***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Absolutes disgusts me how much my area and the entire Midwest really is covered in smoke , and these idiots still think climate change is fake, and don’t care about the environment.

It’s so pro life of them.

We had a little league all star game on Tuesday night. There was supposed to be a high school game at the same complex, but it got canceled due to poor air quality. As I pull up to the field there were a couple people getting the field ready. One of them was pretty animated about the high school game getting canceled. "Liberalism is killing this country! Kids had to wear masks for a year and a half and now they can't even play outside!" There is no hope for small town, rural America.
So instead of at least distancing themselves from trumps statements about his daughter, Republicans going pro incest now? Didn’t see that coming.
I can already see the next play

More and more White students are gonna sue Universities for not getting in, and so much litigation will take place until universities lower the amount of black, native, and Latino people accepted as a way to protect themselves

Nasty world ahead

Right? It's insanity. Theoretically, with "colorblindness for all" and the removal of the requirement for standardized test scores, wouldn't it be easier for universities to do what you are suggesting?

Either way, it's sad, man.
Are there any colleges/universities in the US that work like ours? There is no such thing as a college admission here, you pay the tuition and you’re in.
Someone who graduated highschool with a 51% in all classes could theoretically still enroll as a med student wherever they want.

The idea that it would degrade the institutions somehow is just nonsense meant to justify racial bias in admissions.
Are there any colleges/universities in the US that work like ours? There is no such thing as a college admission here, you pay the tuition and you’re in.

Sure lower tiered schools and community colleges take anyone that breathes but that’s not exactly anything as those schools are low quality or stepping stones to transfer to a better school.
This really feels like a throwing the baby out with the bath water situation. The problem wasn’t the policy but stupid *** implementations these private institutions choose to do.
Sure lower tiered schools and community colleges take anyone that breathes but that’s not exactly anything as those schools are low quality or stepping stones to transfer to a better school.
So basically just the bottom of the barrel?
I think our top 2 universities (Leuven and Gent) prove that you can let anyone enroll and still be considered as top tier at home and abroad.

The average passing and dropout rates are utterly abysmal, as low as a single digit success rate for students who took particular degrees in highschool, but that really hasn’t affected anything.
I can already see the next play

More and more white students are gonna sue Universities for not getting in, and so much litigation will take place until universities lower the amount of black, native, and Latino people accepted as a way to protect themselves

Nasty world ahead

I suspect a lot of academics are wishing they had faught trustees a bit harder when administrative positions started going to outside professionals instead of long-term tenured faculty.

This is just another assault in 3 decades of transformation higher education into outsourced R&D and vocational training for corporate America. I suspect there are many, many people in the latter who are going to be just delighted to throw up their hands and declare their own DEI programs unworkable with the changing demographics of the universities.

Nearly 30 years since the disasterous Hopwood decision and the racists have finally won.

The worst part is, people aren’t going to realize how far back this sets us for another 15 years, and by then it’ll take decades to unwind. They just set progress on racial equity back a half century.

Awful times.

But I guess we may all die of heat stroke and smoke inhalation by then anyways.
At Ghent University for example, the overall first attempt success rate for a Bachelors in Psychology this year was 4 out of 751 students. The others all failed at least one exam.
So basically just the bottom of the barrel?
I think our top 2 universities (Leuven and Gent) prove that you can let anyone enroll and still be considered as top tier at home and abroad.

The average passing and dropout rates are utterly abysmal, as low as a single digit success rate for students who took particular degrees in highschool, but that really hasn’t affected anything.

Tier of school really helps determine where you’ll end up social economically. While it’s not the end all, someone from an Ivy League will have a lot more doors open than someone who went to a middle of the pack state school. Easier to find higher tiered jobs and salaries.
Elections have consequences. At this point it’s stating the obvious, but that 2016 election really set in motion so much damaging **** for this country.

Years of progress rolled back, and it’s gonna take a long *** time to recoup. Damn. :smh: :smh: :smh: :smh:
This is really gonna piss my the **** off.

The 6 conservatives appointed by Republicans voted in favor or striking down affirmative action

The 3 appointed by Democrats voted against.

But next year, including on NT, we will hear low information hot takes about there is no real difference between the parties.

In a ******* election year.


Mathew Yglesias just sent a email more or less defending the decision

He compares this decision to gay marriage being legalized

With the usual struggle centrist well actuallies, strawman arguments, hyper focus on progressives, hyper focus on Elite private institutions, and claiming that bending research papers show it won't be that big deal.

But ending with a line that basically concedes that this might have major negative consequences for the black middle class. But using that as a promo for his articles about massive structural changes that can avoid that.
After beginning he article talking about how it is hard to get anything passed in Congress

These people are not serious.

I just for once want to know what it feels like to have my head so far my own ***, that when I talk, even the **** in my large intestine complains that I am dirtying up the joint.
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