***Official Political Discussion Thread***

This is really gonna piss my the **** off.

The 6 conservatives appointed by Republicans voted in favor or striking down affirmative action

The 3 appointed by Democrats voted against.

But next year, including on NT, we will hear low information hot takes about there is no real difference between the parties.

In a ****ing election year.
I’m a glass half full guy and I love this decision and I tip my hat to Republicans and this Court. Our side outside of a small minority are easily distracted and quite frankly SAWFT. It seems to take losing hard fought freedoms to get them to wake up, register to vote, educate themselves and keep voting. Dobbs is the gift that keeps on giving when it comes to voter engagement but it should’ve never come to that. How many off year elections were lost by a small margin all because our side stayed home or griped about our leaders and made weak excuses for why they don’t vote.? Sadly, if our ancestors had the same weak mentality and instant results mindset we’d still be in chains. I know this sounds harsh but folks have to do better. NTers in here are not the people I’m talking about because I know many of us donate to various candidates in multiple elections and spend our time trying to educate those that are low information voters. We have to have a long game mentality with politics. The things that are broken in our local communities won’t change overnight and they require active political engagement year after year. Maybe because conservatives tend to be older and have a longer term view of the world that they don’t get too down when they lose with the notable exception of Jan 6. They double down and keep voting. Our side quits, gripes and complains
I know Maggie Haberman is generally disliked (for valid reasons) but tbh we wouldn’t have half of the most damning/interesting news about Trump and his associates in the press without her.
Did Biden vote in support of confirming Alito and Thomas?
This is what you reappear with?
For those that might be troubled by the decision, you may find comfort in the passage below from the opinion:

“At the same time, as all parties agree, nothing in this opinion should be construed as prohibiting universities from considering an applicant’s discussion of how race affected his or her life, be it through discrimination, inspiration, or otherwise. See, e.g., 4 App. in No. 21–707, at 1725– 1726, 1741; Tr. of Oral Arg. in No. 20–1199, at 10
For those that might be troubled by the decision, you may find comfort in the passage below from the opinion:

“At the same time, as all parties agree, nothing in this opinion should be construed as prohibiting universities from considering an applicant’s discussion of how race affected his or her life, be it through discrimination, inspiration, or otherwise. See, e.g., 4 App. in No. 21–707, at 1725– 1726, 1741; Tr. of Oral Arg. in No. 20–1199, at 10

I was expecting pathetic response from you.

But you have far exceeded my expectations

You came this thread day after day to antagonistize. Said you supported Trump because you liked that he was appointing conservative judges.

Welp, this is the result of that

You repeatedly claimed you supported people clearly hostile against black people because of some struggle pro-black angle

Now you are shown to be as pathetic and full of it as everyone in hear claimed, you are trying to again run the same nonsense.

You are one of the most anti-black people to every be on this website.

You empower people that want the worst for people that look like you, your wife, and your child.
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