Official NY Knicks 2021 preseason

New pickup

This is the caliber point guard the Knicks would need to keep Randle as your 1st option, while RJ is still being groomed. I would rather hold onto 1 of the 3 players being sent & in either case I’m sending Obi 1st.

Obi+Mitch+Knox+Frank & 4 picks. 🤷🏾‍♂️ They got 2 elite point guards over there already.

Fox/RJ/Bullocks/Randle/Noel plays defense & your point guard knows is able to break down the opposition defense through sheer speed alone. Not unlike ur boy Rose.

Would love to have Fox but that Price, ridiculous!


Y'all hear the bass in Kwame's voice? Told him send Derek Fisher some gas money to pick up ya kids.

Started singing that Kellz joint :rofl:

This some ****ing ether. Said a light skin ***** like you should be like Drake. Instead you getting your girl taken from you.

From this and the other video, Kwame sound hurt and bitter for real. But it also seem like none of the players respected him like that. :lol:


Y'all hear the bass in Kwame's voice? Told him send Derek Fisher some gas money to pick up ya kids.

Started singing that Kellz joint :rofl:

This some ****ing ether. Said a light skin ***** like you should be like Drake. Instead you getting your girl taken from you.

This dude makes no sense, one minute magacooning, the next complaining about what he sees as that sort of behavior.

As encouraging as this may look, we all know the reg. season and post-season are VERY different. I hope we get this kind of output from our guys, but considering 2 out of 3 are younger players and Randle hasn't proven to be a great player when pressured, I'd assumed a drop of 30% in their output for the playoffs. Atlanta also has some very decent bigs who will give us trouble on the boards. We're a smaller team, and IDK how we'll do rebounding against Atlanta.
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yeah that lil ramen hair'd, glasses on the court wearing bastard scares me son ... we good tho ....
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