***Official Political Discussion Thread***

The central claim of “more money = better performance” that you yourself unwittingly contradicted with your argument that defunding prisons is a good policy idea?


Your “central claim” is SO self-evidently good that you don’t even need to defend it. That’s how ironclad it is.


stop taking it out on us. Spare us your Maple Maher hot take contrarianism.

IM TRYING. :lol:

I don't know what to do right now. :lol:

i can understand why you thought that based off the joke that i made.
tbh I was putting extra karen sauce on it for humours sake. it's mostly on NT and social media i saw all those defund the police memes back when this happened. :lol:

i believe meth is the one who said something along the lines of; i'm just reflexively taking this position based off a slack convo.
i can understand why you thought that based off the joke that i made.
tbh I was putting extra karen sauce on it for humours sake. it's mostly on NT and social media i saw all those defund the police memes back when this happened. :lol:

i believe meth is the one who said something along the lines of; i'm just reflexively taking this position based off a slack convo.
All right man, fair enough. You say you were joking so I believe you.

I still think the general sentiment in their thread was more toward holding police accountable for their ******* with major reforms as opposed to just memeing about police abolition as something to do.

So a lot of people on here got treated to some rants motivated by the behavior they didn't even indulge in :lol:
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IM TRYING. :lol:
If you're trying to bow out, don't let me stop you. We don't need to send a firefighter out with a ladder.
You got yourself out on this limb, you can get yourself back down.

i believe meth is the one who said something along the lines of; i'm just reflexively taking this position based off a slack convo.
Whether you choose to take the Slack thing literally or not is irrelevant. If it's a "joke" when you say it, it can be a "joke" when I say it.

The point I was making is that, instead of taking a nuanced position on police funding, you went full opposite lock on "defund the police" and your pride is preventing you from backing down, no matter whom it hurts or how ridiculous it makes you look.

In your heart of hearts, I think you know it's a bad take. Just watch the John Oliver video Rusty posted on Sunday re: police raids in the United States if you need a refresher.

The bottom line here is that, as a Canadian, you don't have to deal with US law enforcement on a regular basis, which makes you come off more like this than you'd like to believe:


You're annoyed by performative White "allies" who spout slogans, but make no meaningful effort or sacrifice and want to colonize everything they touch? Join the club.

Attacking efforts to achieve meaningful police reform is more than just poking fun at a cause célèbre. There's a term for the type of posting you've been doing on this topic, but it's not NT-appropriate.

If you think the messaging could be improved and want to argue that it should be "de-center the police" or "de-escalate the police," fine. There's a debate to be had on which framing is the least prone to distortion and the most politically feasible. If you wanted to have that discussion, I think you'd find a more sympathetic audience for that than a reactionary "Blue Lives Matter" take. That doesn't appear to be your goal, however.

There's clearly a huge disconnect between what you think you're doing and how it's being perceived - which is astonishingly ironic given that the crux of your argument is "this is stupid because it's unpopular among the people you need to influence."

Do you want a real discussion of an urgent issue, or do you just want to antagonize people with low effort trolling and flex, like a common reddit user?
so what's the game plan after the dems get rid of the filibuster? I know we all talk about passing all this legislation, but what happens in 2/4/6/8 years when republicans eventually gain back the house and senate and just undo everything? Is the argument get rid of it then hope its enough that republicans never win again?
At this point there is no game plan. Dems keep hoping that the GOP are eventually going to play fair or act civil or finally see the error in their ways when their hypocrisy is pointed out but the GOP has shown time and time again that they don’t care about rules, decency, or being hypocrites if it means they win.
In theory, I’m with the dems in trying to always take the high road but the GOP are destroying our democracy and country before our very eyes and the dems refuse to do anything about it. Yes it’s a slippery slope but the GOPs been on that slope for decades so pack the Supreme Court, kill the filibuster, and pass whatever the hell we can now and see what happens cause that’s exactly what the other side does.
I wish somebody would just push Hot Wheels into traffic. Texas is ****** from the winter storm that the Turd will do nothing to fix or prevent from occurring again. And now he’s blaming refugees for Covid when it’s his fault start to finish since last year.
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At this point there is no game plan. Dems keep hoping that the GOP are eventually going to play fair or act civil or finally see the error in their ways when their hypocrisy is pointed out but the GOP has shown time and time again that they don’t care about rules, decency, or being hypocrites if it means they win.
In theory, I’m with the dems in trying to always take the high road but the GOP are destroying our democracy and country before our very eyes and the dems refuse to do anything about it. Yes it’s a slippery slope but the GOPs been on that slope for decades so pack the Supreme Court, kill the filibuster, and pass whatever the hell we can now and see what happens cause that’s exactly what the other side does.

This is why I don’t have any problem with the Dems playing dirty. I wouldn’t even call it playing dirty. It’s more so playing with the same tactics the GOP plays by. It’s like the Dems have to play by one set of rules and standards while the GOP makes and breaks the narrative as they see fit on the fly.

The GOP lost the house and senate and it’s more like a bump in the road for them and they know it. Because aside from the inevitable 2022 voter suppression and gerrymandering, the Dems aren’t going to go for the jugular. You got clowns like Manchin and Sinema who want to get in the way of progress even if it’s at their own expense. Like you control the house and senate, that’s not going to last forever. The hell with bipartisanship. Do what’s done to get popular legislation passed and increase the likelihood of maintaining your majority come midterms. The goal should be maintaining the senate, not ‘bipartisanship’

Like don’t Manchin and Sinema realize they have a much better chance getting things they want accomplished by working with Biden than they would by playing hardball and trying to get their needs met through a GOP led senate. Someone like Manchin was around during Obamas first term so they should have a first hand recollection of what went down.

If Biden talked or acted just so much an ounce of how Trump carried himself. The GOP would pull the fake outrage and act appalled. **** bipartisanship with those clowns.
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