***Official Political Discussion Thread***


You came this thread day after day to antagonistize. Said you supported Trump because you liked that he was appointing conservative judges.

You repeatedly claimed you supported people clearly hostile against black people because of some struggle pro-black angle

Now you are shown to be as pathetic and full of it as everyone in hear claimed, you are trying to again run the same nonsense.

You are one of the most anti-black people to every be on this website.

You empower people that want the worst for people that look like you, your wife, and your child.

I disagree, but respect your opinion.

My experience on this site has shown me that a back and forth with you tends to get weirdly personal and drags down threads. Hopefully the excerpt I posted helps to ease the mind of anyone troubled by the Court’s decision.
I disagree, but respect your opinion.

My experience on this site has shown me that a back and forth with you tends to get weirdly personal and drags down threads. Hopefully the excerpt I posted helps to ease the mind of anyone troubled by the Court’s decision.
Dude please

You entire government, work contact info, and pic got posted in here and I was telling the person who posted it to take it down immediately.

Someone on here has way more personal info on you including your address. And want to make you face real world consequences for your trolling. And I talked them out of it.

If you want to talk about me getting personal, no poster has tried to protect your personal privacy on NT more than me.

So spare me.

Just like Thomas, you are a friend in white supremacy.

Continuous clutching your pearls when some points that out.

You are quick to bring up the color of your skin, but even quicker to play dumb about how racism functions in America.

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Dude please

You entire government, work contact info, and pic got posted in here and I was telling the person who posted it to take it down immediately.

Someone on here has way more personal info on you including your address. And want to make you face real world consequences for your trolling. And I talked them out of it.

If you want to talk about me getting personal, no one has tried to protect your personal privacy on NT more than me.

So spare me.

Just like Thomas, you are a friend in white supremacy.

Continuous clutching your pearls when some points that out.

You are quick to bring up the color of your skin, but even quicker to play dumb about how racism functions in America.


You have posted this (or some version of it) several times on here re: my privacy. I am not sure if you are wanting me to thank you, congratulate you, or see it as some sort of veiled threat.

When I was “exposed” it merely proved what I had been saying for years. I’m black. My wife’s black. And I’m a lawyer. Meanwhile, you spent years saying I wasn’t even black…

If you (or anyone else on NT) wants to kick it, you have an open invitation. Hit me up.
You have posted this (or some version of it) several times on here re: my privacy. I am not sure if you are wanting me to thank you, congratulate you, or see it as some sort of veiled threat.
I want no thanks

It is not a threat

But you keep bringing up me getting personal as a swipe.

So I keep reminding you that when it came to your real privacy, when you could have faced consequences for your trolling. I had no interest in things getting actually personal for you. In fact I did the opposite.

So spare me you pearl clutching ******** about me getting personal on here.

When I was “exposed” it merely proved what I had been saying for years. I’m black. My wife’s black. And I’m a lawyer. Meanwhile you spent years saying I wasn’t even black…

If you (or anyone else on NT) wants to kick it, you have an open invitation. Hit me up.

Nah, I'm good

I don't hang out with proud allies of white supremacy, like you.
What’s the rationale for the 14th amendment applying to Harvard?

UNC is of course logical but Harvard is a private entity
How do you benefit from integration and still vote and voice support for people who want to gut your access to the power of American institutions?

The ruling mainly affects a select number of colleges​

There are nearly 4,000 colleges and universities in the U.S., and only a small portion — slightly more than 200 — have highly selective admissions, where fewer than 50% of applicants get in. That's just over 200 schools where the ruling on a race-conscious admissions process could make a significant difference.

And yet, despite how few students these policies would actually affect, what happens at these elite institutions matters.

They remain a key gatekeeper to access at high levels of government and industry. As just one example, currently eight of the nine Supreme Court justices attended law school at Harvard or Yale.

It is tiring that politicians on the left are afraid to bluntly express this, because this is really what this is about: who exercises power in the United States.

The ultimate goal is to make the circle of decision makers homogeneous, and if you're a minority supporting the nonsense from conservatives, you're playing yourself.

After California banned race-conscious admissions in 1996, the proportions of Black and Latino students at UCLA, one of the most highly selective schools in the state's system, fell drastically. By 2006, a decade later, only 96 Black students enrolled in a freshman class of nearly 5,000. They became known as the "Infamous 96."
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I guess we are playing da classics with dwalk31 dwalk31 so bringing this one back. dwalk31 dwalk31 do you still support Republican Pedophiles? Your past posting history seems to indicate that you do but I have seen many people grow on this site and I hope that you have changed.
Also while the SC struck down preferences in state public and in private schools, it specifically left in place preferences at the military academies

The sort of ad hoc exception that this Court specializes in
Also while the SC struck down preferences in state public and in private schools, it specifically left in place preferences at the military academies

The sort of ad hoc exception that this Court specializes in
Can't send the generals' children to the front lines...

Didn't need to read the article. Saw this pose and knew what was coming...
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Clarence confronted the barriers he faced by starting in the 1970s and accepting a role as token black man giving voice to white peoples' preferences

That he may passionately believe all of it is irrelevant to the point which is that he got where he is because of the grace of conservative white dudes

Then he shamelessly invoked race to cover up his sex crimes and has since padded his wealth by selling himself to white billionaires. It should be embarrassing to him that he writes this drivel but of course he has been beyond shame forever
So instead of being discriminated for their last names they'll now be discriminated for their last names with further impunity

growth-you-know-what-that-is (1).gif
whats sad is when dude legit said, I even tried to make my name sound less Asian, or something like that.

A 3.9 gpa 1550 SAT scoring dude actually said that. I sure as heck didnt have a 3.9 gpa and 1550 on the SATs, and I wouldn’t say that.

edit: he said he tried to appear “less Asian”

So instead of being discriminated for their last names they'll now be discriminated for their last names with further impunity

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Mans celebrating giving white people more legal power to **** with minorities because he feels that it won't affect him. :lol:

Imagine that, civil rights laws that were mainly fought for by black Americans, now is turned back against black Americans. :smh:

The author wants full access to the American dream, the one white people have access too, not the one black folk have access to.

To climb to the top while stepping on the back of black people, and never having to knowledge that.
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Trumps influence is just as bad as a virus. Its no wonder covid came through his tenure. Roe, now AA. A supreme court judge who benefited from something he voted against. No gun reform or control. And this is the US, really.
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