Official NT dad thread: can the dads get love

Have any of you dads had a son with meatal stenosis (if you aren't aware, I suggest you don't google it)? Ever since we potty trained my son I noticed his urine stream was more upward than it should be, so we finally had him evaluated by a urologist and he goes in for surgery to correct it this week. Sounds like a fairly common thing among circumcised boys, though I've never heard of a single person with it before this. From the description I received, the procedure is pretty quick and easy, but any time your kid has to undergo a surgical procedure under anesthetic it is obviously nerve wracking. Just hoping for some reassurance here by anyone whose son (or relative, or whoever) has gone through it. Any prayers would be appreciated.
My daughter getting Open Cranial Vault Remodeling next week... 4 months old and they gotta put her to sleep to do this

Nervous as ****, but it’s a quick surgery so it’ll be all good
My son got tubes in his ears when he was about 1 year old. Put him under and everything. It's definitely nerve wracking not being able to be there with them. All hope all goes well for you guys and your little ones.
Took my daughter (bday present) and her BFF on the Disney Cruise. We went parasailing, boat sailing and snorkeling.



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Spent half day driving my princess around viewing sites that Stranger Things filmed.

In 2 weeks, were going on the Stranger Things Experience in the woods and corn field that everything was filmed.

My baby girl is 12 now. :frown:


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My son just turned 1 on the 29th. Had a little party for him yesterday...time is flying
Got my princess tickets to the Hamilton show in Chicago for a holiday present. She’s a huge fan of the show. Mother and I got her the book and audio/soundtrack for iTunes.

Flying out on the 27th. Staying at the W near the Magnificent Mile.

I’m so souped.

Fellas, introduce culture into your kids lives. (Art, Music, Plays, Travel, etc) Even if they don’t want to. It’ll shape them to be more open minded.
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Getting my daughter a moana doll and some car that she can drive but we can also control. She’s 18 months so she’s just been playing with her toys for the past few months. It’s cool seeing her finally understand and use her imagination.
Don't know if discussed here before, but do y'all talk to your kids (specially younger ones) about appropriate and inappropriate touch?

I talk to my kids about it from ages 9 to 3 so they know what they should allow and what they shouldn't. They know about their private places that no one should touch and should not be seen. I teach them to protect themselves, to not keep secrets, and not being afraid to come to me if they are uncomfortable about something. I always keep a watchful eye on my kids in EVERY setting, but I still don't see everything. It is very important to me that they maintain their innocence and in this day and age, the struggle very real.
my son is almost 5 and they’ve been covering the topic this past week in preschool. they also sent a small booklet home for the parents to read with their children that addresses it thoroughly. we read it together yesterday and my son would def be the kind of kid to go ballistic if anyone got weird with him. my wife and i would probably kill anyone that messed with our son.
My son had his first basketball game today..He started and did the tip off..Grabbed 2 boards and the coach had him in the last 2 minutes of the game when we were only up by 1..Played some great defense on a kid that scored 2 buckets earlier in the game..They won 16-13!..One proud papa..
Don't know if discussed here before, but do y'all talk to your kids (specially younger ones) about appropriate and inappropriate touch?

I talk to my kids about it from ages 9 to 3 so they know what they should allow and what they shouldn't. They know about their private places that no one should touch and should not be seen. I teach them to protect themselves, to not keep secrets, and not being afraid to come to me if they are uncomfortable about something. I always keep a watchful eye on my kids in EVERY setting, but I still don't see everything. It is very important to me that they maintain their innocence and in this day and age, the struggle very real.

I got an 11 year old so he knows the deal. My little ones ain't there yet since they are only 1 and 3. Honestly wouldn't even know how to address it with them, just praying that when they outside of my view people keep it clean cause I know how to hide a body
Realized this last night how me and my wife's parents are grandparents but we don't see them as that we see them as our parents but these folks is old grandparents lol. Just in a sense of you know the grandparents feed the kids snacks and got every excuse in the book as to why it's okay if they didn't eat the real food and how the snacks ain't gon hurt em lol

We all gettin' old man
i owe somebodies kid a pair of shoes in here
cant remember whose kid it is
i know its a seahawks fan
can someone find the post or poster
i cant remember or seem to find the post
Don't know if discussed here before, but do y'all talk to your kids (specially younger ones) about appropriate and inappropriate touch?

I talk to my kids about it from ages 9 to 3 so they know what they should allow and what they shouldn't. They know about their private places that no one should touch and should not be seen. I teach them to protect themselves, to not keep secrets, and not being afraid to come to me if they are uncomfortable about something. I always keep a watchful eye on my kids in EVERY setting, but I still don't see everything. It is very important to me that they maintain their innocence and in this day and age, the struggle very real.
yeah ive had this talk
with both my son and daughter
also to let them know its ok to tell me if it happens
and not to be afraid to tell me
My son has eczema on his face and the back of his neck :frown:

He isn't itchy tho and doesn't seem uncomfortable so that is a plus.
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