Official Nike Air Yeezy II "Red" Thread NO BOT TALK--NO FAKE/GM TALK-NO BUY/SELL/TRADE TALK-- Ye to

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Man. All the big resellers on IG are going HAM on @kicksordie right now over his Red Octobers, lmfao.
^ I like how out of all the times he said he wanted his product more available and to create more, you pick the one time when he mentions money to try and call him a sell out

otherwise what would be the point of wanting royalties if the s*** is still limited
A.  In his interview thats what mainly talked about was Money.. if Nike made it rain like adididas did he would still be with Nike.

B.  What made yeezys so popular was how limited they where.. if they released 300,000 pairs they would be no were near as popular/hype.. 

C.  Dude has the audacity to compare himself to Steve Jobs, Michelangelo, etc., and he actually said it was a compliment to them to be compared to him.  I am shocked at dudes cockiness/arrogance to compare himself to revolutionaries..  no wonder Nike told him to pound rocks.   
Plats are a beautiful shoe...but i cant put them over the Solars for some reason....
a. not really

b. your opinion. but supply and demand dictates resale prices and prices wouldn't be so high if there wasn't a very large demand

c. Nike didn't tell him to pound rocks, they offered him everything he wanted except royalties
I'm a fan but I don't understand why he says he's this generation's Walt, Jobs and H. Hughes when these men built empires. I understand him wanting to get paid from Nike, Adidas or LV for his ideas but why does he need an empire like Nike when he could pay his dues by starting on his own and create his own clothing label? I believe Kanye can be a huge force in the clothing/fashion industry, but why does he need an empire to hold his hand? It seems more like he's the one that needs them and not the other way around.
He left Nike because of MONEY.. and if you think any different then your just naive and buying into the "yeezy" hype that he is just like you blah blah blah.. he stated its because nike wouldn't give him royalties on his product.. and if he didn't have a daughter he would have stayed with Nike, but now that he has a kid and future (expensive wife) he wants to generate more income. 

You think he cares if we get his shoes or whatever?  yeah right, just like Lebron cares they had less then a 1000 pairs of the championship pack.  when it comes down to it.. all they care about is the money.  

and I am not faulting them or judging for it.. at the end of the day you have to do whats best for you and your family. 

Do you even know what your talking about??? You sound crazy right now......

Fact #1

Kanye is making STUPID bank right well.....just being Kanye...All these RANTS...ALL these...damn lets see what Kanye does tonight nonsense is a result of numerous canceled shows (which were never really explained) and the wait for it.....New Shows that will be booked as a result of the media frenzy homie is currently on.....Think about it.....When is the last time there was this much media attention paid to a tour....Not an album (which BTW is barely being mentioned) but a TOUR.....Every-night has become what will he say/do tonight.....which = BANK...

Fact # 2

You talk like this dude is broke as hell living in the Jects with his baby momma eating government cheese and its either work at McD's or start selling rocks......In the two or three weeks that he has been in my count HE has made at least three appearance (havent been keeping tabs on Kim) one of which one was Leo bday at Tao which I believe he got $500m for his set.....Thats also not counting the 18th bday party that he did for some rich Saudi Prince last month for a reported $1.0mm...... TRUST dude is doing alright.....stop it with just "trying to feed my family nonsense" (cant say that as you jump into a Maybach)

Fact # 3

LISTEN to the interview...LISTEN to the BBC interview....He wanted to be appreciated and respected as an artist....he wanted the opportunity to create not just get thrown an opportunity like they were "doing him a favor"....agree or disagree but this dude thinks he is MORE relevant then Mike (Jumpman) and Lebron.....(both are laughable at best but hey I guess no one REALLY thinks there **** stinks right) with that being said....for Nike to offer him a deal...and NOT include what other SIG athletes get he took as a smack in the face....Again....agree or is what it is....Money was just a motivating factor to push the deal....I GUARANTEE if they would have gave him a full collection...twice or three times a year....with FULL CREATIVE CONTROL....and some upfront dough...he would have reconsidered....

ROYALTIES......Homie understand....100% of 0 last time I checked was STILL ZERO.....There is 1,000,000 broke *** backpack rappers running around with there own record label making 100% royalties....selling 5000 units....Its the machine of a label that nows how to market and distribute which makes people sign with a label....Its tour money where you eat....but if no one knows who the hell you aint selling out the O2.....

Again...No one goes to market better then the SWOOOSH.....Adidas is more Nostalgic but there entire retail operation is somewhat laughable (especially when compared to the SWOOSH)....Clark would be just another Sneakerhead...but when he collabs with Nike it takes it somewhere else....and THAT provides for money other places.....

Like I said before Im not totally dismissing the move to Adidas....maybe it could be a great jump start for the brand....Sometimes there just needs to be a movements....iT is 100% debatable that NikeSB started the "sneakercraze" and Nike was at the EPIC Center of that......Adidas and Kanye could provide for a whole notha lane of not just footwear but clothing as well....Ronnie is doing ight with his Atrium Collabo....again who knew dudes would one day be flipping/hustling Jeggings....its crazy other there right now....and maybe the lane is wide open for something big to pop.....

I just wouldnt hold my breath...again NO ONE GOES TO MARKET BETTER THEN THE SWOOSH...
S/O to everyone who said they had a connect w/confirmed info for the RO release! :rofl: NIKE OR KANYE DOESNT EVEN KNO THE RD! and S/O to everyone who already knows the extent of his new deal! :smh: :lol:
Nike f'ed up. Why didn't they offer him 30 SKUa after the hugely successful AYII launch? Mark Parker really made an ignorant remark by saying he doesn't know why people like the AY's.

Of course that's going to offend anyone. You're directly insulting something he designed.

What's the worst that could come from 30 SKU's and more availability? They pay Kanye more and it sits on shelves. And then what? Ends up in outlets for a reduced price and Nike still makes money. Look at all the other GR garbage they push out.

It came down to principle. Nike knows how wickedly popular the sneakers are. Just twitter search 'Air Yeezy' and see how many @'s NikeStore, NikeNYC, 21Mercer, etc... receive on a daily basis.

The release alone should tell you all you need to know. A random time during the weekend of June 9, 2012 (not even necessarily Saturday). What other shoe got that treatment?? Supposedly the Lebron X Champ Pack was limited to 108 pairs online (far less than Yeezys) and that got a release date and time a few weeks ahead of time.

Anyway the point of all this is I guarantee he's stay loyal to Nike had they offered more SKU's last year or if they even clued him in on the Red October release.

Them finally being basically forced to sit down with him was too little too late. At this point he's pissed off and he's going to want more. He's going to want royalties.

Guarantee we wouldn't hear a word out of him if they just did simple things like more availability, a phone call after $90k eBay bid, more SKU's, a rd on red Octobers, a design more frequently than every 3 years, etc etc...

I'm just glad most people have the sense to realize that Nike is mostly to blame for the fall out of the Nike Air Yeezy's
Why did all of uninformed Instagram go in on @kicksordie and @joehaden23 pair of Red Octobers? They are clearly legit (from what I can tell)....
kanye said the yeezy ii is a 3 yr old design. imo he was in a good place as far as creativity then. i liked his music, he dressed like a normal person etc. cant say i feel the same way about him now. lately his music aint for me and he's wearing masks and kilts and stuff, just seems like dude is losing his mind. no telling what kind of shoe he will come out with, but i doubt i'll like it.
Do you even know what your talking about??? You sound crazy right now......

Fact #1

Kanye is making STUPID bank right well.....just being Kanye...All these RANTS...ALL these...damn lets see what Kanye does tonight nonsense is a result of numerous canceled shows (which were never really explained) and the wait for it.....New Shows that will be booked as a result of the media frenzy homie is currently on.....Think about it.....When is the last time there was this much media attention paid to a tour....Not an album (which BTW is barely being mentioned) but a TOUR.....Every-night has become what will he say/do tonight.....which = BANK...

Fact # 2

You talk like this dude is broke as hell living in the Jects with his baby momma eating government cheese and its either work at McD's or start selling rocks......In the two or three weeks that he has been in my count HE has made at least three appearance (havent been keeping tabs on Kim) one of which one was Leo bday at Tao which I believe he got $500m for his set.....Thats also not counting the 18th bday party that he did for some rich Saudi Prince last month for a reported $1.0mm...... TRUST dude is doing alright.....stop it with just "trying to feed my family nonsense" (cant say that as you jump into a Maybach)

Fact # 3

LISTEN to the interview...LISTEN to the BBC interview....He wanted to be appreciated and respected as an artist....he wanted the opportunity to create not just get thrown an opportunity like they were "doing him a favor"....agree or disagree but this dude thinks he is MORE relevant then Mike (Jumpman) and Lebron.....(both are laughable at best but hey I guess no one REALLY thinks there **** stinks right) with that being said....for Nike to offer him a deal...and NOT include what other SIG athletes get he took as a smack in the face....Again....agree or is what it is....Money was just a motivating factor to push the deal....I GUARANTEE if they would have gave him a full collection...twice or three times a year....with FULL CREATIVE CONTROL....and some upfront dough...he would have reconsidered....

ROYALTIES......Homie understand....100% of 0 last time I checked was STILL ZERO.....There is 1,000,000 broke *** backpack rappers running around with there own record label making 100% royalties....selling 5000 units....Its the machine of a label that nows how to market and distribute which makes people sign with a label....Its tour money where you eat....but if no one knows who the hell you aint selling out the O2.....

Again...No one goes to market better then the SWOOOSH.....Adidas is more Nostalgic but there entire retail operation is somewhat laughable (especially when compared to the SWOOSH)....Clark would be just another Sneakerhead...but when he collabs with Nike it takes it somewhere else....and THAT provides for money other places.....

Like I said before Im not totally dismissing the move to Adidas....maybe it could be a great jump start for the brand....Sometimes there just needs to be a movements....iT is 100% debatable that NikeSB started the "sneakercraze" and Nike was at the EPIC Center of that......Adidas and Kanye could provide for a whole notha lane of not just footwear but clothing as well....Ronnie is doing ight with his Atrium Collabo....again who knew dudes would one day be flipping/hustling Jeggings....its crazy other there right now....and maybe the lane is wide open for something big to pop.....

I just wouldnt hold my breath...again NO ONE GOES TO MARKET BETTER THEN THE SWOOSH..
I am not even going to read that novel you wrote, but there is a quote from Kayne on the radio show your talking about:

"me and Kim are on our grind, we have to do what we have to do to get to this point to support our family, but we ain't there yet, we ain't FINANCIALLY there to make sure North is safe at all times and that's the reason I turned it up right there. "  

He doesn't believe he has enough money and wants more.. its a fact man.  I don't know why your even disputing it, he wants more money and if Nike gave him royalties he would be with them, but they said no.

and as far as royalties go, we will see how his line sells.. Hard to believe anything will sell out without the hype and marketing from Nike.  Nike is the master at this.. its the only company I know, when people feel lucky to get the chance to drop 250 bucks on some shoes.  
kanye said the yeezy ii is a 3 yr old design. imo he was in a good place as far as creativity then. i liked his music, he dressed like a normal person etc. cant say i feel the same way about him now. lately his music aint for me and he's wearing masks and kilts and stuff, just seems like dude is losing his mind. no telling what kind of shoe he will come out with, but i doubt i'll like it.
mhm. i agree.

i wonder what the yeezy-3? will look like but most importantly the difference in the adidas influence and the former nike influence in the sneaker. 
I am not even going to read that novel you wrote, but there is a quote from Kayne on the radio show your talking about:

"me and Kim are on our grind, we have to do what we have to do to get to this point to support our family, but we ain't there yet, we ain't FINANCIALLY there to make sure North is safe at all times and that's the reason I turned it up right there. "  

He doesn't believe he has enough money and wants more.. its a fact man.  I don't know why your even disputing it, he wants more money and if Nike gave him royalties he would be with them, but they said no.

and as far as royalties go, we will see how his line sells.. Hard to believe anything will sell out without the hype and marketing from Nike.  Nike is the master at this.. its the only company I know, when people feel lucky to get the chance to drop 250 bucks on some shoes.  
 its true.
Not much of a fan of Adidas but will still support Ye.

Only thing I know is I'm going to make this Ralph Lauren deal happen. Hopefully you notice he's been wearing our brand and talking positively about us on the interviews. Its my only goal right now....
Kanye is a piece of trash. Don't give me that "I have to support my family BS". I see people standing on the side of the road with babies that are DEAD BROKE and here this arrogant, multi-millionaire, piece of crap says he needs to support his family. Give me a break. I have no respect for this blasphemous ****.
Not much of a fan of Adidas but will still support Ye.

Only thing I know is I'm going to make this Ralph Lauren deal happen. Hopefully you notice he's been wearing our brand and talking positively about us on the interviews. Its my only goal right now....

what do you do at RL
I am not even going to read that novel you wrote, but there is a quote from Kayne on the radio show your talking about:

"me and Kim are on our grind, we have to do what we have to do to get to this point to support our family, but we ain't there yet, we ain't FINANCIALLY there to make sure North is safe at all times and that's the reason I turned it up right there. "  

He doesn't believe he has enough money and wants more.. its a fact man.  I don't know why your even disputing it, he wants more money and if Nike gave him royalties he would be with them, but they said no.

and as far as royalties go, we will see how his line sells.. Hard to believe anything will sell out without the hype and marketing from Nike.  Nike is the master at this.. its the only company I know, when people feel lucky to get the chance to drop 250 bucks on some shoes.  

What hype did Nike create? Marketing? loll

You do realize the "hype" is created from the fans. WE, as NikeTalk members and posters in this same topic create the hype.. Nike hasn't done crap for me. Nike didn't make me or influence me to buy the shoe. I bought the Solars because I liked the design and I'm a fan of Kanye West.
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