Official NT dad thread: can the dads get love

Got out of the hospital late yesterday.. my 5 week old came down with pneumonia and we've been there the past 5 days.

GREAT to have him home and off the C PAP (and feeding tube and IV)..
Scary stuff man, glad he’s home.

For the batteries I learned with my nephew to buy all types of batteries just to be safe.
BM and I double gifted our daughter lol
She got a Baby Alive baby go bye-bye.
We went to target today to return one and she got a bunch of LOL dolls.
Just found this thread. Good stuff.

Any double-stroller recommendations? Side-by-side preferably. Not trying to break the bank but don't mind spending if it's worth it. Weight is not really an issue. A lot of storage is definitely up there in importance.
Chi-Town! Hamilton broadway show for the princess! She said “ It’s freezing cold, it’s disrespectful.” :lol:



View from the room..


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Just found this thread. Good stuff.

Any double-stroller recommendations? Side-by-side preferably. Not trying to break the bank but don't mind spending if it's worth it. Weight is not really an issue. A lot of storage is definitely up there in importance.

We rented a Baby Jogger City Mini double for a few days when we went to Disneyland earlier this year and i really liked it. Had plenty of storage for us for the day and it was pretty easy to maneuver. Surprisingly, it fit in more tight spaces than i thought it would.
Just found this thread. Good stuff.

Any double-stroller recommendations? Side-by-side preferably. Not trying to break the bank but don't mind spending if it's worth it. Weight is not really an issue. A lot of storage is definitely up there in importance.

I was also gonna recommend Baby Jogger but they’re pricey. We had the city select (which allows you to equip a second seat) and currently have the city mini gt. My sis in law had the city mini double. They’re durable af, easy to maneuver and easy to clean but expensive
You take your daughter everywhere! That's whats up.

Got to. Ain’t no man gonna out do me. :lol:

Nothing is going to impress her...I feel sorry for who ever wants to court her one day.

Also, I’m wanting to give her culture. I didn’t get this exposure until I left New Orleans and was in my mid 20’s.

We have to teach the babies that the world is so much bigger. Explore and enjoy life.

Hamilton was amazing. My daughter cried at the end. She smiled the entired time.



my wife and i were talking about this the other day and my boy was potty trained a coupla months before his 3rd birthday. we gave him night diapers for about a month and stopped cause they were always dry. he’s almost 5 and has never pissed his pants. now that i type this, he’s prolly gonna soak the bed tonight :lol:

you mainland dudes might laugh but for us in hawaii, seeing snow is a big deal. we did a last minute trip to the big island the other day to head 14,000 feet up mauna kea just to see some snow. altitude was tough on my wife and i but my son had a good time.
Got to. Ain’t no man gonna out do me. :lol:

Nothing is going to impress her...I feel sorry for who ever wants to court her one day.

Also, I’m wanting to give her culture. I didn’t get this exposure until I left New Orleans and was in my mid 20’s.

We have to teach the babies that the world is so much bigger. Explore and enjoy life.

Hamilton was amazing. My daughter cried at the end. She smiled the entired time.




I love it bro, the only way to do it!

Props brother

Here's my daughter with her older bro and baby bro (missing my other 2 boys)


Trying to be on the same lev
This Christmas was pretty tricky doing a Santa gift for my 7 year old. The past 6 years we’ve spent Christmas Eve/morning at my moms house. She has a chimney so the whole leaving Santa cookies and milk story was easy. 2017 was the first year we didn’t have Christmas there. We don’t have a chimney at our townhouse. So my son was constantly asking how Santa was going to deliver his gift. Told him to leave his address on the dear Santa letter. We have those community mail boxes where you have to walk down and open your box with a key. I wrapped his gift the day before and opened up the mailbox and put his gift in there. Next morning I told him let’s take the dog for a walk and get the mail.

We get to the mailbox and he goes oh look a package. He freaks out a little because he sees its from Santa :lol: we walk back home and I record him opening it. I enjoy his pure excitement when opening the gifts from Santa.

When did some of you dads stop doing the Santa gift? I think the end might be near for his belief in Santa. I really hope not I think I can milk 1-2 Years max :lol:

But the excitement and joy that you see in there eyes when they open the gift is priceless.

It’s funny I’ve wrapped his Santa gift in the same exact gift wrap every year. I wonder if he ever noticed.
This Christmas was pretty tricky doing a Santa gift for my 7 year old. The past 6 years we’ve spent Christmas Eve/morning at my moms house. She has a chimney so the whole leaving Santa cookies and milk story was easy. 2017 was the first year we didn’t have Christmas there. We don’t have a chimney at our townhouse. So my son was constantly asking how Santa was going to deliver his gift. Told him to leave his address on the dear Santa letter. We have those community mail boxes where you have to walk down and open your box with a key. I wrapped his gift the day before and opened up the mailbox and put his gift in there. Next morning I told him let’s take the dog for a walk and get the mail.

We get to the mailbox and he goes oh look a package. He freaks out a little because he sees its from Santa :lol: we walk back home and I record him opening it. I enjoy his pure excitement when opening the gifts from Santa.

When did some of you dads stop doing the Santa gift? I think the end might be near for his belief in Santa. I really hope not I think I can milk 1-2 Years max :lol:

But the excitement and joy that you see in there eyes when they open the gift is priceless.

It’s funny I’ve wrapped his Santa gift in the same exact gift wrap every year. I wonder if he ever noticed.

I don’t celebrate Christmas but I didn’t take it away from my family...

I told my seed at the age 7. When she had a full understanding. She needed to understand, that’s a fairy tale.

Real life, we work hard to give you things. Great reward for doing good.

Also, kids can be cruel. Some kid at school was going around telling others that Santa was made up. :lol: Those poor kids were crushed.

My daughter was like I’m already hip to the game.. :lol:
At what age did your seeds stop wearing pull-ups to bed?

Oldest daughter stopped around 2.5 ish. She had a habit of not peeing in her sleep only when she woke up. only 1-2 accidents since. Our 1yr old is almost as dependable. She's about fully potty trained, just gotta work on getting her to tell us she has to potty.

my oldest is 4.5 and she's peeing in them every night...she'll go potty before bed and it's soaked in the morning

thought I feel like she would rather go in her pull up in the morning instead of getting out of bed to go cause she's tired with no dambs given, I think she may have done that this morning

my younger one is going to be 2 in a week and we've done very little potty training but i've been talking about how we need to do it since she was 18 months...I feel like I need to hit that hard now especially since the third one should be here within 6 weeks

we only have two pull ups and we thought about having her go to bed with undies on when we run out just to see if that helps but we don't have a mattress liner
We got lucky to be honest. 3yr old will literally wake up in the middle of night if she has to use the bathroom and will walk to the bathroom, as long as the light is on, and use it. Youngest (the 18 month old) can remember to use the potty we have in the living room if she doesn't have her pamper on and will walk to it and use it. She also has been seemingly holding it and waiting until she gets on the potty 2 out 5 times so we gotta get on the ball and get her in some drawls and start saving in both pampers and daycare. Her rate at daycare will be half once she's potty trained
So, my wife went out of town for the weekend and I was home with my daughter. During the weekend, my daughter brought her toy tea cup and spoon to bed to sleep with. I tried every night to take it away but she flipped out and wouldn't sleep.

Wife comes home last night. We're in bed and she takes it away and my daughter wakes up and loses it two hours before I had to wake up for work. While my daughter is crying, she proceeds to lecture me about what I did wrong and how I shouldn't have done that. So, as tired as I was, I clapped back saying my weekend watching would have been a mess because we wouldn't have gotten any sleep and that she shouldn't try to put that on me at 4 in the morning.

Yes, I know I could have stood my ground and told my daughter not to bring her tea cups to bed. But I've been drained with work and sleep is something I've been needing. So I compromised.

Still annoyed AF about this.
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