***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Put it on the floor. It's going to fail but put some names and faces in 4K at least 🤷🏿‍♂️

All it would take is one GOP senator's kid to be killed and things would change. It happened with an acne drug (Accutane) in the early '90s. A senator's kid committed suicide, and the senator (or maybe house rep, can't remember) pushed to ban the drug because his depressed kid committed suicide. Once it affects them personally, it's game over.
Party is too far gone. Too much influence, power, money and culture from the conservative gun community embedded into the GOP for me to think if that was Ted Cruz' kid they would change.

Scalise almost got clipped off the planet by an unhinged lib and he's still the same scumbag he was born to be.
All it would take is one GOP senator's kid to be killed and things would change. It happened with an acne drug (Accutane) in the early '90s. A senator's kid committed suicide, and the senator (or maybe house rep, can't remember) pushed to ban the drug because his depressed kid committed suicide. Once it affects them personally, it's game over.
These new GOP folks are true believers in the ******** rhetoric they dish out to us.

Remember the congressional baseball game shooting? The GOP congressman/senator who got shot came out the hospital with words of support for their interpretation of the 2nd Amendment. I don't believe their whole family being mowed down in front of them will change their mind.

The only way forward is to kick them all out.
Republicans used one cherry-picked MLK quote to justify banning nearly all other MLK quotes from schools
This has been their move pretty much since they lost their battle to prevent a federal holiday from being designated in Dr. King's honor.

The King estate had to threaten suit to compel affirmative action opponents to cease the unauthorized misappropriation of Dr. King's image, along with their favorite line from their favorite speech, in television ads supporting California's Proposition 209 back in 1996.
It seems like every single year, some Republican tries to Whitesplain Dr. King to his own daughter on Twitter.

It is utterly unsurprising that those behind this prolonged, deliberate, bad-faith distortion of Dr. King's views and legacy would move to outlaw the teaching of his actual beliefs.
Theirs is an ahistorical misinterpretation that cannot exist in the absence of ignorance.

Mr “pro life” dwalk31 dwalk31 been in here today?

I’m afraid that work’s going to be very busy until this gets fully churned out of the news cycle:

After all, we can’t commit to calling something like this “racist” without knowing what’s in his heart... right? He has to be caught on tape at least two more times - just to be fair.

Not to worry, things should ease up in a few days once there’s a CNN tweet about the failure of common sense gun control legislation to overcome Republican/“centrist” obstruction.

But…. murder is already a crime!

Every personal finance story ever written.


There’s no Congressman Les Whinen…
Good line, though!

There are so many real examples of this phenomenon to choose from, like the Alger Hiss story about every tech billionaire who started out in a rent-free Palo Alto/Bellvue garage... with the equivalent of a million dollar no-interest loan from the International Bank of Mom & Dad.
Mr “pro life” dwalk31 dwalk31 been in here today?

All of the things she listed are currently against the law.

People (rightfully) understand that banning abortions won’t end abortions. It will only make them less safe and make them more difficult for lower-income individuals to obtain. That same logic applies to gun bans.

With that said, banning them won’t impact me personally. I’ve never owned a gun. Situations like the most recent tragedy tend to increase gun sales because people buy out of fear.
All it would take is one GOP senator's kid to be killed and things would change. It happened with an acne drug (Accutane) in the early '90s. A senator's kid committed suicide, and the senator (or maybe house rep, can't remember) pushed to ban the drug because his depressed kid committed suicide. Once it affects them personally, it's game over.

Sadly these people don't care about their own families and I believe they would still stand at attention when da NRA checks start rolling. Raphael let Trump call his wife ugly and he campaigned for the guy. Congressman by day and Klan member by night Scalise literally had someone empty a clip at him at a baseball game, nearly died, yet he still supports the NRA. These deplorables are just that.
All it would take is one GOP senator's kid to be killed and things would change. It happened with an acne drug (Accutane) in the early '90s. A senator's kid committed suicide, and the senator (or maybe house rep, can't remember) pushed to ban the drug because his depressed kid committed suicide. Once it affects them personally, it's game over.
One Senator's kid dying won't make a difference.

At best, instead of being 10 votes shy of beating the filibuster, we would be 9.
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