OFFICIAL NYk '22 offseason thread, RJ extended

Im for trading Burks, buying out Kemba if we can’t find a suitor, and trading Randle.

Idk if trading Evan is the right move though.
Exactly my sentiments. Although I was rooting for Kemba, he is wild inconsistent and he seems to turn it up at his leisure. Maybe is the fact that he has to appease Randle and Thibs, but right now I wish him success on another team.

You also have to get rid of Burks and probably IQ. Force Thibs to play PGs at the 1 and not SG at PGs.

I also hate that we keep bringing up Rose, obviously dude is playing great for us, but truth be told he is on his last legs man. We just need to start including the youth. If we bring Fox, that will give Rose a few more years but if we get rid of everyone and can't bring in a good PG, that will automatically diminish Roae by like half of his remaining time.
I’m down for Barnes and Fox for Julius, Evan, and a Dallas pick.

Id do this. Idk about Sac

Sac gonna be in town till at least Feb 2. Julius eligible to be traded 3rd I think..

Obi doesn’t have the skill of Randle (at least what he showed last season), but he plays with effort/energy and above the rim. Randle is lazy and pump fakes all his drives.
Obi. Is better than what any of us have seen thus far. Very different players are Randle & Obi though. Obi’s potential is certainly higher. I’m willing to bet his bball iq is higher already too.
Y’all must see something in Obi I just don’t. I see an athlete that has no bends. Great straight line but can’t change direction to save his life.
It’s cool seeing Camby.

I tried to tell y’all Fournier was trash and we should have traded Randle while his stock was high. Both gotta go. Randle really gotta go. Give Obi and Reddish some time to play and develop. I’d rather be entertained while we losing.
RJ never has many complete bad games & is historically a better 2nd half performer in his young career.

Last year I was shouting to anyone who’d listen this Kings backcourt wouldn’t last, an embarrassment of riches, & the Knicks should trade for him.

Today, in 2022, I’m very protective of the home picks in Deuce & Rokas. They will be ready soon & I don’t want anyone else getting in the way. I can wait.

Personally I’d pass but I would still get onboard eventually. Randle & IQ for a StarFox swap is the most tolerable trade.
Reddish finally getting in is laughable. Should have been in. How the **** you even get up for 5 minutes and you up by 25.

Obi with the old school move
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