***Official Political Discussion Thread***

It is finally happening...

Trump finally, officially, out the paint
what moves ?
they couldnt even make the necessary moves to buy the mets...all for the better too
True ... lol

But look it up. They do major charity work and regardless of talent, they are looked upon by a lotnof hispanics.

Ludacris that there a lot of people that can't recognize that.
For all anyone on here knows I could have voted for Hillary and for President-elect Biden.
The irony here is that if I actually believed that, you’d have banned for trolling long ago. Keep that in mind should you decide to practice any more revisionist history.

But I don’t have any duty to disclose my votes.
You don’t have a duty to defend Donald Trump, either. He may have bought your vote, but your tireless, if laughable, defense over the years was furnished pro bono.

You made a choice to support Donald Trump. You made a choice - on dozens, if not hundreds, of occasions - to defend Donald Trump, and antagonize those who rightly critique or despise him. You’ve also made the choice to use evasive language as cover in describing the substance of your “support”, and readers have every right to question your motives.

None of us has to like the consequences of your decisions. And, I suspect, none of us do.

But I did not support those actions.
And adolescent boys read Playboy for the articles.

The “best” case scenario for you was that you were willing to countenance all of the above - ALL of it - the racism, the misogyny, the heterosexism, the anti-Semitism, the xenophobia, the abandonment of America’s allies, the desecration of respected norms, the utter abrogation of decency and dignity, and yet the ONE thing you couldn’t stomach was losing.

After everything Trump did, that was what ultimately cost him your support. Losing was the one bridge you couldn’t cross, the crime you couldn’t defend.

You couldn’t even manage to be John Kelly. You were Mitch McConnell. You were Susan Collins. And now, you seem to want to gain acceptance among those you’ve gleefully harried and tweaked for years because you were unwilling to be loyal beyond the point of self-interest - as though that represents a virtue.

History will not look kindly upon any of Donald Trump’s enablers - and that includes you, along with the tens of millions of other Trump supporters who will be forever looked upon with an admixture of shame, anger, and disgust.

Decades from now, children born after this date will wonder why people like you acted as you did.

I hope you have a better answer for them than any you’ve offered to us.

I really don’t want a dialogue about my past support to take away from this historic day in this thread.
You don’t really want to have a dialogue about your past support, period. You’re trying to sprint away from the past four years as fast as your meme-worthy legs will carry you - while trying to avoid looking down at all the corpses.

So I’ll leave it here.
Then leave - because I have no intention of allowing any Trump supporter to make this day, of all days, into a “fresh start” for their own self-disgraced reputation.

Over the past few weeks, we’ve often heard some permutation of “the rats who flee a sinking ship still drown.”

Fear not; I won’t compare you to a rat.

Rats care about those other than themselves:

What crap homie? You pro black not pro minority ... so is Kanye Black?

Stop it.

Not entertaining stupidity today ..
I am not your homie.

The orange person who'll match your level of intellect has just left the white house in shame. If you hurry, perhaps you can catch up to him on the way out.

It is done.

Still can't believe he pulled it off. Damn. I can't be the only one who NEVER saw this coming after his bombing at the first debate.
Bro ... you sleeping on JLo and ARod .. dudes making major moves.

Also they minority, why you feeling extra salty about it?

Anyways, you already know Whites are somewhere shouting loud AF at the TV.


Great point, people like to hate on even the smallest things. It's just people.
TBF I’ve never hated Bush like that. He was just an idiot. But Trump took it to God Tier status when it came to that


I was saying this to my mom the other day. One can only imagine where we'd be if we weren't in Iraq or Afghanistan. The amount of $$ we'd save, the lives. Bin Laden would've caught that bullet in time anyway. Bush administration will forever be trash for that reason alone imo (prolly more deeper politics that went into all that military nonsense, but I digress)

I really don't remember bush being that...socially divisive within the US society (I'm 32 for ref). I think the problem we see today was always there...smoldering. Trump was def not the root cause. but he was the catalyst that turned it into a bonfire i think.

and the crazy thing is, he let us know he was about that life from literally day 1 when he announced his candidacy. and Hilary Clinton specifically warned us about him way back during her campaign. but the hate against her was so unreasonable and strong, no1 listened.

but the dichotomy that exists between the...ill-informed and, thus, gullible and naive + racists vs the people who educate themselves to make informed, rational, objective decisions + non racists has always been there.

obama was widely popular but I wonder just how much resentment there was having his as president. was him being president that much fuel for what became trump winning?

to me, there will be a lot to unpack about the last 4 years. how Hilary, with an immaculate resume particularly compared to trump bum ***, lost, partly due to thinking it was an automatic W (a to of us did). the sexism against her..how trump, with no exp and ran on a platform of hate and divisiveness, and talking like he never had a formal education, won. the psychology of why trump won over even people who previously voted for Obama, or how he won over voters who knew he couldn't do anything for them (coal industry).

how education plays a part in people continuously voting against their own real benefit, just to satisfy ridiculous self interests.

the violence. the racism that got the green light to stretch its legs.

so much to study.

and I say this because honestly if we don't learn from these past 4 years, we're doomed to repeat this ******** again.

...so, we're screwed.
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