Official Palm Pre Thread

Im going to have to call Sprint and complain my butt off to see what type of deal i can get on this phone
Has anyone used or own a Centro? How's the typing on its keyboard? Since the Pre's keyboard is almost identical to it, user impressions of thatkeyboard are all we have to go off of.

Also, someone answer my damn question:

1. I currently have Verizon, so I have 2 options. I can A. Buy the phone without a contract and activate it on Verizon (now that they allow this) or B. Jump on Sprint. Seeing as how the no-contract price will probably be .... and Sprint has SERO (well, more on that in question 2)... i'll probably make the jump. The problem is that even though i've been with Verizon for 2 years, they don't update your credit report ... and I don't use my CC at...all. I DO NOT want to pay a deposit, is there any way I can manage a switch so I don't have to pay a deposit?

I guess the buzz is floating around that the corporate Sprint stores advocates have been picked and should be receiving their demo phones within in days.Looking right on schedule for a May 17th release.
Originally Posted by TheBachellor

Has anyone used or own a Centro? How's the typing on its keyboard? Since the Pre's keyboard is almost identical to it, user impressions of that keyboard are all we have to go off of.


i have one, and it takes a lil getting use to. but its still all good tho. i have big hands too but its not all bad.
Originally Posted by Tetsujin23

Originally Posted by TheBachellor

Has anyone used or own a Centro? How's the typing on its keyboard? Since the Pre's keyboard is almost identical to it, user impressions of that keyboard are all we have to go off of.

i have one, and it takes a lil getting use to. but its still all good tho. i have big hands too but its not all bad.

The keyboard is not quite like the Centro. Seems a little more roomy(Not Much) but more room.
Originally Posted by Tetsujin23

Originally Posted by TheBachellor

Has anyone used or own a Centro? How's the typing on its keyboard? Since the Pre's keyboard is almost identical to it, user impressions of that keyboard are all we have to go off of.

i have one, and it takes a lil getting use to. but its still all good tho. i have big hands too but its not all bad.

Even when you are holding it with two hands, how is the typing for us with the BIG hands?
Originally Posted by CJDynasty

I guess the buzz is floating around that the corporate Sprint stores advocates have been picked and should be receiving their demo phones within in days. Looking right on schedule for a May 17th release.
not sure how i feel about this May 17th release. It seems like they are starting to rush the release date just a bit the closer we get to it...i'd be just as happy if the Pre came out in Early June but had none of the little glitches & bugs left on it.
Originally Posted by ericberry14

Originally Posted by CJDynasty

I guess the buzz is floating around that the corporate Sprint stores advocates have been picked and should be receiving their demo phones within in days. Looking right on schedule for a May 17th release.
not sure how i feel about this May 17th release. It seems like they are starting to rush the release date just a bit the closer we get to it... i'd be just as happy if the Pre came out in Early June but had none of the little glitches & bugs left on it.

Agreed! I am actually secretly hoping for the June 28th release. Partly for my selfish reason because ill be in a better financial situation, and also for theglitch/bug reasons that you mention.
dammit my sero plan ends on may 1st and I was about to jump on the iphone but they threw this curve ball at me. I don't know what to do. Does anybody knowwhen the new iphone is expected to drop?
Has anyone used or own a Centro? How's the typing on its keyboard?
I've played around with one. You just have to have faith that what you're typing is correct because it felt like I was making a lot oferrors when I wasn't. I didn't like it even though I didn't make many errors.

I just want a release date for the Diamond 2 that's within 30 days of the Pre because I'll buy the Diamond 2 if the Pre doesn't work for me.
Hey guys, question... What is the absolute MOST that you would be willing to pay for a Pre as an existing Sprint customer?
Originally Posted by ROME357

/\ $300

To be honest, I dont want to pay over $200 for it. I have been with Sprint/Nextel for 7 years and I dont want to be penalized for that, in regards to newcustomers getting all of the love.
To be honest, I dont want to pay over $200 for it. I have been with Sprint/Nextel for 7 years and I dont want to be penalized for that, in regards to new customers getting all of the love.

They give you $150 for 2 years the same way they do new customers. It isn't a penalty. Don't they also offer a month free for renewing?

I'm not going to pay more than $200 and I don't want to pay an upgrade fee. If it's more than $200, I'm going to wait for the Diamond 2 orTouch Pro 2 to be out long enough that I can buy one on eBay for the same price as an upgrade through Sprint. Then, I'll pick up a free or inexpensivephone and resell that to recoup some of the cost.
The phone would have to be as much, or less than the iPhone (since its competing with it... it won't sell if it's more). Since it has 8GB of would have to be $200 or less, since the iPhone 8GB is $200.

That's doable
Originally Posted by holdenmichael

To be honest, I dont want to pay over $200 for it. I have been with Sprint/Nextel for 7 years and I dont want to be penalized for that, in regards to new customers getting all of the love.

They give you $150 for 2 years the same way they do new customers. It isn't a penalty. Don't they also offer a month free for renewing?

I'm not going to pay more than $200 and I don't want to pay an upgrade fee. If it's more than $200, I'm going to wait for the Diamond 2 or Touch Pro 2 to be out long enough that I can buy one on eBay for the same price as an upgrade through Sprint. Then, I'll pick up a free or inexpensive phone and resell that to recoup some of the cost.

I guess I was responding to some rumors that is circulating that states that they might not even offer the upgrade on this phone for existing customers. Ifthat is the case, I definitely will not be copping the Pre. I guess, ill just have to wait for the BB Niagra
Originally Posted by the north west

how is the app market for palm phones

For the WebOS, its very slow right now on purpose of Palm. They have released the program to developers in very limited fashion for the webOS right now. Onceit release developers should flock to the Pre like gangbusters. With the anticipated demand, and the easiest OS to develop for to date, apps shouldnt be aproblem.
Originally Posted by CJDynasty

Originally Posted by the north west

how is the app market for palm phones

For the WebOS, its very slow right now on purpose of Palm. They have released the program to developers in very limited fashion for the webOS right now. Once it release developers should flock to the Pre like gangbusters. With the anticipated demand, and the easiest OS to develop for to date, apps shouldnt be a problem.
that's good to hear

because the single reason that makes the i phone so great is it's large app market
Its rumored that the copy/cut/paste edit function will not be allowed for web browsing. Does this upset you guys? Also, it appears that the Pre WILL haveintergrated mms (true media messaging that comes directly to the hand set versus clicking on a link a la sprint picture mail).

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