Official Nike Breast Cancer Thread - Volume It deserves its own Thread

I don't get it! I got online with a chat with a rep a couple days ago to ask about the Kobe IV ID's and had a throw away question.

"Is the Breast Cancer Hyperdunk being sold on as well as the House of Hoops?"

ANSWER------ "I see nothing indicating any plans to sell the shoes anywhere except the House of Hoops."

GREAT! Thanks for the help sir. Secret releases that no one advertises. I just have to be sitting online hitting the Fn' refresh button ALL Damn Day?
at first,
it wasn't known that NDC was going to sell them.
as the info was limited to HOH,
but in this thread, ROCKDEEP and a few others got info that NDC would be releasing them (after the RD was pushed back)

and NDC is always a crap shoot,
they jumped the gun early, and someone posted the link in the official hyperdunk thread,
I jumped on my size.

just checked my status,
and they've shipped.
guess it was a rookie mistake on my part partly cause I have a hook up in Chicago hopefully picking me up a pair. Guess I'll stick to my original roll ofthe dice.
Dang. Missed out. I was really looking forward to these. Hopefully those that were able to purchase them did so for the right reasons. If by chance any of yousee/have a 6.5 and 10.5 LMK.
just called NT Chi, and they come out on the 9th?

i havent been following this that closely...
anybody knows what's the smallest sz these will be coming in?
i wanted to buy a pair for my girl, she wears a 6.5 in women's or a 5 in boys. i heard they come in men sz's only..
any help would be appreciated ..
Smallest size has said to be a 6 mens,

NDC only got 6.5 mens...

It all depends on what individual stores ordered to sell.
You know what I don't get is why not keep these in a steady supply, not huge numbers but a steady supply for the site since its supposed to be forCharity and a good cause.

They do the Livestrong stuff that way.... Why limit how much you can make for Charity by not having a steady supply of the product....?

that sucks.what are lines looking like at the HoH' so far?

Rock: your exactly right. the only thing is that once they do that,it becomes livestrong all over again,and people try to profit off of the intention. not thatNike is not doing that already but it then sends a message to the retail world to hop on the band wagon and make dough off suffering.

maybe that is simply my purely pessimistic view of course.

either way when I saw the sample of these in sole collector i was really excited for them,and nike pretty much dashed my hopes. heres hoping everyone thattruly understands the signifigance of these gets a pair.
I was at HOH today,
there was not a line.

I hear what you and Rock are both saying...

I honestly don't think outside of NT, and the other site, that too many folks would be hot to buy an all pink shoe...

I think having a steady supply on NDC would be very helpful and profitable for the fundraising end of this...

Hopefully more pairs circulate somehow.
That would be perfect, they would lose NO money and a really important charity would benefit greatly.

I'm not even a big hyperdunk fan for actual basketball(always prefer 2k3's)but i want to play in these so bad just to show some support and hopefullyraise awareness when people see me play and ask about my shoes.

Even if nike is against increasin numbers on these why not do a small think pink type release for ever major shoe they make?

There would seem to be NO downside whatsoever.
Manglor.. reason #1 is it makes too much sense.

I noticed that Nike has more reasons NOT to do something than the few sensible reasons to do something.

Wait til the Patent runs out on the Zoom Air or someone with a Business built aroudn design and tech comes up with something to rival Nikes comfort andmarketing..

Thing will change.

We could only hope.. even though I love the
It's funny because like it has been mentioned time and again, Nike "feeds the beast" as it were. I for one have given up on JB now, but Nikesomehow I held out a shimmer of hope that they could maybe continue to stand for something as far as innovation,running an athlete's campaign correctly,giving people what they want etc. but it appears time and again we are all let down if we don't have large wallets or go to outrageous lengths to get whatwe want.

Don't get me wrong,I enjoy the hunt as much as the next guy,FOR RETAIL or a smidgen above,and am always willing to help out somebody if they need to,hell Igot a FTL discount that sits till 50's most of the time. But the shoe industry as a whole doesn't help collectors get ahold of coveted things(these areshoes after all..) simply because they enjoy happy customers. meh...

I find it real hard to strive to continue to get to Nike even after seeing and hearing the wonderful things( aside from the issues Rock had) after all thefailures they heap up. One shining detail doesn't cover up continue failures and attempts to anyone educated enoug to see them.

I apologize for the rant that took away from the pink shoes.

everyone may return to beast mode.
I'm with Rock and the others on this. The point of these shoes is to raise awareness and money for charity, or so I thought. Nike seems to be missingthat point by they way they are handling this.

The reselling has already begun.
Originally Posted by V1nsanity3

Smallest size has said to be a 6 mens,

NDC only got 6.5 mens...

It all depends on what individual stores ordered to sell.

guess that cancels out the misses
can u order shoes from house of hoops online besides ebay?my mom had breast cancer and i want to get these to help support breast cancer
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