***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Good lord

I hope to god world war 3 doesn’t start because of some drunk Russian military dude launching a missile at the wrong spot
It’s never good when innocent people get killed, but I doubt there will be much fallout. Russia will send the families some money, Poland will yell for a bit. Nothing lasts past Christmas.
I would think that Poland would give more support in the war in Ukraine. Make Russia lose more on their war effort.
I've been so anxious all day waiting for Trump's MAJOR announcement. What could it be??? The whole neighborhood is gathered around. Is he leading a special team of proud boys to Poland to prevent world war 3? Or is Tiffany pregnant??? Or is he coming back to Twitter????

There are so many possibilities. But you know Trump, always the showman, keeping us in suspense! All I know is that by the end of tonight I'm going to be like Ralphie, awestruck saying "WOW!" at the MAJOR announcement.

Damn I was just in here yesterday saying he doesn’t have the nerve. But y’all were right.
Should have given the GOP a little more time to talk crazy about him so he would have more to use against them when they bend the knee.
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