hmmm, interesting...

these look more like wear test samples to me, raw and unfinished. i mean the upper is barely there.

reminds me of these...

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Slap a limited sticker on them and guarantee some of you'll be like, "These kinda dope, copped".

Gotta see more color-ways first.
That heel cup looks pretty :hat to me.
I like the flat black with the shiny black with his sig. Looks really clean.
is it just me or does it seem like Nike targets the oversea's Asian market with kobe's shoes.   The style is something you see more of in the asian countries.   i think thats why most pairs of Kobe's sit on shelves in the US but they sell out in the Asia markets.
is it just me or does it seem like Nike targets the oversea's Asian market with kobe's shoes.   The style is something you see more of in the asian countries.   i think thats why most pairs of Kobe's sit on shelves in the US but they sell out in the Asia markets.

I don't think that's true at all. The asian market will buy Kobes regardless of if it fits their style, and if they sell out (at least in Korea) it's more likely because they ship over less pairs. Also, they make a lot of takedowns that more suit the asian market anyways, so there is no need to make the signature shoe cater to the asian markets.
As far as footwear, I don't know if there really is any asian style. Out here in Korea they do like their Air Maxs and Lunar glides, but other than that it's pretty diverse as to what is worn.

Although this model certainly seems to have more of a running shoe/soccer cleat look to it, which would boost it's appeal worldwide.
The Chinese worship Kobe like a God. I hear they do the same for Dwyane Wade out in Japan, as well.
Can we please get some clarification.

I like whatever that shoe is that was posted. But it is a lot different from the initial picture. No ankle support swoosh on the toe box....i have a hard time believing these are the actual Kobe VIII
Why do people keep talking about no swoosh on the toe when the first post states that it won't be there?

Reading is fundamental, no?
This has been one ridiculous roller coaster ride. I'm going to keep my eyes open for those lifestyle pairs though.
I hope we get a little more info/pics but i THINK this actually is the "game" version because of the upper which looks like engineered mesh....just compare it to the material of the red "lifestyle" shoe
If those are anywhere near the final product, looks like this pair will be really lightweight. The VIIs were great, IMO, because of the stability that the added weight brought to it. So we will have to see whether such stability is compromised by going w/ this engineered mesh thing.
Asians like low-cut shoes with no-show socks, especially in Taiwan or Japan, they think it looks good~Kobes are the one for them.They don't buy Lebrons at all haha
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waits for actual shoe.... those CAN'T be them, or more money saved.
Really excited for these. But it seems odd to me that they are not releasing in time or the new season
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