Official Palm Pre Thread

Does anyone know if the Pre would be able to be used with a Sero plan?? I hope so
I really don't see why it wouldn't be able to be used with SERO. Unless they will try to make you get a separate data plan or something
I hope so...I have been waiting for a new Palm OS phone since I really want to upgrade from my Centro but I refuse to get a windows mobile phone. They arestraight @#%
Originally Posted by reigndrop

Originally Posted by djaward

I find it weird that in every video shown, the user has trouble doing something. From slidding the page to exiting a screen. The last video posted on the first page, the guy had a somwhat hard time doing the double tap thing. I like the phone and I might cop, but I just hope the phone isnt difficult. APPLE SHOULD BE SCARED.

It's still in beta, I wouldn't be worried.
i wouldnt be worried either, i dont see many people getting the pre because they have to stick with sprint
Originally Posted by cincybcats22

Nokia N97 > ______.

i cant wait until that comes out. might be the reason why i leave my iphone.
Originally Posted by Osh Kosh Bosh

People acting like they are patent lawyers.

Apple is infringing on many of Palms patents. (they were the first smart phones remember??

If apple were to come after them for this Palm would return the favor and they would destroy themselves in the process.

The phrase. that is used by most patent attorney's is mutual assured destruction.

Apple totin' paper tigers.

and what patents would those be?
Originally Posted by CincoSeisDos

Originally Posted by Mateen Cleaves

BOLD > that

you're comparing the pre to a phone that'll be a year old by the time the former is released??

blackberry owners are worse than iphone owners. they feel the need to prove that their phone is superior even though nobody cares or asked them to.

and i cant wait until the pre comes out, nothing is wrong with a little competition.
Im coppin' Palm > any other phone company. This phone will be bananas. Remember Palm started this smart/touch screen phone game.
I hate cell phones. Everytime one comes out I feel like I have to have it, this is my 3rd in the past year. If this phone turns out to be a beast like everyonethinks it is I might just have to make that jump to sprint. Sprint though.....on second thought maybe not. I think I like vzw enough to stay with them even ifthey don't get it
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

Nah, the scratch thing was for lulz but they will have to redesign how they use gestures and such. There is a reason why G1 and BB Storm didn't copy Apple, and no, it was not because they wanted to be different, it was because of the incoming patent. Which makes me wonder why the people at Palm (a big corporation) didn't see this coming from Apple.
did you read the article?
I tried, your link is dead or you didn't link it right, it leads to a blank white page.
Originally Posted by Kneesh

Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

Originally Posted by Kneesh

^No it doesn't mean that .

Pre confirmed that they aren't changing @%$+ .

It's not biting anyway . Apple is just afraid of competition .

Have you not heard of or know what a patent is? It is bitting, I don't recall anyone using "gestures" on a touch screen phone until Apple came up with the iPhone. People ever wonder why G1 didn't copy Apple on the "2 finger pinch" gesture? Do some research Kneesh.
Like I said , read the article . Palm has talked about this . They aren't changing a lot , trust me . Apple thinks the Pre isn't going to sell because they took away a few gestures ?
Righttt . Thery're stupid for even thinking that .

They even stated (in a sense) that if Apple was to try to take them to court for the gestures , Palm would take Apple to court for biting off a couple of their things also . Palm is a well established company . I don't think Apple wants to go there ...
Seriously .
They may not change or want to change a lot, but the gesture features that mimics the iPhone will have to go unless Apple license the technologyto them... nah, not happening. That would cause harmful sales to Apple and we know they don't want that. Establish or not, Apple has a case with thegestures, it's THERE patent, period.
Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

Nah, the scratch thing was for lulz but they will have to redesign how they use gestures and such. There is a reason why G1 and BB Storm didn't copy Apple, and no, it was not because they wanted to be different, it was because of the incoming patent. Which makes me wonder why the people at Palm (a big corporation) didn't see this coming from Apple.
did you read the article?
I tried, your link is dead or you didn't link it right, it leads to a blank white page.

Friggin Yuku.
my fault...wrong link

it's a good read...but the pertinent part

The consequences of playing with fire

If you're asking yourself why Apple or Palm would develop a product that so obviously infringes on published patents, it's because somewhere along the line, each company made the decision that it could realistically convince a court that those patents were invalid -- most likely because they're "obvious," which is a word loaded with legal meaning in the patent realm. For our purposes, we can just say that "obvious" means that you can't patent a combination of different existing things, you have to do something new -- and while we're not going to judge Apple or Palm's patents on that standard, we will say that there's plenty of meat for the attorneys on both sides to chew on. All you really need to know is that by suing Palm, Apple's putting its iPhone patents at risk, and that's an awful big ante. Same for Palm if it sues Apple and loses -- it stands the risk of losing its patents, and we'd bet it's making a tidy sum licensing at least some of them out to other companies.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

my fault...wrong link

it's a good read...but the pertinent part

The consequences of playing with fire

If you're asking yourself why Apple or Palm would develop a product that so obviously infringes on published patents, it's because somewhere along the line, each company made the decision that it could realistically convince a court that those patents were invalid -- most likely because they're "obvious," which is a word loaded with legal meaning in the patent realm. For our purposes, we can just say that "obvious" means that you can't patent a combination of different existing things, you have to do something new -- and while we're not going to judge Apple or Palm's patents on that standard, we will say that there's plenty of meat for the attorneys on both sides to chew on. All you really need to know is that by suing Palm, Apple's putting its iPhone patents at risk, and that's an awful big ante. Same for Palm if it sues Apple and loses -- it stands the risk of losing its patents, and we'd bet it's making a tidy sum licensing at least some of them out to other companies.

All of this is correct and it makes perfect sense if you think about it. Apple dont want to risk all of its patents by challenging someone else. This is whyApple will have to sit on their hands and watch this Palm Pre release.

Intellectual Property Law FTW !!!
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000


I called Sprint last night too, and you will be able to use this with SERO
No way

I wish i didnt cancel my SERO plan when it was $30 for everything
755p made me give it up cause i really didnt like that phone

Whats the deal with SERO these days? i havent checked up on it since summer
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000


I called Sprint last night too, and you will be able to use this with SERO
The CSR must have thought that you were referring to the Pro and not the Pre.
this is interesting, but being on sprint kills the phone! unless you are on the SERO of course
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