OFFICIAL NYk '22 offseason thread, RJ extended

We need to figure out what to do with Randle ....

He is the reason our offense struggles bro.

No if and buts ....
Deuce and IQ carrying the Knicks in the second half

Randle & the team would be so much better if we played through our guards. Almost seems like we have to just simplize things.

Basic pick & roll action works when your guards make the right reads.
Deuce is a real point guard. In the 4th, Burks gave the ball up immediately everytime down floor to Deuce. He knows he ain't a real PG. Deuce sets a flow out there on offense and people aren't just standing around watching Randle iso. At this point start the kid

That 2nd half is also why I'm not just giving up on Mitch for no reason. Rookie season he was 2nd in the NBA in blocks. Year 2, sets all time FG % record held by Wilt. Year 3, a wash due to injuries. This year he's been a struggle to watch, clearly too big and not himself on the court. He's been awful imo. And now you can see him getting back into his previous shape and the hops coming back, and the mobility. Nerlens cannot do what Mitch just did tonight in the 2nd half. Unless it's part of a trade for a star player, throwing Mitch away for nothing is pointless
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