Official Palm Pre Thread

Originally Posted by Paladizzle

looking good..hopefully it'll live up to the hype

This is my greatest fear, but best believe that I will be taking advantage of the 14 or 30 day grace they give on the new phones.
I know people are saying this is gonna work for Sero, but until I see an official announcement by Sprint, I'm still going to cross my fingers.

I really want this phone, I'll even pay full price if I have to, but I will never get off my Sero plan for ANY phone. (the only reason why I don't havean iPhone)
It'll live up to the hype (I mean, how much more can we see?), but will it be supported the way it should be? Will they fix things quickly? Will there beenough case, cable, charging, etc. accessories available at its launch? How steep will the learning curve be?

I'm excited for this phone and the TP2 and hope that they perform well because there's no way I'm leaving SERO
im definitely going to have to get out of my plan with Tmobile to cop this phone...

gotta find some way to get one of these SERO plans im hearing so much about... ill be damned if im payin $100 a month for a damn plan... im not tryin 2 payanymore than the $60 im payin now.
Originally Posted by holdenmichael

It'll live up to the hype (I mean, how much more can we see?), but will it be supported the way it should be? Will they fix things quickly? Will there be enough case, cable, charging, etc. accessories available at its launch? How steep will the learning curve be?

I'm excited for this phone and the TP2 and hope that they perform well because there's no way I'm leaving SERO

I agree with you 100% and thats what I meant about it living up to the hype. In regards to the support (apps being available and so forth) and accessories. Ithink the most vital thing you mentioned is the learning curve. Although its new awesome technology with the WebOS, I just dont have the time nor the patienceto be tinkering around. This thing should be seamless out the box!

O, and I agree, I cant abandon my SERO, its just to good to me! LOL
It looks great i wish it wasnt a slider , i want complete touch . Is it possible maybe not too far down the line they would release something like that?
Originally Posted by DiPlOMaT007

It looks great i wish it wasnt a slider , i want complete touch . Is it possible maybe not too far down the line they would release something like that ?

See, I am the opposite. I normally hate sliders as well, but I love the fact that the Pre balances the complete touch screen with the slide out keyboard.Although, I am probably partial to it because of my big fingers always hitting other keys on those screen buttons of the iPhone lol.
The reason I like a vertical slider is that the keyboard will allow for relatively blind one handed use and won't crowd its 3.1" screen with an onscreen keyboard.

Of course, if the keyboard sucks and they weren't able to get a big enough battery in it, then the added depth added by the keyboard won't make it aworthy trade off (slim vs longer batter life + keyboard).

Although its new awesome technology with the WebOS, I just dont have the time nor the patience to be tinkering around. This thing should be seamless out the box!

That's exactly how I feel. I don't want it to be like my iMac keyboard which has a ton of shortcuts that would be awesome to use if I could rememberthem all. I doubt we'll have a hard time picking it up, but if it lags at all, I may as well stick with what I know in Windows Mobile.

I don't even want to know how fast the new iPhone will be
I don't even want to know how fast the new iPhone will be

I agree. Being a huge mac supporter, it still bothers me that I cant own an iPhone because I refuse to sacrifice my "nearly" everything plan for$49.99 a month. But the Pre has caused me to coup due to the physical keyboard and the multitasking (things that has bugged me with the iPhone). Not to mentionAT&T's data packages are beyond ridiculous. Again, Sprint SERO FTW !!!
I've been following this phone for a while... looks like i'll finally be getting rid of my 6700

But I have a couple of questions (mostly related to sprint):

1. I currently have Verizon, so I have 2 options. I can A. Buy the phone without a contract and activate it on Verizon (now that they allow this) or B. Jump onSprint. Seeing as how the no-contract price will probably be
.... and Sprint has SERO (well, more on that in question 2)... i'll probably make the jump.The problem is that even though i've been with Verizon for 2 years, they don't update your credit report
... and I don't use my CC at...all. IDO NOT want to pay a deposit, is there any way I can manage a switch so I don't have to pay a deposit?

2. Isn't SERO gone? Are all of you that are talking about that grandfathered? What are you guys paying for minutes/data? And what are the rates forwhatever plan replaced it?

That's pretty much it for now.
Can someone please explain the SERO thing to me? I read a couple pages back where someone said that it was like a package deal that's for employees, butnon-employees could get it. Or something like that. Did I miss something?

I'm definitely looking forward to the PRE, (as I've mentioned earlier in the thread), because I've had a Palm since like '97 (as I mentionedearlier in the thread), but I'm not feeling the idea of spending anywhere close to $100 a month for a bill.
I pay $15 every other month for my prepayAlltell plan, and I am perfectly fine with that. I virtually never use my cell phone. I'd be willing to pay more for a regular cell phone plan (like 99% ofthe rest of the country), but I'm not willing to go from $15 every other month to $100+ every month.
SERO is gone. People who have had it (like me) had their plans grandfathered. The new "SERO" is something different and costs a whole lot more thanthe original SERO. SERO was an employee referral plan that gave huge discounts. My current SERO plan is:

1250 anytime mins
Free nights and weekends (nights start at 7)
Unlimited Text
Unlimited Data
Unlimited Picture and Video Texts
SERO WAS a heavily discounted employee plan where you get say 500 minutes/ free nights and weekends starting at 7/ unlimited text/ pic mail/ and datafor only $30 a month, just by going to the SERO website and entering a sprint employee's email address.Everyone was hoping on that plan on NT, but they cutit off. They still have a discounted employee plan but you need like that employees ID number and the deal is not that good.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Can someone please explain the SERO thing to me? I read a couple pages back where someone said that it was like a package deal that's for employees, but non-employees could get it. Or something like that. Did I miss something?

I'm definitely looking forward to the PRE, (as I've mentioned earlier in the thread), because I've had a Palm since like '97 (as I mentioned earlier in the thread), but I'm not feeling the idea of spending anywhere close to $100 a month for a bill.
I pay $15 every other month for my prepay Alltell plan, and I am perfectly fine with that. I virtually never use my cell phone. I'd be willing to pay more for a regular cell phone plan (like 99% of the rest of the country), but I'm not willing to go from $15 every other month to $100+ every month.

SERO is an employee referral plan with special pricing. You can only get them by using an employee's email address, as well as their last 3 digits of theirpin. SERO has since changed to the everything plus referral plan ( ) , but when I got my SERO (2yrs ago) my plan is as follows: 1250 Minwith unlimited text, internet, gps, picture mail, and sprint tv all for $49.99 a month. They also had others when I got mine (more and less minute options).Now, even though the SERO as I know it doesn't exist, I still keep my plan, even when the contract expires in July (from there it turns to month to monthcontracts). I hope this helps.
Originally Posted by the north west

can't wait

love paying 30 dollars for my SERO too
damn skippy! I love bragging about it too

I'm pretty sure this will be on SERO tho, cuz it's not a blackberry. All palm phones have been straight on SERO, so I don't see them breaking themold with this. Sprint service SUCKS where I live to, but I ain't leavin'
Originally Posted by I Drink Your Milkshake

Originally Posted by the north west

can't wait

love paying 30 dollars for my SERO too
damn skippy! I love bragging about it too

I'm pretty sure this will be on SERO tho, cuz it's not a blackberry. All palm phones have been straight on SERO, so I don't see them breaking the mold with this. Sprint service SUCKS where I live to, but I ain't leavin'
I love to laugh at clowns who have to pay 80 dollars on up for their cell plan
i'm hoping the web OS is not bugged and the updates come quick, but i still don't like the shape of the phone. it looks way too round. and screenreal-estate is sacrificed in those rounded corners. im hoping the n97 or n86 comes to the US. im not even into touch screens but the screen size because of itis
if you on Sprint your bill shouldn't be more than $65 sero or not

just call sprint retentions and do a little complaining/better rate and plan/dropped calls and bad service

my unlimited internet is $5
Originally Posted by I Drink Your Milkshake

Originally Posted by the north west

can't wait

love paying 30 dollars for my SERO too
damn skippy! I love bragging about it too

I'm pretty sure this will be on SERO tho, cuz it's not a blackberry. All palm phones have been straight on SERO, so I don't see them breaking the mold with this. Sprint service SUCKS where I live to, but I ain't leavin'

I hope it's not just because I don't have sero.

I did get a 25% employee discount for I forget what company. I need to make the time to call retentions and see if I can get any sort of additional credit...
Here is a question for you all that I havent been able to find the answer to. What will the MMS capability be on this phone? I ask because I currently have aTREO 700 wx and you cannot recieve picture or video directly to the handset (you have to go or something like that to view the pic). Has anyoneheard if the Pre will be capable of direct pictures? How about the other handsets on Sprint currently, do you guys have to follow the link to get to thepicture via MMS?
^^ I hope not.

And yep on my mogul I have to follow a link.

Alsoo.. like a couple months back.. Sprint came out with a program that let us send picture messages.
I'll see if I can get this for free by turning in my craptastic Touch Pro to Sprint.
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