Official Palm Pre Thread

maaaaaaaaaaan, as of late--I'm kinda OVER the whole "touch" screen phenomena. My Diamond gets on my DAM nerves because it's always laggingand stupid +#%@ like that.

eh, who am I kidding? I'll prolly buy
Sprint most likely will go the Instinct route with this phone and force customers to get the Simply Everything plan as a requirement for this device.
Originally Posted by ldea

Sprint most likely will go the Instinct route with this phone and force customers to get the Simply Everything plan as a requirement for this device.


They already announced no plan will be forced on consumers for this phone....just heavily recommended.
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Originally Posted by ldea

Sprint most likely will go the Instinct route with this phone and force customers to get the Simply Everything plan as a requirement for this device.


They already announced no plan will be forced on consumers for this phone....just heavily recommended.

Ditto...Already announced pimpin'. Sprint/Palm, bring it on!

I feel you on the touch screen phenomenon, but this is a MUST HAVE for Sprint users, you know this is a once in a lifetime special treat for us

can i take my old number from Tmobile and transfer it to Sprints network??

i need to kno and what type of data plan will be available for this phone?
i heard about a sero plan thats suppose to be really affordable, and will this phone be available for 4G speeds?

Thanks in advance
I cant wait. my contract has been up with Sprint for awhile now and have been waiting for a decent phone. They keep calling and harrassing me to get on acontract and i told them if they call me again im cancelling and if they want to offer me something then offer me this phone.
Originally Posted by ggarvinXX3


can i take my old number from Tmobile and transfer it to Sprints network??

Yes, you can definitely port your number over to the Sprint network from TMobile.
i need to kno and what type of data plan will be available for this phone?

All the data plans will be available, but they HIGHLY recommend that you get the "everything" plan for $99.99
i heard about a sero plan thats suppose to be really affordable, and will this phone be available for 4G speeds?

SERO plan is the @#$%, point blank. But you need the employee email and code. I dont know if the Pre will be available via new SERO however. And its rumoredthat the Pre will NOT be on the 4G.

Hope this helps!
damn never thought i would be looking to leave t mobile

blackberry better have something hot comes june because im due for an upgrade
Originally Posted by CJDynasty

Originally Posted by ggarvinXX3


can i take my old number from Tmobile and transfer it to Sprints network??

Yes, you can definitely port your number over to the Sprint network from TMobile.
i need to kno and what type of data plan will be available for this phone?

All the data plans will be available, but they HIGHLY recommend that you get the "everything" plan for $99.99
i heard about a sero plan thats suppose to be really affordable, and will this phone be available for 4G speeds?

SERO plan is the @#$%, point blank. But you need the employee email and code. I dont know if the Pre will be available via new SERO however. And its rumored that the Pre will NOT be on the 4G.

Hope this helps!
Thanks bro
I hope the WebOS sdk is good and will get love from developers. This phone will only be as good as the apps. That's the only way it'll be able tocompete with the iPhone and get back some of the Palm market share from a gazillion years ago.
Originally Posted by ggarvinXX3

Thanks bro

No Problem.
Originally Posted by CJDynasty

grittyman20 wrote:

I LOVE threaded sms messaging

QFT !!!

Originally Posted by swyftdahoe

I hope the WebOS sdk is good and will get love from developers. This phone will only be as good as the apps. That's the only way it'll be able to compete with the iPhone and get back some of the Palm market share from a gazillion years ago.

I feel you on apps, this is why I was/kind of still torn btwn the Niagra and the Pre because of BB's new app world. It sounds like the developers are allover this WebOS though, because of the multi-tasking it provides.
Originally Posted by ROME357

If i'm already in a contract with sprint. How much will this phone cost me?

Depends which upgrade you are eligible for. But we have to wait until the official price is out(which looks like we wont know until like 3 days before thelaunch) in order to determine what we Sprint loyalist will pay. I know that I will be eligible for the full discount after May 1st, so I can pick up the prefor the same price as a new customer. Which is rumored to be no more than 149.99
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