Speaking of friends I really need a swoosh friend. My boys brother worked at Nike and I was loving that friendship while it lasted
Not a close up yet but yeah these are clean:

What’s the issue with writing on the shoes?
I don’t do it on mine but if u have a family member u write on it or something meaningful then what’s the problem

The problem I have with it is it's for attention. Plus, you're ruining a nice pair of shoes, and I don't care if he gets them for free or not. He would've never done that as a poor kid growing up in Akron. Also, things that are meaningful are already in your heart, you don't need to do it for the show of it. Like I said, attention *hore.

That's my 2 cents because you asked.
lol I thought that's why 'BBZ' was put on one of his shoes... its even on the pair he's wearing in that pic.. #jamesgang #kingme #imking #TheKidFromAkron *crown emoji*

I like that colorway though
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