Official Nike HyperDunk Thread... Kobe PEs(away and home) now available.

^To be honest the dirks are a little bland...they coulda used a different color tongue (black); i just got em to wear for the world cup in 2010...

but i put black laces on em and they look a LOT better.
thats exactly what im planning
..........the germany cw to me is fire.... i was hoping to get a collection of the country releases but i guess not.....thanks nike
$1,000 ? Are you kidding me? I mean, I love this colorway and I think they'd look great with some black shorts, but give me a break. Either your friend isflossing or he's really terrible with the money his parents gave him!
Originally Posted by ZombieJesus12

$1,000 ? Are you kidding me? I mean, I love this colorway and I think they'd look great with some black shorts, but give me a break. Either your friend is flossing or he's really terrible with the money his parents gave him!

Word. Guarantee he gonna be kicking himself when they show up on Eastbay.
they are only at 150 with 15 minutes to go, but i am not sold on them being real. the tongue, insole...all looks fishy

any of ya'll called 1 877 DUNKDON?

Call em... let 'em know how bad you gotdee-browned-no-look-jr-rider-through-the-legs-oakland-funky-superman-caped-vince-carter-elbow-all-through-your-frontal -lobe-tomahawked-windmilled on.counselors are standing by
desperate people would probably pay that much, but i'm not going to spend more than $200, just because it's not a necessity to me. That $200++ can goto something else cheaper and have money left-over for other things. Besides, I'm very patient when it comes to hype.
Originally Posted by Peteweezy

Originally Posted by LazyJ10

Were the #10 version released in limited amounts? I ask because I'm having NO luck finding them, ANYWHERE. Note, I'm not trying to hype them up...just want a DEFINITIVE answer. I've scanned through this post since the beginning and haven't seen a for sure yet.
Dude living up to the begining of his name
and I think they are somewhat limited cause they only came out in Canada/Asia I think. You can find them on ebay though if you really want them though. Hope you get them.

just don't answer them imo. if people aren't willing to put in the effort to find the answer to a question that's been answered 4309834089 times already, they don't want the shoe badly enough to deserve it anyways

lol yeah, but I should have clarified even more...i meant, were they limited in the US or even released here? I know ebay has them and I've seen theorigination from Canada/Asia, but didn't want to waste my time looking in the States if it was pointless. I am lazy though.
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