***Official Political Discussion Thread***


That's my state
Bill Clinton was her boss and the ****ing president. The power dynamics of the situation were tilted heavily in his direction, he should have stayed away from Monica, and never engaged in such a situation. Power dynamics in the situation does affect the other party's decision-making. She made a bad choice, but Bill's actions are way more problematic.

Secondly, Monica Lewinsky got betrayed by a friend, was hounded by the press every second of her life after the story broke, was made fun of by comedians for years afterward, and she couldn't lead a normal life for well after this whole thing happened. The stress and constant hounding had bad mental health consequences for her.

Let us not forget that the scandal became such a huge deal because the GOP was trying to find actual political corruption on Clinton, failed, fell into this, and Kenn Starr and the Republicans tried to make sure this blew up are badly as possible to hurt their electoral chances. Embarrassing Lewinsky in the process was viewed as collateral damage.

No mistake, or bad decision, even the one she did, deserved her having to deal with all that.

IMO, she is a victim too in her own way.

Oh no doubt. Clinton got impeached for a reason. He is no victim / not innocent in the least. A real POS for what he did.

My only point is Lewinski ended up with book deals, exclusive interviews, etc. Net worth over a million.

The same "media" that allegedly gave her PTSD, paid her well for telling her story. Nothing wrong with that...but aint no halfway crooks either.

5 months after arriving as an unpaid intern in DC she was involved in an affair with the President. Her hands are not clean.

When I think of victims of political sex scandals, Anita Hill comes to mind - but (at least for me) its a stretch to say Lewinski is a "victim".

The scandal because such a huge deal because Lewinski ran her mouth. W/O that the GOP woulda had nothing and we'd never have even known it happened.

April 1996
: Then-Deputy White House Chief of Staff Evelyn Lieberman transfers Lewinsky to a job as an assistant to Pentagon spokesman Ken Bacon. Lieberman told The New York Times the move was due to "inappropriate and immature behavior" and inattention to work. At the Pentagon, Lewinsky meets Tripp, a career government worker.

Summer 1996: Lewinsky begins to tell fellow Pentagon employee Linda Tripp of her alleged relationship with Clinton.
Oh no doubt. Clinton got impeached for a reason. He is no victim / not innocent in the least. A real POS for what he did.

My only point is Lewinski ended up with book deals, exclusive interviews, etc. Net worth over a million.

The same "media" that allegedly gave her PTSD, paid her well for telling her story. Nothing wrong with that...but aint no halfway crooks either.

5 months after arriving as an unpaid intern in DC she was involved in an affair with the President. Her hands are not clean.

When I think of victims of political sex scandals, Anita Hill comes to mind - but (at least for me) its a stretch to say Lewinski is a "victim".

The scandal because such a huge deal because Lewinski ran her mouth. W/O that the GOP woulda had nothing and we'd never have even known it happened.

April 1996
: Then-Deputy White House Chief of Staff Evelyn Lieberman transfers Lewinsky to a job as an assistant to Pentagon spokesman Ken Bacon. Lieberman told The New York Times the move was due to "inappropriate and immature behavior" and inattention to work. At the Pentagon, Lewinsky meets Tripp, a career government worker.

Summer 1996: Lewinsky begins to tell fellow Pentagon employee Linda Tripp of her alleged relationship with Clinton.
Come the **** on now. :lol:

She talked to a friend about the relationship, and that friend recorded the calls, and convinced her to keep evidence of the affair, and leaked it to the press. That is not a regular thing that happens. I mean she had to trade her testimony for an immunity deal.

A lot of the deals she signed back then were to cover the high legal bills she incurred over the whole situation. And if your name is being dragged through the mud and other people are profiting from the dragging I got a little issue with someone cutting themselves in on the profits. Especially when your name is out there like that, what regular job can you find and hold down?

No one is excusing her choices back in the day, she does not even do that. But she didn't deserve the public shaming she got afterward, to the degree she got it. After 2005 when Bill Clinton reemerged as a beloved central figure of the Democratic Party, ole girl was having issues finding jobs and moving on with her life. That's a wild thing, Bill was able to move past it quite easily, while when she tried **** affected her.

The public shaming she went through was overboard, the infamy she persisted was unfair compared to Bill, so yes, she is a victim of that vicious cycle. I think we can hold her accountable for her actions while acknowledging that.

Most people don't pay for their mistakes at that level. Bill Clinton didn't even have to.
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Come the **** on now. :lol:

She talked to a friend about the relationship, and that friend recorded the calls and leaked it to the press. That is not a regular thing that happens.

A lot of the deals she signed back then were to cover the high legal bills she incurred over the whole situation. And if your name is being dragged through the mud and other people are profiting from the dragging I got a little issue with someone cutting themselves in on the profits. Especially when your name is out there like that, what regular job can you find and hold down?

No one is excusing her choices back in the day, she does even do that. But she didn't deserve the public shaming she got afterward, to the degree she got it. After 2005 when Bill Clinton reemerged as a beloved central figure of the Democratic Party, ole girl was having issues finding jobs and moving on with her life.

The public shaming she went through was overboard, the infamy the persisted was unfair, so yes, she is a victim of that vicious cycle.

Most people don't pay for their mistakes at that level.

She got what came with the package deal.

I mean I'm sure Lewinski is doing just fine w/o my sympathy and all, I don't wish her any harm or ill fortune but c'mon man - she knew what she was doing.

All she had to do was shut up and keep shutting up.

You aren't gonna tell me that she wasn't feeling herself right up until she got removed from the White House and sent down to the Pentagon :lol:

That's that "victim" crap coming out - "I gave my heart to the President and he does me like this?!?!" :lol:

LMAO @ "a friend".

How was Linda Tripp "a friend"?

Tripp was her coworker - a career federal employee she'd known for about 90 days.

Imagine telling a career government worker that you're out here going down on the President!


Cant even tell a coworker your salary w/o repercussions - especially if you make more than them for the same position.

Anita Hill on the other hand...well, you already know what happened there.
She got what came with the package deal.

I mean I'm sure Lewinski is doing just fine w/o my sympathy and all, I don't wish her any harm or ill fortune but c'mon man - she knew what she was doing.

All she had to do was shut up and keep shutting up.

You aren't gonna tell me that she wasn't feeling herself right up until she got removed from the White House and sent down to the Pentagon :lol:

LMAO @ "a friend".

How was Linda Tripp "a friend"?

Tripp was her coworker - a career federal employee she'd known for about 90 days.

Imagine telling a career government worker that you're out here going down on the President!


Cant even tell a coworker your salary w/o repercussions - especially if you make more than them for the same position.

Anita Hill on the other hand...well, you already know what happened there.
-There have been rumors of prior presidential affairs, that didn't blow up like this. There have been rumors of other Clinton affairs and non blew up like the Lewinsky thing. Hell Bill Clinton was being sued for harassment at the same time, and Monica's name lives on in the public conscience way longer than those women. So Nah, I don't think she was a fortune-teller of what would come of this. I just don't buy a "this comes with the territory" argument. Seems like a lot of precise mental calculations for a 22-year to do.

I am not a mind reader of a white woman that lived in the 90s. She was in a sexual relationship with a powerful man, so maybe she was feeling herself, maybe not, really besides the point though. I already said she was an ******* for what she did. Your argument is that some of her decision lead to certain things happening, ok that fine, but not all of it was in her control certainly not like being able to find a job because of it years after Clinton left office.

-Famb, someone can make friends with a colleague with 90 days. :lol: Forming a friendship to the point you feel comfortable sharing with them doesn't take the same emotional investment as falling in love with someone.

People make friends at work, people share personal info with their friends, people expect those people not to record them. Maybe Monica should have been more careful, still doesn't excuse the **** storm the got rained down on her. And mean she can't even post on Twitter about a random thing without someone calling her all kinds of foul **** in the comments.

I think you are caught up thinking I am excusing her mistakes, I'm not. Just saying the public shaming that came afterward was crazy overboard.

-I share my salary freely with my coworkers, always have, a manager might get pissed now and then but it is not like there is some legal threat of not sharing your salary. Hell, millions of public worker's salaries are public information. Americans just buy into this form of asymmetric information private employers convince them is necessary, when it is not. So I dunno how that is a standard. But anyway.

-I think it is rational for someone to think about what Anita Hill went through at her job that what Lewinsky went through, it clearly was. One was a consenting relationship, one was sexual harassment. But again, I don't think Hill's situation makes me comfortable with what the GOP, and media did to Lewinsky. Plus, when everyone else was able to move past it, she should have been able to move to pass it too. That wasn't fair.

Some public shaming might be good in some instances, but I think in this situation all things considered it wasn't. Well not at the degree it was deployed.
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-There have been rumors of prior presidential affairs, that didn't blow up like this. There have been rumors of other Clinton affairs and non blew up like the Lewinsky thing. Hell Bill Clinton was being sued for harassment at the same time, and Monica's name lives on in the public conscience way longer than those women. So Nah, I don't think she was a fortune-teller of what would come of this. I just don't buy a "this comes with the territory" argument. Seems like a lot of precise mental calculations for a 22-year to do.

I am not a mind reader of a white woman that lived in the 90s. She was in a sexual relationship with a powerful man, so maybe she was feeling herself, maybe not, really besides the point though. I already said she was an ******* for what she did. Your argument is that some of her decision lead to certain things happening, ok that fine, but not all of it was in her control certainly not like being able to find a job because of it years after Clinton left office.

-Famb, someone can make friends with a colleague with 90 days. :lol: Forming a friendship to the point you feel comfortable sharing with them doesn't take the same emotional investment as falling in love with someone.

People make friends at work, people share personal info with their friends, people expect those people not to record them. Maybe Monica should have been more careful, still doesn't excuse the **** storm the got rained down on her. And mean she can't even post on Twitter about a random thing without someone calling her all kinds of foul **** in the comments.

I think you are caught up thinking I am excusing her mistakes, I'm not. Just saying the public shaming that came afterward was crazy overboard.

-I share my salary freely with my coworkers, always have, a manager might get pissed now and then but it is not like there is some legal threat of not sharing your salary. Hell, millions of public worker's salaries are public information. Americans just buy into this form of asymmetric information private employers convince them is necessary, when it is not. So I dunno how that is a standard. But anyway.

-I think it is rational for someone to think about what Anita Hill went through at her job that what Lewinsky went through, it clearly was. One was a consenting relationship, one was sexual harassment. But again, I don't think Hill's situation makes me comfortable with what the GOP, and media did to Lewinsky. Plus, when everyone else was able to move past it, she should have been able to move to pass it too. That wasn't fair.

Some public shaming might be good in some instances, but I think in this situation all things considered it wasn't. Well not at the degree it was deployed.

Yeah I get that and agree. Politics is a dirty game indeed.

IJS telling your work buddy what you're having for lunch vs telling them you're having sex with the President? Definitely not the same thing. Even at 22 years old there had to have been enough feels involved with her "demotion" for the petty to come out / cloud her thinking.

I might be projecting my own life experiences here but cutting a woman (any woman) off like that aint never been w/o a price.
Yeah I get that and agree. Politics is a dirty game indeed.

IJS telling your work buddy what you're having for lunch vs telling them you're having sex with the President? Definitely not the same thing. Even at 22 years old there had to have been enough feels involved with her "demotion" for the petty to come out / cloud her thinking.

I might be projecting my own life experiences here but cutting a woman (any woman) off like that aint never been w/o a price.
If AOC becomes President, and she picks me to be the executive side dude, I'm telling EVERYBODY.

I'm starting a podcast called The Chatty Patty Experience, hiring Rory and Mal as co-host (hired they might be looking for employment), and telling my truth.

And If Spotify tries to stop my shine, I know where I would be welcomed...
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If AOC becomes President, and she picks me to be the executive side dude, I'm telling EVERYBODY.

I'm starting a podcast called The Chatty Patty Experience, hiring Rory and Mal as co-host (hired they might be looking for employment), and telling my truth.

And If Spotify tries to stop my shine, I know where I would be welcomed...

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Now show us on the Teddy Bear where the bad woman touched you. :lol:
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If AOC becomes President, and she picks me to be the executive side dude, I'm telling EVERYBODY.

I'm starting a podcast called The Chatty Patty Experience, hiring Rory and Mal as co-host (hired they might be looking for employment), and telling my truth.

And If Spotify tries to stop my shine, I know where I would be welcomed...
Keep dreaming about my girl and I'll put you to sleep permanently b
Rusty got about a dozen folks wanting to meet in Temecula and if he got down with AOC itd jump to about a few dozen thousand. Not enough pocket sand in the desert to save his ***.

Lol AOC is into guys that look like they’ve managed a papa Johns for way too long but only planned to be there for a month
Time to give up on life, to give myself a chance with BaeOC then. Based Jesus Based Jesus can meet me on the Capitol to catch these Papa John's pizza spinning hands when the day comes.
If AOC becomes President, and she picks me to be the executive side dude, I'm telling EVERYBODY.

I'm starting a podcast called The Chatty Patty Experience, hiring Rory and Mal as co-host (hired they might be looking for employment), and telling my truth.

And If Spotify tries to stop my shine, I know where I would be welcomed...

doggggggggggggggggg :rofl:
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