***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I wouldn’t say I think those were staged, but 9/11 sure is suspicious.

Yeah that's why I omitted 9/11.

9/11 was the culmination of a lot of things. Read the commission report. Although if you're a conspiracy theorist you'll probably believe none of it.

Miss me with the "it was a controlled demo or missile surrounded by a hologram though" :lol:
if you really are black dwalk31 dwalk31 im sure someone (or many someones) in your life has told you “you are the company you keep”

but then again I don’t know a black person who ain’t well aware and acquainted with bleach... or lotion

Boy, that model minority. This is further proof that christianity is a cult. They are so far removed from reality, this is actually sick.
Shout out to all the weebs


I'd like to raise you one, sir

I doubt there are many of these people, but if were in Republican Leadership, I would be terrified at what this dude said...

Jokingly saying this, but if anything was staged, it’s that interview lol. That guy was WAY too level headed to be a Trump supporter. I hope that’s how a lot of them feel though and it destroys the Republican Party.
I doubt there are many of these people, but if were in Republican Leadership, I would be terrified at what this dude said...

Seems like it would be fairly easy to flip a large amount of Trump supporters.

I mean I switched from supporting Trump to supporting the Dems flipping the Senate. And supported President Obama in the past. I’m sure a lot of other Trump supporters did so as well.

I remember reading a while back that there was a lot of overlap between Trump supporters and EDIT: Bernie supporters.

Great opportunity for Democrats to capitalize
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Yeah that's why I omitted 9/11.

9/11 was the culmination of a lot of things. Read the commission report. Although if you're a conspiracy theorist you'll probably believe none of it.

Miss me with the "it was a controlled demo or missile surrounded by a hologram though" :lol:

I just think that a lot of things don’t add up, and that it makes sense from the military industrial complex point of view. Escalate a fear of terrorists, giving us reasons to spend so much more on military, weapons, etc all while getting heroin out of the Middle East to bring back to the US and profit while destroying its citizens.

I wouldn’t put it past the government sadly.

But hey, it united the country right ?
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Seems like it would be fairly easy to flip a large amount of Trump supporters.

I mean I switched from supporting Trump to supporting the Dems flipping the Senate. And supported President Obama in the past. I’m sure a lot of other Trump supporters did so as well.

I remember reading a while back that there was a lot of overlap between Trump supporters and Biden supporters.

Great opportunity for Democrats to capitalize
This post is so pathetic that I am legit impressed

Bravo Delk, bravo
Seems like it would be fairly easy to flip a large amount of Trump supporters.

I mean I switched from supporting Trump to supporting the Dems flipping the Senate. And supported President Obama in the past. I’m sure a lot of other Trump supporters did so as well.

I remember reading a while back that there was a lot of overlap between Trump supporters and EDIT: Bernie supporters.

Great opportunity for Democrats to capitalize

There were stories of people who HATED Trump and then Q got em... lol.

I think I posted this before, but one girl said her roommate hated Trump, and then after she found Q, donated two months rent to his campaign and couldn’t afford rent.
They brought cocaine in so I wouldn’t doubt they brought heroin as well.

probably why they invaded Afghanistan instead of Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia violates every human right there is and america doesn’t care because oil. They could blow up the Statue of Liberty and america would look the other way or invade someone else and say they were terrorists.
That’s what I’m saying, they could drop a bomb on the White House right now and we’d invade some poor country who didn’t do anything to us.

I can’t knock anyone for not believing what they tell us to regarding 9/11, why would you?

kinda the same way domestic extremists literally stormed the United States Capitol in an armed assault this month and we're still batting around pillowy verbiage like "bail" and "unity?"

let that have been 10,000 Native Americans.

hell 10,000 Canadians doing the same thing might have gotten Toronto carpet-bombed.

I will never let this go as long as I live.
THEY (🌹) are about to turn up 🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️. I can’t STAND it



The deal was everyone from the left of the left, Maoist, Marxist-Leninist, anarchist, all the way to center-right never Trump Republicans were supposed to form a popular front to defeat Trump. We did, we succeeded Trump is out and thus popular front is now dissolved.

Is Bernie losing the 2020 as bad as the American State killing revolution Black leaders in the 1960’s, probably not. However, the 2020 primary was a contest of two approaches to America’s short comings. Biden supporters tended to believe that what is wrong with America can be solved with what is right about America. Bernie supporters tended to believe that America is irredeemable, we believe that the “soul of America” is rotten and the fact, that America killed Fred Hampton and MLK and John Brown and the fact that it jailed Debs and keeps kids in cages and has largest prison population in the world, is evidence of how rotten it all is.

If you see America as irredeemable and you believe it must be destroyed and totally remade, then it’s bad to see politicians who eschew Revolution succeeding.

Trump had to go, he’s gone and yes, we are going to criticize Biden. This shouldn’t surprise anyone.

My personal conclusion is that the best way to get your average Fox News viewer type to possibly change their minds is actually craft a society that is noticeably improved. Which means you can’t half *** your policies in the name of compromise.

You’re not going to win these people over with facts and arguments. They’re not going to stop consuming their outrage porn news and conspiracies. And some of them no matter what are too far gone. But the ones that can be saved need to see and feel something, namely the benefits of significantly unrigging the game. Then you can start building class solidarity and these people will be more resilient to the divisive propaganda of the rich.

I think regaining faith in institutions would also help combat the wave of anti-intellectualism. These people don’t trust the consensus of universities, academics, and experts and turn to “alternative” sources.

I agree. While, there are some white conservatives that could be brought over to the left, the left shouldn’t make it a priority to win them over. We certainly shouldn’t sacrifice solidarity with queer, femme, non American and non white workers to do so.

To your point, there are a number of people, especially young people who know that the game is rigged but they make the error of thinking that minorities and gender studies majors are the ruling class that’s keeping them down. I think some leftists think, “hey let’s just reason with them and tell them to move their anger from minorities to capitalist.” It makes sense in theory but in practice, people become alt right because they feel that it promises them agency in their lives.

The better path for the left is to build power with a multi racial coalition and if we can get wins outside of electoral politics through labor militancy, then we can pull some folks away from the alt right because they’ll see that working with people of all backgrounds and identities gets the goods and racism is a deep end, in terms of securing a better life for yourself. Many workers on the right will either stay on the right because they either live white supremacy or they get real economic gains from it (cops, prison guards) but some will see the light.

For very different reasons, we could win over left liberals if we post some real wins. I don’t really blame left liberals for being skeptical of direct action in this moment. But if it starts y get results, we could pull left liberals to our side. They tend to want a lot if the sane things but are skeptical of the left’s methods.

We should still make our case to everyone who will listen (leftists should stop scolding other leftists for going on right wing or liberal media outlets) but we will grow our numbers with small but tangible victories and then we grow and can win bigger victories.
Yeah exactly. Miss me with that terrorist ****. No dude from Afghanistan ever did **** to me, a bunch of rednecks tried to invalidate my vote though.

nah, they were white it’s cool. Let’s unify us. FOH, if they were to be hung I’d drive to dc myself and attend. That’s how you unify the country.

I don’t want to hear anything about peace and unity. They don’t believe in peace and unity so neither do I.
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