Official NY Knicks 2021 preseason

This past playoffs proved that your success in the playoffs is 65% roster and 35% matchups. Hawks weren't getting past the Nets if they had to play them round 2. Also feel they didn't match up well against the Heat so worked in their favor we got 4 seed over the Heat.

Seeding worked in their favor and they got matched up against us with our star shrinking in his first playoffs and then got banged up Embiid, Green got hurt, and then Simmons decided he doesn't feel like shooting.


Would only want to trade the farm of picks for a SGA or other young star. Otherwise, this draft might have the pg of the future that can be developed. Preferably behind a vet like Lowry on a 2 yr deal.

Pls keep his bestie Derozan away.
Lack of fluidity and bend is what will hinder Obi. Jumping high wnd running fast doesn’t mean much if you can’t change angles and directions fast enough.
Yea he's a stiff. Has some quickness to him, so I kinda hope we get him involved in more cuts to the basket and post up opportunities.
Obi was fine the second half of the season. Nothing really great but seemed to have a better grasp of the mental aspect of the game.

Played with much more confidence.
Lack of playing time & a point guard will be what hinders Obi. He also needs to get stronger. Hard to judge him on 11 mpg or whatever & being the 4th option off the bench.

Juju becoming MIP under Thibbs who ran him 40 mpg is why his rookie season seemed underwhelming.

He’s gonna need 20-25 min a night this upcoming season. And if Julius gets the extension, idk if all parties involved would want that playing time situation for another year after that. Time will tell.

Let him get drafted by almost any other team at 8 & he’s starting.
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