
Faux pas for sure but i try not to get involved with my favorite players/actors personal or political beliefs unless they are just straight evil. Lebron isnt evil. He made a mistake, apologized and now its time to move on. If he's smart he learned something from it.

I grew up around LeBron, not friends with the guy by any stretch but we were in similar circles. This guy has been so protected, I'm shocked nobody caught this before it hit the gram. Stunned really. That being said as someone who was raised Jewish but doesn't actively partake and someone who knows who LeBron pals around with when back in Akron, I know he had no malice or hate behind it. Just a very poor choice in social media for the sake of social media.
Ehh it was stupid on his part to post that. He knows everyone (on that side) is out for blood of any sort after he completely took a dump on them and then opened a school to pretty much perma shut them up for good.
Good deal. And yeah social media can be a killer. No way for anyone to gauge your true feelings. He shouldve been smarter about what he did but unfortunately stereotypes do exist and he chose to seemingly glorify one. Not a good look.
Ehh it was stupid on his part to post that. He knows everyone (on that side) is out for blood of any sort after he completely took a dump on them and then opened a school to pretty much perma shut them up for good.
Lol. Bron gonna bron. Dudes like Bruce Wayne buying **** lol.
Lol. Bron gonna bron. Dudes like Bruce Wayne buying **** lol.
Pretty much. “Shut up and dribble” turned into him making that entire channel and political party look like complete degenerates and racists.

With that said celebs should not be on social media and if they are they need to hire someone to do it for them. Post nothing without a couple days worth of cleaning up or editing. That spur of the moment stuff gets them every time
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Pretty much. “Shut up a dribble” turned into him making that entire channel and political party look like complete degenerates and racists.

With that said celebs should not be on social media and if they are they need to hire someone to do it for them. Post nothing without a couple days worth of cleaning up or editing. That spur of the moment stuff gets them every time
THIS THIS and more THIS.
Pretty much. “Shut up and dribble” turned into him making that entire channel and political party look like complete degenerates and racists.

With that said celebs should not be on social media and if they are they need to hire someone to do it for them. Post nothing without a couple days worth of cleaning up or editing. That spur of the moment stuff gets them every time

Ding ding ding ding. I'd also like to note, the vast majority of Jewish people are not conservatives. If you can find a Jewish republican (excluding my uncle, who has far more bizarre things going on than that), that stands by the shut up and dribble stuff I'd love to have a conversation with that person. Just a collision of lifestyles. My little brother is marrying into a conservative shut up and dribble type family, the wedding with my relatives and her relatives is gonna be oil and water. Can't wait to see it mix together and go kaboom.
Don’t know if I agree with the idea that they shouldn’t be on social media. This actually allows us to see them for what they actually are - Human. Just like you and me. Having them post stuff With days of editing and cleanup, makes them more robotic and unrelatable.
Ding ding ding ding. I'd also like to note, the vast majority of Jewish people are not conservatives. If you can find a Jewish republican (excluding my uncle, who has far more bizarre things going on than that), that stands by the shut up and dribble stuff I'd love to have a conversation with that person. Just a collision of lifestyles. My little brother is marrying into a conservative shut up and dribble type family, the wedding with my relatives and her relatives is gonna be oil and water. Can't wait to see it mix together and go kaboom.
Lol. Good stuff.
Don’t know if I agree with the idea that they shouldn’t be on social media. This actually allows us to see them for what they actually are - Human. Just like you and me. Having them post stuff With days of editing and cleanup, makes them more robotic and unrelatable.
Fair perspective.
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