Official NT dad thread: can the dads get love

Glad this thread is still going strong. I woke up and my 12 year old son was eating a sandwich.. At least he added the seasoning :lol:
my son stepped on a lego tonight and said OUCH! my wife and i laughed :lol:
Bruhhhh I straight up hate those things now...

Leggo and hair bows are always always on the floor man.

My daughter is 1.5 and she’s starting her tantrums and falling out stage. Kids are funny man bc they know who they can pull those stunts with. With me i can just give her the look of “chill out” but with my lady, oh she be working my lady. Sometimes I want to step in but i tell my lady she has to set those boundaries of what’s acceptable with her. Am I tripping or if I see it Step in?
i know it’s tough @debs 168 . you’re probably really tired and that don’t help. try getting a piece of your wife’s clothing that’s been worn all day and put it by the baby when you carry him. my son was a light sleeper too and i remember one time i carried him like 5 laps around our building to get him to sleep and when i put him on the bed, a neighbor sneezed and my boy woke up crying. i stuck my head out the window and yelled COVER YA DAMN MOUTH! :lol:
@debs 168 it gets better man. My daughter is 19 months and just now she’s getting super happy when I’m around. It would happen here and there when she was a year but now it’s daily when I get home from work she runs to me. The first year we as dads are somewhat useless due to us not being the food source. It does get better, just be patient man. You’re not a monster for feeling how you do. This is the ugly side of parenting no one wants to acknowledge but hey it’s life man and you signed up for it, just gotta see it through. You can always hit up the thread or pm when you’re stressed. How old is your kid?
Taking our 5 month old baby on vacation this Friday. Low key nervous about how the flight is going to go.
sorry, have to vent here. nobody offline understands where i'm coming from. they look at me like a monster when i say these thigns because babies are cute and because they're all women with breasts that formula fed their children or have no children or whatever.

Sometimes we just need to let out our frustrations. I can def see your pain man, you this is part of what comes with parenthood. Sometimes there's a slight change, or some that are manageable and often they are big changes that take time to get used to. BUT, your wife has to find a way to understand where you are coming from. If you aren't getting the attention you deserve something's gotta give cause if the shoe was on the other foot, it'd def be a problem. It's testy situation because the wiggle room a man has to critique the way a woman about her children being raised is grounds for an atomic bomb to be dropped with no regard till it's far too late.

If you really want to have this conversation, rehearse it in your head. Multiple times. Think about how she will receive it, not how she should but based on what you know about her and what sets her off, think about how all of what you are saying will hit her ears. Even with these precautions it still may end up being a battlefield but you deserve the same right to request change because of a lack as she does.

Bruhhhh I straight up hate those things now...

Leggo and hair bows are always always on the floor man.

My daughter is 1.5 and she’s starting her tantrums and falling out stage. Kids are funny man bc they know who they can pull those stunts with. With me i can just give her the look of “chill out” but with my lady, oh she be working my lady. Sometimes I want to step in but i tell my lady she has to set those boundaries of what’s acceptable with her. Am I tripping or if I see it Step in?

Like I said above, tread carefully. Women like to think no matter what they are doing they are right ESPECIALLY considering kids and SUUUUPER ESPECIALLY considering their own kids. Make your statement and back it up a lil but don't try to convince her you are right and she is wrong but simply as an offering of new information or different way to handle the tantrums.
Taking our 5 month old baby on vacation this Friday. Low key nervous about how the flight is going to go.

we took our son to d.c. when he was around 6 months...he did really well...the flight attendants were very helpful and thankfully people on the plane were super patient with us......we had it in our head it was going to be a terrible trip but it worked out pretty well...


stay in there bro...
Oldest daughter stopped around 2.5 ish. She had a habit of not peeing in her sleep only when she woke up. only 1-2 accidents since. Our 1yr old is almost as dependable. She's about fully potty trained, just gotta work on getting her to tell us she has to potty.
I'm just not sure if her bladder is ready for it

there's been rare occassions where she has gone the whole night without peeing

we bought a waterproof liner and tried getting her to sleep in her undies...the first night she was dry in the morning and then peed herself after coming to her room to check the status :smh:

i talked to her later in the day and she said she was afraid T-rex was going to get her :stoneface: but i think maybe she forgot she was wearing undies and thinks it's ok to pee while wearing a pull-up

the next night, didn't even get to 3 AM and she had already peed herself

both nights she peed before bed and didn't have much of anything to drink prior to bed
Fellas, This isnt something i would do but i wouldn't feel right if i didnt even try.
This family is a friend of a friend.

This couple recently had a 'premie and had to go to nicu due to lack of oxygen during birth. Doctors are saying no chance of survival but lil mama still going strong!

As i looked at homies IG page and saw the first time he held her (since they had to rush her to nicu) i legit shed a tear man....thought of my daughters snd reminded myself how lucky i am to have two healthy babygirls.

If you want to help...or keep them in your prayers atleast.

Edit: hopefully it works
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what is he wearing?

i'm not sure I can do nice kicks for my kids at such a young age

my daughters don't care for the shoes i would want them to get but i'm gonna have a boy any day now

just not sure i can justify the price with how much they'll get worn
If you consider the fact that you can sell most infant shoes for almost the same price you bought them for, and some for more, it's not as bad as you'd think. Or considering if you want to have kids in the future you can hang onto the shoes/clothes and hand em down they'd come in handy
its a racket. i only do sale shoes. no more than 40 bucks. and no more than 2 in any size. right now hes a 4c and he has some roshe runs and adidas tubulars. paid 60 total. my mom is always buying the lil man shoes from gap/h&m but hes usually chillin in socks or sneakers
if I had gotten my way my girls woulda had some some luxury sneaks, just didn't have my coins right. Right now tho we will usually get some lil cheap shoes from carters or some other shoe store for like <$20. Wife bought them some huraches and they were about $40-50. Might get them some more name brand shoes this summer but not if we can find something cuter for cheap
as far as good shoes for our girls we've been getting stride rite, always looking for them on discount or sale when buying though

got cheap shoes from payless, boots w/ a small heel from carters which did well, couple of pairs of sneakers from h&m that my younger one loves right now...the design is kind of a knock off of dunks and air force 1's, the one pair is grey leather and patent grey leather, she got the cool grey joints :lol:

when my boy is at the point where he can walk i'm gonna look at getting a pair of prestos
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