Official NT dad thread: can the dads get love

Divorced dads of NT...

What was the moment that you decided to end it all?

I didn't have a choice...

I was deployed. Got an email on Christmas day that she was bouncing. Had 4 months left on the deployment. Got back, empty crib. Only thing she left me was my shoes and clothes.

Not saying our marriage was in the best place but she didn't have to cut me like that.

We were in townhouses and my neighbor said about 2 months after I left, they started seeing this guy (who she is married to now) coming to the house a lot.

The relationship between me and my daughter was good until the divorce went final because my ex tried to get me for everything instead of going with what we agreed upon when I was on deployment.

She ended up getting a lot less then what she thought she was going to get so she would play games with visitation.

Guys make sure you keep a log of every receipt, every payment and every time she acts up when you try to see your kid. It helps when you go to court.

The one day I remember most and still hurts to this day: My ex was dropping my daughter off and she didn't want to go with me, crying hysterically. She had never done this before. She ends up coming with me but wouldn't talk to me. My mom talks with my daughter and she said that her mom was talking to her about not coming because she was going to be missing out on stuff and that your dad is mean and you won't have fun with him...

My daughter is 17 now and she starting to ask more and more question about things like that because she remembers it too....

Whatever you do, don't stoop down to the baby mama drama...just be the best father you can be, document everything and go back to court when it's time.
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@bendover I wouldnt not talk to her or the mom I would ask her why she dont want to come over & see if she will be honest.
But I will say this since I have a 15 yo teenager. Even though I post my son I tell him all the time that if he didnt need money or want food he wouldnt talk to me or see me either. He likes lives in a bubble where he just want to do what he wants to do. He lives with me because schools in my county are better & I have to make him go see his mom. Not because they have a bad relarionship or anything but because he feels what he got going on is more important & she be hurt. He dont call anyone or text I have to literally make him. I'll pick him up from wrestling practice or just go get a haircut & he literally says nothing to me just rides. So it could just be the teenage stage.
Definitely a teen stage. My son went through the same thing and still doesn't it but is more vocal. You just have to accept you're not cool to them anymore 😅. What was hard for me was how talkative he was to random people but closed up with me. Could chat for hours on the phone with friends but a 5min convo with me was death 😒. What helped for me was getting Interested in things he likes. It may take a bit but eventually they start opening up. Dont talk too much or give too much advice...just listen and pay attention.
tupac003 tupac003 thats true. I had issues with my BMs & she tried to make it hard for me & my son.

Bitterness man. And the only one truly hurt is the child.

I hate it man. But my mom did the same to my pops. I didn't realize how bad it was until I went through it and the relationship between me and my dad got so much better after my divorce. He had my back and helped me not make the mistakes he made.
dope. Wife just got promoted today too. Almost to a point where I can retire to be a stay at home dad
Told my wife that I would consider being a stay-at-home dad if she decided to go back work. Wouldn't mind it actually. Probably would go back to school and jump into a new field.
When I retire, I will be a stay at home dad.

I'm setting things up now to ensure that our income will be fine. Wifey works and she is working towards a promotion so I can come home.

I already got the schedule laid out, drop the kids off, go golf, go back to the crib, get chores done, pick the kids up, take them to their activities, come home for dinner, put them to bed and do it all over again the next day.

After 25 years in the Navy, that is a schedule I can maintain.
When I retire, I will be a stay at home dad.

I'm setting things up now to ensure that our income will be fine. Wifey works and she is working towards a promotion so I can come home.

I already got the schedule laid out, drop the kids off, go golf, go back to the crib, get chores done, pick the kids up, take them to their activities, come home for dinner, put them to bed and do it all over again the next day.

After 25 years in the Navy, that is a schedule I can maintain.
Ay, yall military folks cut different so I'm probably wrong for doubting you. But I didnt see cook or clean in that list of **** to do lol. Im willing to guarantee them chores will not involve the cooking and only some of the cleaning.

My wife and I tag team...I work early mornings she works evenings. My relief is their bed time, but it's usually my bed time too since I gotta get up extra early. Her relief is going to work. Cant lie, with covid keeping us confined to home not just because of the shut down but also due to us not wanting to drop our kids off to be watched while we go out (in an effort to control the spread) ****s weighing on us more than it usually does.
Ay, yall military folks cut different so I'm probably wrong for doubting you. But I didnt see cook or clean in that list of **** to do lol. Im willing to guarantee them chores will not involve the cooking and only some of the cleaning.

My wife and I tag team...I work early mornings she works evenings. My relief is their bed time, but it's usually my bed time too since I gotta get up extra early. Her relief is going to work. Cant lie, with covid keeping us confined to home not just because of the shut down but also due to us not wanting to drop our kids off to be watched while we go out (in an effort to control the spread) ****s weighing on us more than it usually does.

We tag team cooking. I actually cook more than her right now because of her schedule but I just BBQ stuff so cooking is easy to me.
Started my promotion this week and unfortunately my wife’s ultrasound was scheduled for today but baby boy is looking good. Got about 4 months to go.
Are you able to go to the ultrasounds? Last year my girlfriend was pregnant. I didn’t go to any untrasound visits due to covid
my younger 2 got ten day suspension for sneezing..

both tested - but both still had the sniffles.. 2020 here we go again

They assured us it was safe. Spend 1k in fees to have him enrolled and it’s gone. 239 kids and they have over 10 cases in 4 days?! ******* parents shouldn’t have sent their kids to school if they suspected anything.

lausd is stupid too. The kids are swabbing themselves lol. We have 0 social distancing. My class is packed. AC don’t work. Kids filling halls and stairways. It’s a mess.

you can opt out of the daily pass and just say you’re fine and they can’t deny entrance.

no temp checks, nothing.

they risking kids lives for butts in the seat money
my little guy is just over a week old. honestly, its not that bad. he sleeps for about 3-4 hours at a time, so my wife and i can get pretty good sleep. he wakes up, needs a diaper change, eats, hangs out for a little, then back to sleep and repeat. maybe we just got lucky? he is one hangry mf though :lol:

both my wife and i work from home, so i think we'll be cool. the issue might be the timing of our meetings and if little guy wants to act up during them. we still have a ways to go on leave, so we'll cross that bridge when we get there. all in all, being a dad is cool as **** man. i have gotten peed on twice though and thrown up on once :lol:
Are you able to go to the ultrasounds? Last year my girlfriend was pregnant. I didn’t go to any untrasound visits due to covid

that sucks and was us last year. I felt like a single mother. No shade to any of them. But my husband couldn’t go to any appointments and we all had to be tested when I gave birth. No visitors there either though. Our youngest has yet to meet majority of his family still.
my little guy is just over a week old. honestly, its not that bad. he sleeps for about 3-4 hours at a time, so my wife and i can get pretty good sleep. he wakes up, needs a diaper change, eats, hangs out for a little, then back to sleep and repeat. maybe we just got lucky? he is one hangry mf though :lol:

both my wife and i work from home, so i think we'll be cool. the issue might be the timing of our meetings and if little guy wants to act up during them. we still have a ways to go on leave, so we'll cross that bridge when we get there. all in all, being a dad is cool as **** man. i have gotten peed on twice though and thrown up on once :lol:

I ran my class with a newborn in my lap and the 4 year old yelling in the background.
My son started second grade a couple weeks back. After his first day of school and I asked how it was and he said, “I don’t want to talk about it. I’ve been around too much noise all day and I just need to decompress now!!” Lol

My daughter starts K tomorrow. Growing up too fast.
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