I agree, the whole "stick to the shoes" commentary was simply an attempt to allow sideways commentary toward Black people to stand. I am not suprised, as it rings of the Trumpian "both sides" distraction. It also rings of that if you punch me for punching you, I am going to call the police!

Typical trash behavior.

This needs to be copy and pasted into every NT thread.
If you’re referring to me because I said this is a shoe thread.... I’ll double down on it and again say this is a shoe thread. No need for what you are saying right now.
Considering it was Duke who’s comments initiated these responses, in a shoe thread, these comments/reactions are warranted. No need to try and brush them off.

If you’re referring to me because I said this is a shoe thread.... I’ll double down on it and again say this is a shoe thread. No need for what you are saying right now.
Dude, he opened a freaking school for underprivelaged children, something nobody told him to do and was completely optional, and you're still finding a way to discredit him.

Seriously though, all your opinions and trashing of his public image should be invalid because you still buy his shoes. At the end of the day, you're still putting money in his pockets, so who's really winning here?

I’ll happily put money into his pockets because I dig the shoes. I don’t agree with some of Kyrie’s behavior toward people including his quotes today, but I dig his shoes.

Calling me a racist because I know dirt on LeBron is just silly nonsense. He’s done so much for our community but a lot of the PR he gets has the positives amplified and negatives minimized because he has journalists at the Becon and the Plain Dealer on his payroll.

Windhorst used to be, and he’s trying desperately to get back on it.

I take great offense to anyone who thinks anything I’ve said has any sort of racial bias towards it. That could not be further from the truth and quite frankly is a cop out insult from someone who cannot find anything else to say. Please put that one in your back pocket, and that includes anything associating me with that scumbag in Washington DC. Just because my boss is a republican piece of **** that is close with Trump doesn’t mean I am or the people I work with at the team are in agreement with those disgusting politics. Sincerely, what is going on in our country right now is divisive and disgusting. Do not group me in because I find things an athlete does to be inappropriate.
There’s always time to call someone out. You can sit and wait till it’s over

This is America, let's keep it about America!

America has a racist, sexist, and xenophobic problem.
You don't like America, leave!


I love that LeBron has opened the door to this discussion, with his courageous move to be political. It brings out all of the deplorables.
I have my fresh breds and my harden 3s as my rotation right now. Im leaning on the hardens as an underweight guard but I think I can break in the lebrons some more to see. The traction on the 16 is better but I give fit and transition to the hardens
I have my fresh breds and my harden 3s as my rotation right now. Im leaning on the hardens as an underweight guard but I think I can break in the lebrons some more to see. The traction on the 16 is better but I give fit and transition to the hardens

Harden 3’s are flawless performance wise.

And I got them for under $80.
I'd like the Dunkman colorway on the lows. They could put the Dunkman logo on the back. They did the colorway on the 14 lows but those were trash
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