***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Is that what I said, progressives don't have kids in public schools?

What kind of logic causes someone to think I said that?

I said im fine with progressive parents and districts teaching in a way they agree with and the same for conservatives

What is this my world that you're trying to conjure up?
That is stupid. What happens when little Gober Pile goes to college and write a report in geology class about the world being 6000 years old and fails? Now he’s out there protesting college science and saying “well we need a Christian geology class for conservatives and the progressives can have their own geology class based on peer reviewed evidence too”….. Then you’ll be like “well colleges need to accommodate conservative science”….

It’s stupid and only going to lead to more stupid people feeling that because they think they are right, they can force the world to respect their bubble of ignorance. As a country we been through this multiple times and as the bile builds up in that bubble eventually someone is going to at great pain to themselves pop that pimple called conservative thinking and force you *******s to deal with reality AGAIN.

Florida Shock Jock in Matt Gaetz Circle Pleads Guilty​

The feds are closing in on Rep. Matt Gaetz for his alleged underage sex crimes with yet another criminal case, this time against a key witness: his wingman’s best friend.




Representative Matt Gaetz's ex-girlfriend granted immunity in sex trafficking probe​


You know what be great, if there was a political party whose leadership and nearly all its members agree that giving poor families a monthly income subsidy to help them raise their kids is a great idea, and that party won unified control of the legislative machine.

You know what would suck, if one rich ******* that was born on third base, from a state whose residents would greatly benefit, sabotaged the entire plan because stupidly felt that most people would buy drugs with the money and didn't want poor people to feel entitled.
You already know Manchin and Sinema gonna start with the *******.

Could you imagine if they didn't allow Joey his pick before the midterms?
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