Official Photography Thread: Vol. ICan'tFindTheLastOne

Originally Posted by bobbytripledigits

I wanna play. Here are a couple shots some of you may have seen from my blog, some haven't been posted before.. but just some of my favorite photos from the past few weeks. I like how the computer light plays off Olivia's face in these shots.
Olivia Munn
I have the same Subaru Legacy...Except mine is crap. Thank goodness I got a new car
Mini Godzilla


His first time at the track. By the end of the day, he was driving so aggressively that he could have possibly totaled his car if it wasnt for all the driversassists in that thing.
Yes. I have been shooting photos since the age of 13, when I used a Nikon 8008s. Then I had a Nikon F5. Back in the '90s I mainly shot skateboarding andconcert photos. These days I shoot with a Canon 5D Mark II, I have a fisheye, a 24-105 L, and a 50mm 1.2 L. I rarely use my flash. I just recently startedtaking advantage of our inhouse studio to fool around and shoot portraits of friends.
Olivia is always rad, she is one of the most hardworking people I know, very humble, has no clue how far her reach goes. Absolutely stunning.

Ok this thread isn't about me, it's about photography. Here's one of the shots I took in our photo studio. Obviously I tinkered with the shot inLightroom a bit for the post-production. Personally I'm not a fan of that too much, and just like the raw shot, but this time I think it looks cool.
Originally Posted by bobbytripledigits

Yes. I have been shooting photos since the age of 13, when I used a Nikon 8008s.
Haha. Boobs.

Great shots my man. Anyway, off to the city to play with the lens.

Haha. Boobs.


Couldn't afford a nikon flash for my d40, I'd been using an old external flash from my dad's old canon AE-1
. Only thing is the flash is way too harsh, so I tried pointing the flash straight up, love theeffect but now that I have a d90 the camera is too fast and I get dark sections at the bottom of the photo's. Guess it's time to hunt for a usedsb-600.

"My dream school was actually UCLA", I was in shock
Originally Posted by bobbytripledigits

Originally Posted by KobeBeef

wow, been on NT for over four years (not with this username obviously) and had no idea bobby hundreds was an NT'er.

Dude are you kidding. I been a member for years. But I've been on since the very beginning of this messageboard back at the turn of the millenium when it was just basically about Jordans. I'm on NT almost every single day. It is the #1 website I check on a daily basis, more than my Twitter, more than my own site. I stopped collecting sneakers a long time ago, but I sit in General and the Photography and Tattoo threads are my favorites to lurk on. So basically, wherever Bana's at. hahaha

i didnt know neither

that 370z is $&*(%%^#. Some one owns one where I live in that exact color.
Originally Posted by ii2cky

dope, i been thinkin bout getting a prime, but undecided on the focal length

I can't remeber if you shoot canon or nikon, but I would probably recommend around 30 or 35mm. I use my canon 85mm f1.8 a lot, its great for portraits.I'm not a big fan of the 50mm length though. For the things I use it for I am always stepping back wishing I had something around the 30mm length. I use a1.6 crop camera btw.

Bobby - That last one is sick. You always have some great shots on your blog, keep it up.
Originally Posted by thekryptonite

Is a Nikon D90 worth it? I have a D40 at the moment but damn I want the D90 bad
Yea, it is worth it. Whole different ball game.
If you plan on investing in lenses and take low light photos, then yes go for it I did and have no regrets. Debated for weeks between the d90 and d5000, theability to use older AF lenses like the 50mm f/1.8 and being able to use the external flash off camera did it for me. I don't plan on upgrading until I cango full frame.
Originally Posted by SaNTi0321

thekryptonite wrote:

Is a Nikon D90 worth it? I have a D40 at the moment but damn I want the D90 bad
Yea, it is worth it. Whole different ball game.

Yea once i get up to advanced photography in school im gonna try andhave a D90 1199 at best buy right now i was really tempted to hold off on the D5000 and get a 90 but i wouldnt feel comfortable paying that much and im notmaking any money off of photography as of yet .. Their is a big market for event Photographers (not club parties but weddings kids birthday's etc) my mmmakes party favors for events so im thinking of grouping all of that into a package for people which i could make some pretty good money off of if i keep costslow
^shoulda held off. the D40 is sufficient enough for your needs as of now. D5000 isn't worth it imo.
Originally Posted by mjbetch

^shoulda held off. the D40 is sufficient enough for your needs as of now. D5000 isn't worth it imo.

yea ive noticed that but i really needed the video and wanted somethingwith a better feel and better with low lighting with less noise .. and the D40 was my moms so i didn't wanna have 2 of the same SLR's in the house thisis technically my first Personal DSLR..I could have picked up the D3000 for a little less but the video is what sold me past that.. Im kinda disapointed at theVR lense that came with the kit i think that if u spend 800 on something it should come with a better lense i cant even get good shots of things 6 or 7 ft awaymy moms D40 kit came with a zoom len's.. I would have just used my moms D40 but shes a little anal about me using her cam evryday
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