Originally Posted by k3stacks

Lol @ itsaboutime with the avy change. Cmon man. Things will get better.... right?.....right?....RIGHT?

It better. Going against the Bills next week won't make it any better thought. 
Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

The Eagles basically just beat themselves every game. We REALISTICALLY could be 4-0 right now. Falcons game was given away once Vick got hurt, and even with him out we still could have won if Maclin doesn't drop that ball...Giants' game was lost bc of many things that we did to ourselves..Smith smacking the ball up in the red zone, which led to an INT..Then Kafka coming in and throwing 2 picks in 2 possessions.

Then, this game was handed to the 49ers..2 missed FGs under 40 yards...Ronnie Brown throwi-dropp-fumb-....god damn, I don't even know what to call what he did at the goal line, but that cost us 3 easy points. Maclin holding the football like it was a loaf of bread. The team is -6 in turnovers on the season. That's unacceptable
I'm not giving up this early, the Skins are great on D so far but they can't score and the Giants got a gift today with that Cruz call...I think took the Eagles defensive playbook to Arizona with him b/c they sure as hell looked like the Birds D in the 4th quarter
Originally Posted by k3stacks

Lol @ itsaboutime with the avy change. Cmon man. Things will get better.... right?.....right?....RIGHT?
man.. just Fing pissed off.. like nothing we are doing on defense makes sense to me

in our secondary, the question marks are the safeties.. soo we decide to run zone, where you need to have great communication and familiarity.. but it puts extra responsibilities on the safeties

we sign nnamdi, whose biggest strength is the length of his arms which make him GREAT when being able to press.. and then make him run zone

in our front seven we know/knew our youth and weakness at LB.. so we continue to run the wide 9, where Olineman basically get a free release to the LBs
and why are we willing to try every other safety we have aside from the dude we drafted that was known for his tackling/hitting?

we try every other rookie
One other frustrating thing is that after watching parts of other games and various highlights today it was amazing how easy some teams make it look to score inside the 5. I saw runs where the end gets sealed off and the RB could walk into the endzone, I saw play action bootlegs where you get a TE on a CB and its an easy score.

And yet for some reason when we get down by the goal line, with all the offensive weapons we have it looks like we have no clue what we're supposed to do and nothing works.

I wish we try something other than having Shady dive up the middle with nobody blocking for him. I didn't catch the whole game, but between what I saw today and the previous weeks the one time we try something different it worked, which was the shovel to Shady today
No reason to give up. Like Tempo said, we could be 4-0 right now. We're making stupid calls and shooting ourselves in the foot. This $(%# isn't over til we're out of playoff contention or holding the Lombardi trophy.
Originally Posted by itsaboutthattime

Originally Posted by k3stacks

Lol @ itsaboutime with the avy change. Cmon man. Things will get better.... right?.....right?....RIGHT?
man.. just Fing pissed off.. like nothing we are doing on defense makes sense to me

in our secondary, the question marks are the safeties.. soo we decide to run zone, where you need to have great communication and familiarity.. but it puts extra responsibilities on the safeties

we sign nnamdi, whose biggest strength is the length of his arms which make him GREAT when being able to press.. and then make him run zone

in our front seven we know/knew our youth and weakness at LB.. so we continue to run the wide 9, where Olineman basically get a free release to the LBs
Agree 100%. Really frustrating it is

What we need to do is stop these stupid gimmick plays. That pass option that they ran for Brown was one of the dumbest things I've ever seen. Run the damn ball down these teams throats. Dictate how we are going to play this game by running the ball, punishing the opposing defense and make them tired. We have a decent running game with Shady, and having Brown back him up. We saw that in the first half, so you can't say we aren't running the ball well. 
When we had that lead, there was no need to keep passing the ball, absolutely no need to pass the ball. At that point you run the ball to secure the lead and run the clock down. This team needs to play more rough nose offense.
^ not giving up.. just extremely frustrated

and we still got rough games coming.. we need to win these next two games.. we're 2 games back already in the division and playoffs on the whole

i dont think we can make the playoffs with 9-7.. luckily we've only played 1 division game, so we still have a chance.. but our room for error is pretty much gone

and depending on how things set up before the bye, we might have to start thinking about making some tough decisions.. firing coaches.. what direction we go in the draft
I've been listening to WIP 94 ever since the game ended, and they keep bringing up a good point. This team, on the defensive end does not have a presence that they once had. This team has no one on the defensive end that scares opposing teams. We had guys like Dawkins, Trotter, and Kearse; teams feared our defense because of our personel, and they were very physical. We have a bunch of finesse players in our secondary and they aren't those power hitters that we once had back there.   
Originally Posted by lakersreppa008

I've been listening to WIP 94 ever since the game ended, and they keep bringing up a good point. This team, on the defensive end does not have a presence that they once had. This team has no one on the defensive end that scares opposing teams. We had guys like Dawkins, Trotter, and Kearse; teams feared our defense because of our personel, and they were very physical. We have a bunch of finesse players in our secondary and they aren't those power hitters that we once had back there.   

which is why i dont get why we dont give jarrett a shot.. dude is known as a hitter

put the pressure on our CB and let them play man.. also simplify things for the safeties.. also help the LBs out by cutting this wide 9 crap

and this quote scares the crap out of me:

PHILADELPHIA -- Cullen Jenkins could not believe what he was seeing or hearing. It was halftime in the Philadelphia Eagles' locker room Sunday, and while they were up 20-3 on a dead-looking San Francisco 49ers team, to Jenkins' eyes and ears it appeared as though the game already had been won.

"I think it was a little bit too happy in here," said Jenkins, who won a Super Bowl with the Packers last season before signing with the Eagles in the offseason. "Just because you've got a lead in the game doesn't mean you've played a good game."

rest of article:
^^ that just pisses me off more. You celebrate a win at halftime after giving up 2nd half leads the 2 games prior? That's a joke.

I agree with the notion that nobody fears our defense. Dawkins was my favorite NFL player every year that he played for us. I loved his intensity, and when they showed the Eagles behind the scenes, they always showed Dawkins being passionate n getting the defense hyped to play.

Babin needs to break a QBs legs to intimidate some teams
it made me sick seeing this considering my friend who is a niners fan was there....we have been shooting ourselves in the foot....turnovers...and the inability to get stops to be fixed...with all this hype on the DBs they sure havent done their job....
howardeskin Howard Eskin

Eagles have enough problems with loss, but hear DT Antonio Dixon could be out for season w torn tricep muscle.

Also hear eagles DE trent cole out couple of weeks with Calf strain. Defensive line really getting depleted

only solace i get is this dude was wrong about vick's injury

[h1]Soul Searching[/h1]Posted: October 3rd, 2011 | Author: Tommy Lawlor | Filed under: Philadelphia Eagles | /igglesblitz.com/?p=933">http://igglesblitz.com/?p=933">No Comments »
A quarter of the 2011 NFL season is in the books. The Eagles are 1-3, with 3 straight 4th quarter meltdowns. This is not a scenario I envisioned. Nor can I imagine Jeff Lurie, Joe Banner, Howie Roseman, or Andy Reid saw this coming. What needs to be done? What can be done?

A reporter asked Juan Castillo after the game if he was part of the 1995 Eagles team that started 1-3 before turning it around and going 10-6? Juan said yes. The guy asked Juan what could be taken from that experience and applied to the current situation. Juan gave his spiel about working hard and getting better. Bad memory, Juan. The 1995 team benched Randall Cunningham after the 1-3 start and made Rodney Peete the QB. Rookie Bobby Taylor entered the starting lineup. There may have been other changes. Point is, that group did not stay the course. Changes were made.

The first question on everyone’s mind is if Castillo should be fired. I have mixed feelings on the subject. Listen, none of us were thrilled with the hire in the first place. It was a shocking, unprecedented move. We all want Juan to succeed because he’s a genuinely good guy. The problem is that he made the move from an important position to a critical position. That means a lot more pressure and infinitely more scrutiny. Being a good guy isn’t enough. The defensive coordinator needs to deliver results.

Juan is part of the problem with the defense. Most of his decisions have been sound. Teams aren’t out-scheming us left and right. Unfortunately they are getting the best of us at crunch time. That is when Juan’s being a novice has hurt us. We’re giving up 4th quarter TDs. We aren’t making key stops. Part of that is on the players for not executing, but part is on Juan for not having them ready. Last week a screen pass on 3rd/long went for a TD. This week a run play on 3rd/7 gashed us. We can’t be surprised teams are using those measures. Teams know we have a good pass rush. The back seven have to be on the lookout for runs/draws/screens on 3rd downs when the other team is already in scoring range. Teams aren’t as likely to take chances in those situations. Go with the safe play.

My SB Nation Philly column last week talked about Castillo. I said we needed a couple of more games to really get a good feel for him. One of my main reasons is that the Niners were coming to town. They had a bad offense and it would be a good test to see how we played against an inferior unit. Giving up TDs to Matt Ryan/Tony Gonzalez is one thing. Being burned by the Giants on some fluke-type plays is one thing. Facing the Niners would give Castillo and his D a chance to show they could take care of business. Oops. The NFL schedule makers set it up perfectly for Juan, but the defense turned the gimme into a 4-putt nightmare. We made the Niners look like the old Niners, you know…a team that could move the ball and score points. I’m floored at how the defense came apart in the 2nd half. Simply shocking.

You can make a strong case for firing Juan. The question here is…what are the options? Do you promote Johnnie Lynn, our CBs coach? He ran the Giants defense years ago. Do you make a run at Chuck Cecil? He ran the Titans D last year and is unemployed. Do you beg Jeff Fisher to come in? I’m just not sure any of these moves is the answer. Lynn wasn’t a great DC when he worked for the Giants. Cecil is interesting, but unemployed for a reason. Fisher isn’t likely to want to come in and be a DC.

The other thing that would bug me about making a move is that it would show the players desperation. I know we’re 1-3 and we need the players to realize the gravity of the situation, but I don’t know if making desperate moves is the answer. One of Andy Reid’s big selling points over the years has been his stability. He’s got a plan and sticks to it as much as possible. He throws us a curveball every now and then, but generally stays on script.

Firing Castillo would satisfy the fans desire to see someone pay for the bad situation. I’m just not sure that it would accomplish anything else. Would it unite the players? Would it get their attention? Would it fire them up? I’m all for firing Castillo if Reid thinks it will help. I want this team to win.

We’re 4 games into the 2011 season. Nothing is over. The NFC East looks thoroughly mediocre right now. I’m only making moves that I think will help this team win now.

A few people have talked about Reid being on the hot seat. Save it. This team would have to be disastrously bad for that to happen. Bring up the subject when we’re 1-7 and then we can talk. We’re 1-3, with 3 blown leads. To get leads in the 4th quarter you have to do some things right. If the Eagles weren’t competitive, that would be a different subject. Reid has a very good track record. He’s dug us out of holes before. There are no guarantees he’ll do it this year, but there’s no guy sitting out there I’m ready to hand this team over to.

I do think Reid is part of the solution for this team. He tried some things this week. They obviously didn’t work. Time to push some new buttons and hope for different results.

One thing I think he should absolutely do is get everyone associated with the organization to quit calling this a “great team
Oh God..I pray Cole isn't injured. The line played decent until the 4th where Cole left and Babin had to switch to the right side. That's when the gaps on the front line opened up even more.

If this is true, the secondary can't keep blowing it for us. They need to step up like week 5 is a playoff game and force the offense to throw into coverage and create some turnovers. And our best defense would be a dominant offense. If this team makes plays in the red zone, it puts more pressure on the opposing offense. If the opposing squad is down by 2-3 TDs, they'll have to take risks which could work in our favor.

However, when you're not scoring in the red zone, the other team thinks "well, no need to go crazy because we can hold them in the red zone." When you risk giving up 7 every possession, you're gonna take more chances on offense to ensure you stay on the game/grab the lead. When opposing teams feel the Eagles will only score 3 on the majority of their possessions, you don't feel the need to take shots because you know late in the game you can run the ball on a tired defense.
also why the hell didn't we challenge that play with shady on the goal line.. which was directly before the ronnie brown play..

andy and his challenges irk the bejeezus out of me
Andy would challenge that Ronnie Brown's hand was going forward on that fumble before he'd challenge a play where there's a 90% chance McCoy passed the goal line
There were so many plays that could have changed the whole game for the birds. I was pretty sure that shady passed the goal line, but apparently he was down before the ball crossed the plane 
 . And obviously those 2 missed field goals were huge, that was 6 points, easy 6 points that slipped away. 
Not an Eagles fan but I would like to chime in, The Eagles are not losing these games. Injuries and horrible mistakes are costing you guys the win.  ALthough you do need to improve your Linebacking core and team cohesiveness 
Eagles fans, what did you guys think of Vick press conference? Some fans are crying about the way he answered questions. I guess he's slowly dropping "Nice & humble" vick and becoming "Falcons" vick again.
Originally Posted by CoupeIt88

Not an Eagles fan but I would like to chime in, The Eagles are not losing these games. Injuries and horrible mistakes are costing you guys the win.  ALthough you do need to improve your Linebacking core and team cohesiveness 
I appreciate the insight but hell naw man, the players and coaches together are losing these games for us.

I'm not completely panicking yet because like every year I expect the other teams in our division to hit a losing streak, Skins have played no one good yet and I'm hoping we can give them an L in a few weeks, Giants ALWAYS start out good and blow it, and the Cowboys are just as much of a mess as we are. I'm more worried about having to leapfrog other teams in the NFC to even sniff the playoffs. Bucs, Bears, Lions, Packers, Saints, Falcons, 49ers, Cardinals ALL got a good chance of making it this year which is ALL BAD for us

We gotta get on track next week, people need to be called out and leadership needs to come from someone other than the QB. Vick is doing his job, no one else did yesterday (aside from Desean)

Anyone hear Ronnie Brown's explanation for that fumble? He really tried to say it was a run/pass option, at what point did a backwards pass come into the equation? dude wasn't even facing the goal line when he decided to "throw" it
. That fumble was the biggest mistake of the game, if Henery woulda got the field goal attempt we woulda had that 9 point lead we needed late in the game

Originally Posted by Caerus

Eagles fans, what did you guys think of Vick press conference? Some fans are crying about the way he answered questions. I guess he's slowly dropping "Nice & humble" vick and becoming "Falcons" vick again.
he snapped at the guy slightly when he asked a dumb question about how he feels after a loss like this which is understandable. After that he handled it brilliantly if you ask me, he quoted Steve Young and was saying the team needs to feel desperate and that a loss will kill them. He said something like "over my dead body" he also said they all need a gut check and to focus on outplaying their opponents

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