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Originally Posted by CarlofromdaPI

Originally Posted by Mister Friendly

I like the Black shoes with home colors. I wish the Lakers would do it more, It looks


Looks good!

agreed! they need to do this more often
Originally Posted by riddla713

man it really sucks when your rock solid hoh connects cant even help you score a pair because nike/kobe decides to only send them to la, chi and ny. hoh galleria was listed for the la's, 3d's and oc's but of course they didnt receive either. at least i got my all stars and bhm's locked down, and also i was lucky enough to cop a pair of la's from ndc. the la's were the easiest out of the 3 to cop online.

HOHNY did not receive their pairs either as of closing so they dont even know if they will be getting their pairs
Here is a pic my friend sent me earlier from 34th st...this is around 1130pm. He said there where around 8-10 dudes out there by the time he got out of work at 3am though...I really hope he was joking though. Its like 15 deg out there right now...Stay warm my friends 

You can't miss a single drop with this thread. I went back 50 pages in hopes of seeing something familiar and picking up from that point. Nope! I was just as confused then as I am now. 
Originally Posted by ShoeFanatic2001

Kobe VI - "Chinas" ~ formally know as "Chaos"


I thought I read somewhere that the China will only be released in China ONLY... Did I read wrong? Anyone know?
struck out on failbay.  tried to get em online, even asked a friend to help me.  he got a better wait time but it was not meant to be.
  oh wells ill try my luck on NDC later today.  grats to the people that got em on failbay.  and even if i dont get a pair of OC's, so many more dope CWS to look forward too!    
there's like 3 versions of the chinas if i recall.
the one with the special packaging limited to 300 and china only
the limited with the little lacelock
the gr overseas on nikeuk and the supposedly oooberlimited ones to release in states
Originally Posted by DNeou20

there's like 3 versions of the chinas if i recall.
the one with the special packaging limited to 300 and china only
the limited with the little lacelock
the gr overseas on nikeuk and the supposedly oooberlimited ones to release in states

Thanks for the info, I didn't know there was going to be 3 versions! Nice to know.
just spoke to some "in the know" friends... sounds like the chinas and rice will be a pain in the $*%$ to copp... I hope they are wrong...

gonna prepare for march 5th and make sure I get a pair... if I dont I will throw a tantrum like a little brat, stomp my feet and roll around
WOW! 3 for 3, 4 for 4, 5 for 5, 6 for 6.... 

A "Lot" cats out here went ZERO! and yet I see dudes posting Order Confirm!!... STOP IT!! 

"Don't rub salt to a fresh wound" did I get that idiom right? 
Kobe looked young last night. He went with a 1/2 clipper, line up, baggy jersey, crossing over ray ray, making the shot to close it up...
So I haven't been here for 3 days but that's like missing 2 months so here's some questions
-  Can I still get some LA's at FTL or HoH?

- Any new CW yet?
^There's some shops out here in LA that still has them depending on the size you are looking for.
yeah i love my custom made kobe vi id "olympics"  too fresh and clean.  im glad i got my ids.  i messed around the new gradient options, but i didnt really find anything worth buying.  
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