OFFICIAL NYk '22 offseason thread, RJ extended

What we need to start doing is rooting for the Hornets. We have their pick and I believe it’s top 18 protected

-My guy RawHebrew goes into a little detail on that pick and the many others the Knicks have no use for other than trade 📦. And a trade is coming.

-Totally unfair how Thibbs yanked Deuce yesterday. Even Obi alluded to it in his post game interview. Thibbs sees nothing when his guys are out there doing the same or worse.

-Team was not missing Randle the way Wally & Breen were slurping him on the mic. Rebounding and rim protection. We need our bigs. Thankfully some are getting back.

-Thibbs obviously a win now coach so no wonder the short leash for rookies. And especially rookie PGs. He hates playing them. This season might be a wash so who knows if Leon insists he play the kids.

- 35 to 37 wins
a coach like budenholzer who substitutes often and changes his rotations with frequency to adjust to the game with strategy rather than just making them "play hard" as a template would be nice. someone who actually runs offensive plays would be cool too

that last game against the bucks had me seeing thibs in a different light compared to how coach bud was performing against him and it's been downhill since
doesn't it feel like something's really wrong when you have one of your young players get his career high and all you can really say is he needs to do better for more consitent minutes? knicks lost, but he still shouldn't be passive aggressive like this about his own players
doesn't it feel like something's really wrong when you have one of your young players get his career high and this is all you can really say? knicks lost, but he still shouldn't be passive aggressive like this about his own players in front of the media. that's not normal

it’s like you said, he has that “i’m the coach and know better than all of you” mentality

he’ll sooner go out of his way to cover for one of his guys when they’re playing like *** rather than commend anyone else when it’s something obvious that the media and fans been screaming at him all year

the way he was taught to coach won’t let him ever escape it

he’s a relic and gotta go
He’s better served as defensive assistant at this point in his career. I also wouldn’t mind bringing in Woodson.
Thibs a ***** .. calling the future 2nd string QBs.
**** him ... hopw he dissappear sooner than later. His comments are detrimental to the youth and team.

This is the same dude that didn't believe Butler was a superstar even after he was a superstart ... yet once he realized or gave in to the fcat he was a superstar he was slurping.
For the heck of, who ya think deserves to be all star starters?

I got :



Edit* (possibly swap Draymond for Mitchell) kind of a toss up.
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You guys think the front office will try to improve by adding on to this current roster (trade for Turner) or will they go all in on a disgruntled star (Dame or Simmons)?

I don’t think the roster is as bad as it is. Our offensive schemes are terrible. Nothing but high picks and isos. Reminds me of Fizdales offense. There’s no way you can convince me that losing Elfrid and Bullock made our defense drop off this bad either.

I really think a lot of this falls on Thibs if this season ends with us under .500 and no playoffs.
Thibbs probably wants to trade all the kids for a vet or two he can trust. Good thing he came onboard after Leon. He (coach) seems to be looking for defensive versatility. That might be going with Deuce, Grimes, RJ, Sims, & Mitch. Hoping to see all the kids running before Juju comes back. Gotta start Obi so Sims will sub. Not tryna see any french baguettes tonite neither.

I think he can still work as coach of the Knicks but he’ll need to shift his sights from win now to at least a couple seasons. With that said, wish the 3 vets were a couple years younger. Rose :blush:.

They’re gonna make a trade :lol: once they miss the playoffs again. Not wasting DRose’s remaining years on Julius Randle. They just can’t.
Sykes has a great documentary on Amazon prime. Fan of his so I don’t mind him being the scrub of the night and lighting us up at the garden
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