OFFICIAL NYk '22 offseason thread, RJ extended

no cp3 or booker and still take the L... ok lets get this lottery pick and pick the wrong guy again lmao
It's the most Knicks thing ever for a Knick to be the leading scorer in the game, unnecessarily fight with a player and get ejected, and the player he fought stays in the game and goes off and hits the buzzer beater.
Thibs is about to turn OBI into Knox 😔

And I'ma say it one more time, we need to resign Mitch. He ate Aytons FOOD tonight. Ayton averages 16/10. He was 8/3 tonight. Why? Because he wasn't playing with Chris Paul! This is what happens to centers when they do not have a point guard. We keep playing around and let this kid leave to a real team with a real PG, and we end up sitting here looking stupid AF. Hell nah
Ya some damn fools ....

Friday night, and staying up to watch a Randle lead team with Thibs coaching?

Ya don't learn. This one is more painful as they had you believing they could. Lmao

Told ya suckas.
Got killed by Great Value Kevin Durant

Randle is definitely going to sit for a few games, man shoved the ref like he Obi or one of our assistant coaches
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