***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Cliffs on the pedophile stuff?

It is unserious nonsense related to discussions surrounding Roy Moore.

During his campaign he was accused of being a pedophile. I stated that mere allegations should be insufficient to disqualify him without more (like a criminal conviction). I said that the reason for my position was the concept of due process, the innocent until proven guilty standard, and the fact that the erosion of due process tends to negatively impact people that look like me more than it does people that look like you.

aepps20 aepps20 and other posters used that as a reason to start saying I supported Roy Moore (I didn’t and even mentioned there were other reasons not to support his candidacy). That morphed into a “pedophilia-support” narrative similar to the stuff Qanon supporters say about people they disagree with.

Since aepps20 aepps20 is mostly in character, I ignore it.
I’m also glad the posts are saved.

No one in here is going to find any post from me supporting pedophilia. It’s complete nonsense
Delk essentially caped so hard for Roy Moore and his Pedophilia that when we confronted him on it he couldn't bring himself to say being a pedo was wrong. Most disgusting thing I've ever seen on this website. Way worse than his refusal to call Trump a racist.
Yea he’s a troll
It is unserious nonsense related to discussions surrounding Roy Moore.

During his campaign he was accused of being a pedophile. I stated that mere allegations should be insufficient to disqualify him without more (like a criminal conviction). I said that the reason for my position was the concept of due process, the innocent until proven guilty standard, and the fact that the erosion of due process tends to negatively impact people that look like me more than it does people that look like you.

aepps20 aepps20 and other posters used that as a reason to start saying I supported Roy Moore (I didn’t and even mentioned there were other reasons not to support his candidacy). That morphed into a “pedophilia-support” narrative similar to the stuff Qanon supporters say about people they disagree with.

Since aepps20 aepps20 is mostly in character, I ignore it.
So you trust pedophiles more than the victims. Got it.
using the double to spotlight that she specified ketchup "dripping from the wall"...guy slathers his food in that ****, why are all the funniest things about him true?
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