OFFICIAL NYk '22 offseason thread, RJ extended

happened on the first try :pimp:

Samanic has a foot injury.

Time for 45 minutes of Julius Randle. Could be his chance to really take over. Or just break the season.
It seemed more controlled last year but then again the league was more strict and there wasn't fans until later in the season....
Jeff Van Gundy was talking yesterday or Friday (can’t remember) that the league may need to go into a bubble again if things don’t calm down. I don’t know if it gets like that but it’ll be interesting.
Ready for this season to end.
Im just ready for a new HC man.

Thibs seems incapable of playing multiple rookies in one game man. It's very concerning and frustrating to be honest.

If IQ didn't become as beloved and was a massive upgrade Offensively over Payton and Obi was the number 8 pick in his regime ..... no way they played that much together last year and even then Obis minutes were extremely limited.

This year we have seem Simms played, Grimes played and Deuce played but never in the same game when it counted. Just one of them in a game at a time. Perhaps now that Knox is also down we see Deuce and Simms on the floor but I wouldn't be suprise if they don't.

Thibs/Randle just need to leave ...
Thibs would make sense on a veteran established team that has stars...we are a young team without any stars and just need to develop our young guys... I don't think Knox got a fair shot here... he only really played his rookie year and that's it...It's obvious obi should play at least 25-30 minutes a game
Taj is a Knick for life now. Indy doesn't even pick up the phone tho. And there's still Julius Randle & Mitch on the team after that deal goes down. You prolly wanna package them 2 for another star caliber player if that fleecing commences.
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