spent chanting "You cant beat us" by 17k people. Sidney does even more whining in person. He literally spent an entire TV timeout *****ing to the refs. It got so bad that Langenbrunner went over and the meeting ended as soon as he got there. Im assuming the ref was saying "we're trying to give you the pp's but you're not scoring, you gave up two breakaways on your own powerplay, what more can we do to help you?" Overall a ton of fun if youre a Devils fan.
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