***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I suppose Chris Matthews and Rachel Maddow on MSNBC stating how voting against Obama is racist isn't hilarious? Or how going against the constitution is bad, Romney responding to Obama's revenge is racist, Bill Lehrer saying how whites voting for Mitt Romney will be found and attacked by blacks.... Not like the Liberals are perfect angels too. Theres a reason why MSNBC is the struggle of news... Will bump this tommorow night or Wensday morning when Chris Matthews commits suicide after a Mitt Romney win.


Strong post to SN to sig ratio
I can't wait to vote. I'm actually really excited. My first presidential vote. Was 17 in 2004 so i couldn't vote, in 2008 i was away at school and wasn't able to fill in my absentee ballot in time, and this year, i'm going right to west Islip high school after work and voting BARACK OBAMA!!!
If Romney wins I'm gonna start a riot everywhere I go.

My company is adding a ton of jobs in Montreal. If Mitt wins, I will seriously entertain transferring up there next summer.

If Mitt and the GOP can lie, cheat and steal their way into the White House, I dunno, I just think I will need a break from the States

Montreal is a beautiful city.

You could choose worse places to live.
A 30-year-old Indiana man says an eBay user paid him $15,000 to have the Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney's campaign logo tattooed on his head... 
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I'd rather have 4 more years of W than Mitt in office man, I'm so serious. I can't imagine a Romney supreme court appointment, it would be crazy.
Alot of racist are gonna get real belligerent if Romney wins dudes are gonna feel like they are empowered again .If Obama won they wouldnt try much beyond a few fools but with affirmiative action gets repelled we could be on a downward spiral in this country .:smh:
I'd rather have 4 more years of W than Mitt in office man, I'm so serious. I can't imagine a Romney supreme court appointment, it would be crazy.

I mean W tried to appoint his secretary to the Supreme Court.

You're right :lol: but even Miers wouldn't have been as extreme as whoever Mitt would end up appointing I feel like, and we'll probably get at least 2 more nominations in the next presidential term...
I suppose Chris Matthews and Rachel Maddow on MSNBC stating how voting against Obama is racist isn't hilarious? Or how going against the constitution is bad, Romney responding to Obama's revenge is racist, Bill Lehrer saying how whites voting for Mitt Romney will be found and attacked by blacks.... Not like the Liberals are perfect angels too. Theres a reason why MSNBC is the struggle of news... Will bump this tommorow night or Wensday morning when Chris Matthews commits suicide after a Mitt Romney win.

NY Daily News endorsed Mitt
to be completely honest, they see da way bloomberg was a shot in da arm for NY and big business. and they see similarities in romney.

mitt romney as far as da economy >>>>>>*

HOWEVER, da GOP on social issues are horrible. paul ryan on da ticket makes me hate it.
to be completely honest, they see da way bloomberg was a shot in da arm for NY and big business. and they see similarities in romney.

mitt romney as far as da economy >>>>>>*

HOWEVER, da GOP on social issues are horrible. paul ryan on da ticket makes me hate it.

What's his economic plan though? Honest question. No flame
to be completely honest, they see da way bloomberg was a shot in da arm for NY and big business. and they see similarities in romney.

mitt romney as far as da economy >>>>>>*

HOWEVER, da GOP on social issues are horrible. paul ryan on da ticket makes me hate it.
Man im tired you crap what is this dudes Mitts wonderful plan bro even he doesn't know.
I just can't rock with Mitt, even if he were to be elected I won't feel comfortable knowing he is the president of the country I live in

-He disagree with the man on every social issue
-From what he has shown and said I have no faith in him as the Commander-in- Chief. It's like he is hoping **** pops off so he can use it to his advantage politically :rolleyes
-His policies might tank the economy again. Top down policies don't work, top economist say this, history has proven this, why people think that this time will be different is beyond me .
-Some people want a tax break, I get it, they should just keep 3hunna, and say that's why want Mitt in office instead of trying so hard to convince themselves that policies that failed the past will magically work under Mitt.
-Paul Ryan being a heart beat away from the Presidency, this is scaring as ****. That man disgust me
-A Romney win would be a cosign to all the foolishness the GOP has done this election cycle (and for that fact the last 4 years), the blatant lies and voter suppression tactics have been once again, disgusting. The GOP fought Obama on every single thing, then claim Obama is the divisive force in Washington.
-There will probably be a couple Supreme Court appointments in the 4 years. We can't have more Scalias

Mitt Romney always ask "are you better off than you were 4 years ago", and to be honest, I am. Not only that, the country is too. Obama's policies have directly helped me and members of my family.

I was ecstatic to give President Obama my vote in 2008, and I'm 10x more excited to vote for him again in 2012. :smokin
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It's funny how diverse the people are in the crowds at the Obama rallies and how white the crowds are at the Romney rallies. What is more a representation of America?
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