Official Palm Pre Thread

Originally Posted by angeezy

^^ I hope not.

And yep on my mogul I have to follow a link.

Alsoo.. like a couple months back.. Sprint came out with a program that let us send picture messages.

Yea I tried that program but it would not work for some reason or another. Anyway, Sprint better get this one right!
Originally Posted by FR3SH like UgHH

it should drop may 17th i've heard...

Im hearing more June 29th, just because they dont know if they will have enough handsets for the May 17th. Maybe they'll do a limited release on the 17thwith the rest dropping in June.
I don't know if you guys are aware but they do have more than one Simply Everything Plan right.

$99 (Unlimited minutes and everything else)
$89 (900 Minutes and everything else)
$69 (450 minutes and everything else)

If you are like an individual, who does not use too many minutes per month. Then you can get the $450 SEP. Its also a plus when most people I know have sprint,so its free mobile to mobile. I use about 200 of my actual minutes because of that.
Originally Posted by SleepyBlueDemon

Originally Posted by I Drink Your Milkshake

Originally Posted by the north west

can't wait

love paying 30 dollars for my SERO too
damn skippy! I love bragging about it too

I'm pretty sure this will be on SERO tho, cuz it's not a blackberry. All palm phones have been straight on SERO, so I don't see them breaking the mold with this. Sprint service SUCKS where I live to, but I ain't leavin'

I hope it's not just because I don't have sero.

I did get a 25% employee discount for I forget what company. I need to make the time to call retentions and see if I can get any sort of additional credit...
FYI, if you go over and read Howard Forums, and well, anywhere else, they're talking about how Sprint is likely to treat this like they didthe Samsung Instinct (ie, no SERO plans allowed): See this video from their info webinar:

If I can't get it on SERO, then it's a no-go for me. If I can use SERO, it's copped.
Originally Posted by OUChrisLitt

Originally Posted by SleepyBlueDemon

Originally Posted by I Drink Your Milkshake

Originally Posted by the north west

can't wait

love paying 30 dollars for my SERO too
damn skippy! I love bragging about it too

I'm pretty sure this will be on SERO tho, cuz it's not a blackberry. All palm phones have been straight on SERO, so I don't see them breaking the mold with this. Sprint service SUCKS where I live to, but I ain't leavin'

I hope it's not just because I don't have sero.

I did get a 25% employee discount for I forget what company. I need to make the time to call retentions and see if I can get any sort of additional credit...
FYI, if you go over and read Howard Forums, and well, anywhere else, they're talking about how Sprint is likely to treat this like they did the Samsung Instinct (ie, no SERO plans allowed): See this video from their info webinar:

If I can't get it on SERO, then it's a no-go for me. If I can use SERO, it's copped.

I agree with you on if SERO cant be used, than its a no go for me as well. But I keep hearing repeatedly that ALL plans will be allowed on this phone.
Originally Posted by CJDynasty

I agree with you on if SERO cant be used, than its a no go for me as well. But I keep hearing repeatedly that ALL plans will be allowed on this phone.
The only place I've seen that is maybe one or two wishful thinkers on a message board. Link?
Originally Posted by OUChrisLitt

Originally Posted by CJDynasty

I agree with you on if SERO cant be used, than its a no go for me as well. But I keep hearing repeatedly that ALL plans will be allowed on this phone.
The only place I've seen that is maybe one or two wishful thinkers on a message board. Link?

No link, I have just been speaking to Sprint Commercial trainers and they have been looking through there systems and they see no language to the contrary. Theultimate test will be when its time to purchase it, will the computer let it go through.
it'll be a toss up between the pre, n97 and new iphone for me.. but im a fan of sprint more than i am of at&t so pre has the edge on that.
Yea the keyboard does look freakishly small, one of the reasons why I hate sliders; but the features are so smooth on this phone that its hard to pass up!
Originally Posted by CJDynasty

Yea the keyboard does look freakishly small, one of the reasons why I hate sliders; but the features are so smooth on this phone that its hard to pass up!
it'll prolly have the letter recognizer where you can type in things i.e text messages, emails, websites in the address bar, etc.
too bad I have to buy this without a plan if I want to keep my current one.
the only way I'd get this if I can find a plan that's similar but keep the price of the plan similar to what I pay now.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

too bad I have to buy this without a plan if I want to keep my current one.
the only way I'd get this if I can find a plan that's similar but keep the price of the plan similar to what I pay now.
that sucks...

im not trying to pay more than $60 per month, what im paying now. But luckily my mother works for Palm, so hopefully she can get me the actual phone for free.

but is there going to be an app store similar to that of the IPhones
This stupid lady. I just called and asked when they are coming out and she was like....they are out. So i'm like the PALM PRE and she was likeyeah
it came out last month
Originally Posted by CJDynasty

Yea the keyboard does look freakishly small, one of the reasons why I hate sliders; but the features are so smooth on this phone that its hard to pass up!
Well I already have the Palm Centro and it looks to be about the size of that keyboard now maybe just slightly larger and more spaced out. I havesmall fingers so I'm sure I'll be fine otherwise it would be a little tricky.

It just needs to work with SERO and not be expensive
Originally Posted by ericberry14

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

too bad I have to buy this without a plan if I want to keep my current one.
the only way I'd get this if I can find a plan that's similar but keep the price of the plan similar to what I pay now.
that sucks...

im not trying to pay more than $60 per month, what im paying now. But luckily my mother works for Palm, so hopefully she can get me the actual phone for free.

but is there going to be an app store similar to that of the IPhones
you're the one with the mom working for Palm

j/p. Yea but its up to developers to make apps so there will be a central site for apps but whats inside is a mystery
Originally Posted by West2East

Originally Posted by CJDynasty

Yea the keyboard does look freakishly small, one of the reasons why I hate sliders; but the features are so smooth on this phone that its hard to pass up!
Well I already have the Palm Centro and it looks to be about the size of that keyboard now maybe just slightly larger and more spaced out. I have small fingers so I'm sure I'll be fine otherwise it would be a little tricky.

It just needs to work with SERO and not be expensive

Well I have big fingers, so I hope I can get the hang of it. I hear the Centro buttons are a pain. And I am still praying we get the SERO, even though there isnothing that speaks to it not happening.

Originally Posted by eddie

Originally Posted by ericberry14

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

too bad I have to buy this without a plan if I want to keep my current one.
the only way I'd get this if I can find a plan that's similar but keep the price of the plan similar to what I pay now.
that sucks...

im not trying to pay more than $60 per month, what im paying now. But luckily my mother works for Palm, so hopefully she can get me the actual phone for free.

but is there going to be an app store similar to that of the IPhones
you're the one with the mom working for Palm

j/p. Yea but its up to developers to make apps so there will be a central site for apps but whats inside is a mystery

Palm's app store will be called "App Catalog", but yea as mentioned, the ball is in the developers court.
Originally Posted by CJDynasty

Palm's app store will be called "App Catalog", but yea as mentioned, the ball is in the developers court.

Not quite. Everybody's responsible. Developers will only develop apps if they find it worthwhile (big user base; easy to develop with SDK). People willonly buy if the phone is good and the apps are good and plenty. And Palm needs to put out a good phone that will be easy to develop for and appealing for usersto buy.

Man, I hope this phone's good!
^^^ Palm's existence as a company is practically riding on this phone being a total success... not to mention from what my mother told me... they'vepushed the release date back until now just so they could work out all the kinks.

So i for one am completely confident that this phone will be a hit... now the choice for Sprint to be the carrier is a whole nother thing
Originally Posted by swyftdahoe

Originally Posted by CJDynasty

Palm's app store will be called "App Catalog", but yea as mentioned, the ball is in the developers court.

Not quite. Everybody's responsible. Developers will only develop apps if they find it worthwhile (big user base; easy to develop with SDK). People will only buy if the phone is good and the apps are good and plenty. And Palm needs to put out a good phone that will be easy to develop for and appealing for users to buy.

Man, I hope this phone's good!

Yea, I am not doubting that. I am just hoping with the significant delays on the phone, that it (webOS) will be a developers play ground and I hope that theywill jump at the opportunity to develop. Maybe not to the insane level like the iPhone, but somewhere in the ballpark (or at least in the parking lot of theball
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