OFFICIAL NYk '22 offseason thread, RJ extended

Hopefully that was the showcase the kings management needed from randle. The hustle and bully ball they want.
I didn't see it but I'm listening to wfan and they're talkin about Julius ordering food during his press conference after the game last night ...

Could dude be anymore uninterested nowadays ? :lol:

Grimes off the bench.....

We need a stretch 4 that can anchor the D with the second unit and a back up pg...

Knicks aren't too far from having a good team...
at some point you have to fine him for conduct detrimental to the team right? does he have some dirt on Thibs/Dolan that they're just letting him act this way? he's like a child with no parenting.
at some point you have to fine him for conduct detrimental to the team right? does he have some dirt on Thibs/Dolan that they're just letting him act this way? he's like a child with no parenting.

Fine him?

The Knicks were paying for all of Julius’ fines when they didn’t have to. :lol:

He got his $. That’s what it is

we've seen numerous players get paid and then have their production fall off, but this is different. its like he's intentionally being a **** bc he wants to get traded or something. our FO doing nothing about his behavior just makes it worse. maybe it is true that a trade is already is already done and they're just waiting for him to be eligible to make it official. its just ******* annoying to watch him.
He’s a family man who’s been in the league for like 8 years now. I’d expect someone still on their rookie deal to act like this. **** is weird for a grown man/vet to purposely act like this.

Plenty of stars have these tendencies too, mostly short term, but he’s not even a star either.
This is the BIG Julius Randle thread.:lol::sick:

I really can't stomach this thread anymore. If I were an NBA player, I'd want to get as far away from this toxic environment as possible.

This is the BIG Julius Randle thread.:lol::sick:

I really can't stomach this thread anymore. If I were an NBA player, I'd want to get as far away from this toxic environment as possible.

Lebron says " this is why I'm never going to new york" 😂
I think y'all are wild for how deep the critisicms go and how emotional both sides seem to be.

I didn't like that he was on his phone at the presser is really the type of stuff that's wild.:lol:

It can't be enjoyable to constantly be focusing on and trying to point out negativity. That's just how it feels in here. Maybe if everyone chilled out and it was less tense, things might maybe move a little more smoothly here.
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