OFFICIAL NYk '22 offseason thread, RJ extended

This guy really makes the same exact substitutions at the same exact times regardless of the score in every single game :lol: :smh: :smh:
Imagine still have RJ in when the team was getting crushed on a back to back with all the minutes he's logged over the last week. That should be ground for immediate termination.
Been telling ya ....

The real problem here is Thibs.

Thibs is like a lot of medicines, they are good and helpful in a small time period, but overtime they are toxic and dangerous to your help.

Didn't see him being with the Knicks after 3/4 years, but it's very evident this should be his last. Dude is a bot. It's like he has a timer on and when it rings he makes the subs. Whats more disgusting is that when players are playing well they get yanked off before the timer goes off ... is like he think they are going to run out of good shooting and they need to save it for later on. ******* up their rhythm...

Thibb’s isn’t doing himself or his supporters any favors with these recent coaching gaffs. **** would be unforgivable if ✨J got seriously injured in garbage time.

Leon has to take ownership here & fix the roster. Coach is gonna coach. Give him no choice but to play the kids after the deadline.

Last night was especially cringey I heard between Burks & Quick. Time to cut the fat & his insistence on playing Immanuel out of position is making the kid look flabby and sick.
yep. it's always been this coach. he's been really awful this season.
you couldn't find a coach to sabotage this season on purpose the way this one has via incompetence. irresponsible, reckless, disrespectful and harmful to his own players.
he's worn out his welcome and all the credit he accumulated last season.

he's been the #1 detriment to this team
Trade Randle, get a top 5 draft pick, fire the coach, RJ all star jump, trade for a vet or two... Recharge my controller in this 2K video game I'm playing, and boom... Championship
There isn't a significant hire for head coach mid season.. Thibs last until the end of the year

We're probably stuck with this roster for the year also and will go after the Brunson or Brogdon types in the offseason. ride out next season developing the youth more and pray for a healthy Zion

By then Barreta # 9 should be Kobe lite >D
Thibs' rotation management has always been ****

Last night, that was the final straw
Whatever the fans in here or elsewhere want, its very doubtful Thibbs is fired this year or next. Get used to him before he hurts you even more.

Glad DRose is Deuce's vet. Not only an all time great but he's for sure helping him handle his emotions with this coach. Its gotta hurt to see some clearly lower tier talent out there ahead of you while you wait your turn.

He does need to turn it around this last quarter of the season though. The seat will be dominican thot burning ****** hot going into year 3 as opposed to regular NY pressure cooker hot.

Absolutely no way Rose sent a 1st rd pick for Cam to sit so he's going to clear some room. He's got til 3 tomorrow.
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