***Official Political Discussion Thread***

this funny *** truck driver dude I follow on ig went out and bought a carhartt hat because of it and he lost all his sponsors. :rofl:. then he told them gfym and called them sheeple and they're real mad. :lol:
Cant wait for the trucking industry to move into a majority foreign-born ownership and immigrant owner operators. All of the worst people I dealt with were good ol boys from the south who couldnt stand the thought of an Indian or Pakistani born man driving routes... on the other side of the country that they swear to never set foot in.
Cant wait for the trucking industry to move into a majority foreign-born ownership and immigrant owner operators. All of the worst people I dealt with were good ol boys from the south who couldnt stand the thought of an Indian or Pakistani born man driving routes... on the other side of the country that they swear to never set foot in.

f trucking bro :lol: I hate that **** and will never do it again. Construction is the way to go if you got a cdl to use. trucking is so toxic and you get treat like dirt and just sit in the truck all day crushing truck stop food getting fat.

construction is pretty diverse here, you got the country white guys but none of them hate on the Mexican dudes with dump trucks or our Indian foreman etc. my boy is Indian and an owner operator and just pulled up with the sickest restored kenworth dump truck this spring. :pimp:

you actually gotta be smart to work in construction so those lazy inbreds wouldn't get far the second you have to start doing math and figuring out grading on a road or calculating how much rock you need etc.
They made a vegan version of my favorite Passion Fruit ice cream

It is a blessing because less chance of da dookies after having some

But now ya boy in the house like...
f trucking bro :lol: I hate that **** and will never do it again. Construction is the way to go if you got a cdl to use. trucking is so toxic and you get treat like dirt and just sit in the truck all day crushing truck stop food getting fat.

construction is pretty diverse here, you got the country white guys but none of them hate on the Mexican dudes with dump trucks or our Indian foreman etc. my boy is Indian and an owner operator and just pulled up with the sickest restored kenworth dump truck this spring. :pimp:

you actually gotta be smart to work in construction so those lazy inbreds wouldn't get far the second you have to start doing math and figuring out grading on a road or calculating how much rock you need etc.
Im in a different industry but worked with truckers for nearly 7 years. 5 of those were through Amazon though so my clientele werent as bad as the O/Os who had maybe their truck + a few more. Still pretty bad tho. Never going back.
Havent had the pleasure to work with a construction company yet, focused more on tech and property companies now. Sounds like I dont have to fast talk my way out of a construction assignment tho if it comes up at work. Glad to know 8)
Construction isn’t bad dude, everyone gets along well for the most part. It’s a lot more professional than trucking. All you care about with trucking is yourself.

Construction you’re working as a team on billion dollar projects.

I like the industry a lot, I just get burnt out with the hours. I need to move somewhere warm where they work 40 hour weeks instead of 80 in the summer and no work in the winter.

It wouldn’t surprise me if you get into a tech/construction job eventually. So much tech is pouring into construction. We don’t even need to do anything to pave anymore. The GPS takes care of it all.
They don't like disagreement
"We" welcome disagreement.

Unfortunately, some of you always run away when asked to explain your position coherently.

Yes, siding with parents and districts is my failure to produce a cognizant argument
Wasn't that discussion about parents being able to do something objectively dumb just because "it's their kids"?

I suppose that in your world all "progressives" don't have children who attend public schools.
"We" welcome disagreement.

Unfortunately, some of you always run away when asked to explain your position coherently.

Wasn't that discussion about parents being able to do something objectively dumb just because "it's their kids"?

I suppose that in your world all "progressives" don't have children who attend public schools.

Is that what I said, progressives don't have kids in public schools?

What kind of logic causes someone to think I said that?

I said im fine with progressive parents and districts teaching in a way they agree with and the same for conservatives

What is this my world that you're trying to conjure up?
Supporters of these policies don’t want freedom of speech; they want freedom from criticism and accountability.

The Florida and Georgia measures are the latest signs of the snowflake-ization of the conservative movement. It’s a racial manifestation of a right-wing goal: seeking protection from reality. Conservatives have long attacked political correctness and, more recently, cancel culture to delegitimize and escape criticism of bigotry, misogyny, homophobia, and other ills. They insist they believe in the marketplace of ideas, but when their notions are criticized, they often cry foul and complain they are being canceled or victimized by the thought police. With these latest initiatives, conservatives are trying to suppress critiques and ideas that challenge their self-serving views and efforts to define the narrative of the nation. (Look at how Donald Trump recently attempted to bolster the notion that white Americans are the real victims by falsely claiming Covid vaccinations were being denied to white people because of their race.) In a world shaped by racial, economic, and social conflicts, these conservatives don’t want to see such matters directly and honestly addressed, for that leads to an inconvenient question: What are we going to do about it?

"Guys, guys, do you really not like me just because I'm Jewish?"

"But I'm America First!"

Honestly I think people need to start referring to this as the modern reconstruction era.

The south and Midwest are using local government to put themselves in bubbles and for the first time in living memory have enough of the Supreme Court to force the federal government to not intervene as currently designed.

Like we are big on parties and thinking they stand for certain moral leanings but two Dixiecrats and the Republicans have effectively made it that the swing of the pendulum of government inaction will be on the conservative right for decades. Which is bad in normal times but based on the preview of global warming that Covid is providing us. Likely to lead to a lot of death and suffering for everyone as self-righteous ignorance prevails as a national governing principle. The idea that might (or cheating) make right.

Migration of the population was likely before due to environmental factors, but what happens when these gun toting yahoos start NIMBY or even worse, kicking people out of safer places due to climate change and there isn’t a functional federal government response to stop them. That’s just surface suffering stuff as flooding and food scarcity kick in.

Basically I think this is the worst timing for this and will be looked at as a factor of why things will be as bad as they are in a few decades. When it will likely be too late.
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I said im fine with progressive parents and districts teaching in a way they agree with and the same for conservatives

So what happens when kids from conservative and progressive homes sit together in science class? Should they be taught that the earth is both 6000 years AND billions of years old? Should they be taught that the earth is round AND flat?

You have been accusing progressives of wanting to impose their views in pretty much every post, so I have to ask if reality matters at all in the way you judge either group's approach to education, public health, and civics.
So what happens when kids from conservative and progressive homes sit together in science class? Should they be taught that the earth is both 6000 years AND billions of years old? Should they be taught that the earth is round AND flat?

You have been accusing progressives of wanting to impose their views in pretty much every post, so I have to ask if reality matters at all in the way you judge either group's approach to education, public health, and civics.

Jesus road on dinosaurs don’t you know that? :rofl:
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