***Official Political Discussion Thread***

My boy in hs could dunk and was shorter than me. Dude had a full ride scholarship to a d1 school too. Well a couple kick doors later he’s locked up for 10 years in time out.

I saw him a few months ago working at a gas station. I hate running into old friends doing bad.

I wonder why all the progressive in the media keep running stories like this

When democrats leave a republican stronghold to live in a bluer/less red area, it's because of the nastiness of their former neighbors.

When republicans leave blue areas, it's because they can't live where their nastiness is not going to be tolerated.

See below:

BURNETT: Lynn Seeden says when the state of California forced her to close her photography studio over COVID restrictions, she and her husband decided it was time to leave.

SEEDEN: As soon as I drove into Texas, literally as soon as I came into the state and stopped at my first truck stop for gas, it was like, this is wonderful. People weren't wearing masks. Nobody cared, as far as that went. (Laughter) It's kind of like - heaven-on-Earth type of thing.

BURNETT: They moved to Austin last spring from Greenfield, Ind., a suburb of Indianapolis. They're renting an apartment in Central Austin with a view of Lady Bird Lake.

T WOOTEN: Indiana's a red state as it is. But Greenfield - also very red. We, as Democrats, felt very out of place. If people in public were talking about politics, it was always a Trump view. We heard those damn liberals a lot.

BURNETT: Tiffany Wooten is 43, a stay-at-home mom. She says during the Trump years, it seems like people became more antagonistic toward them for being Democrats. She even fell out with some of her own family of conservative Christians over their support for the former president. And her 18-year-old son Cole says his politics ran counter to the kids at his high school, who were MAGA fans like their parents.

COLE: Some of them would even have, like, little Trump meetups. So they would all bring, like, their Trump flags and then just preach to each other pretty much about how great he was. It was just a really threatening atmosphere.

BURNETT: One afternoon, they discovered someone had put broken glass in their mailbox.

What we're hearing: Some of the strategists contacted by Axios credit the Trump team, especially digital director Gary Coby, for the intense focus on data and analytics.

Yet they identify three big risks:

  • Donor burnout, and diminishing returns from a flood of frantic emails and texts — not just from Trump, but also other candidates invoking his name. There's also a scenario in which Trump squats on hundreds of millions of dollars, rather than spending it on other Republicans.
  • The "quadrupling-down" approach that's proved effective for Trump may actually make it harder — and more expensive — for other Republicans to raise money online.
  • Trump's approach is spurring other campaigns to lean heavily on his brand in their own fundraising appeals. That keeps Trump essential not just to the Republican political brand but to its ability to raise money online.
Between the lines: These complaints are frequently discussed privately in GOP fundraising circles.

  • Nobody of stature wants to talk publicly, for fear of retribution — because Trump remains the most powerful man in Republican politics.
  • The four strategists spoke on condition of anonymity.

I support the grift.
but this whole cripple the economy of the nation's capital
with an armada of immovable 18 wheelers cannot be tolerated.
Forgive my ignorance, but why has this gone on So long? Surely there must be laws that allow these people to be arrested and their trucks impounded, Civil disobedience involves strategically breaking laws and then dealing with the consequences. Why hasn’t the latter happened?
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