Official NY Knicks 2021 preseason

Would Lonzo and Sexton this off season be long term contender if we hold onto RJ?
So essentially Lonzo, Sexton,RJ, Randle, Mitch or Noel and keep Rose and whoever else we sign
He's making people fall like he's on an AND1 mixtape tour at the 0:18 mark too.

That might be the greatest Frank highlight film I've ever watched.

FIBA Frank hitting side step three's :frown:

Watching this and then watching him dribble for us it makes zero sense.

But then again he just doesn’t play up to the competition level. Reminds me of when I use to play pickups locally then went to another neighborhood with some friends who got an invite to an open gym and I was playing against high D2 level players. I just couldn’t compete athletically. This is exactly it right here with Frank even though most of these players are nba level athletes. Makes zero sense because he can compete length wise, just not mentally it seems. A change of scenery and better coaches may change this though.
Y’all still on this frank stuff 😂😂😂😂

Knicks fans know he had a lack luster tenure but y’all don’t want him going to a next franchise and become decent 😂
chilllll i specially said arm not leg :lol:

Roll Safe, the Guy-Tapping-Head Meme, Explained
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