OFFICIAL NYk '22 offseason thread, RJ extended

So what y’all wanna do with the 11th pick?

I would take TyTy if he fell but it’s still early we’ll see
You have to trade that pick man .. aint **** gonna be there and if there is ... he will only be benched and ruined with the Knicks.
I’ll take Sochan at 11 then. At least they didn’t drop. If Randle finds a new home by AS break he’ll see time behind Obi or even at the 3.

Gleague him until then.
Don’t care who we draft. Hard to find true talent in that range. If you get a role player consider yourself lucky.
Bet money half ur crying eyes haven’t watched enough tape on these kids to really be in the feelings like that.

The Thibs outrage is also a bit dramatic. As if rookies Grimes & Sims didn’t carve out rotation minutes. For whatever circumstance them boys got to play.

Curious to see if he himself has grown as a coach & will learn to have patience with them all but I highly doubt it.

Playing rookies & kids to him is like rebuilding. He’s not the rebuilding type of HC but oddly enough a great fit to develop these guys.

Leon now knows exactly how his coach runs the team so he’s gotta get the young core minutes. Addition by subtraction mainly.

End of the day, the team could add a good piece to the core. Kid plays the defense you need in todays NBA. I greatly exaggerated his lack of offense earlier.

He just don’t have a very wide range of moves or the %s. The defense is true tho. Shows some potential for more O but honestly if they can give Fr💩nk 8 szns thus far to become a complete player & still sing praises all the way then Sochan should deserve some rope from Knicks fans.

Looks like a great backup big/wing.

Slander the FO all day & they’ll deserve it most time but when draft night comes they been knocking it out the park lately.

We're gonna trade the pick for Myles Turner

Idk about Turners contract but I really think they’re gonna go for a big in this draft. I wouldn’t mind that trade as it brings some versatility with Sims as back up and opens up the paint for Randle.

Fairly certain Mitch and Noel are gone. Noel is a expiring a team will bite.
Noel is actually a solid backup center. he just can't stay healthy.

IF we do not resign Mitch, i like trading our FRP + Noel for Turner. as mentioned, he can shoot and his contract expires after next season. Mitch will probably get close to what Myles's contract is anyway, so i'd rather get a more serviceable offensive player that can still block shots and rebound. if Sims has a breakout year, we let Myles walk and free up that cap.
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